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What do you hate most about Vista? 2

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Sep 23, 2003
OK, now that I see the question about what people like most about Vista, I'm wondering what the other people have to say? ;-)
(My hypothesis is that this list will be longer than the other post, but lets just wait and see)
1. Opposing to dilettante
Protection of system files that is more aggressive
I would say it is too aggressive. Well, some of system files/keys could be inaccessible even for admin by default, but I don't see any simple way to switch off that protection, if I really know what I am going to do. Only user SYSTEM has access to everything, so I am forced to write services to access some areas I want.

2. On the other hand - Vista supposes all users to run as admins by default. I doubt, The UAC is so smart, to be not less safe than traditional restricted user protection. I'm not sure, that all Program Files executables were protected against infection through UAC.

3. Virtualization switched on by default.

4. Bugs / downward incompatibilities, may be locally or hardware specific, nevertheless, I'm still stuck on all of them (may be someone has a hint or knows a solution?):
a) sound disappears after SP1 installation;
b) some programs rejected to work being not Vista compatible (McAffee VSE VirusScan 7.1, for example);
c) no support for USB Flash keys, formatted as CDROM .iso images;
d) no option to format drives as FAT, only NTFS (could be controller / EIDE specific?);
f) "Evaluation copy ..." text appeared in the right lower corner of the desktop, though the version is legal and activated, I suppose;
g) both - the old evaluation version and the new legally purchased (I suppose) version return the same BuildNo=6000 (6001 after SP1) from the call to API function GetVersionEx().
Not about what I do "hate", but one thing made me laugh was MS commercial puff about extra new feature - 3D windows. I even started to imagine, how everything will change in Vista 3D era...
The fact that MS do not give an option to uninstall windows defender. They forced IE on us [maybe to download viruses]and now this. And now they also changed explorer, why it was fine for 10 years, and once again changing My documents and settings and creating stupid shortcuts to folders that don't really function as shortcuts.
One thing they did get right was the copy feature, wish they could create a rollup for XP with that feature.
I've only played around with Vista a little, so what I hate most might change once I use it more, but I really hate that they completely shuffled around the UI to make it hard for anyone that's been using Windows for decades to find the settings they want.
oh another thing,try find the TCP/IP properties of the network card. Takes 20 clicks to get there.
@GrimR - Nope, takes exactly 6 clicks... at least on my system...

and the Windows De(Of)fender can be turned OFF...

as to the copy feature - dunno what you mean about what they changed... works just like XP on my Ultimate... or are we talking about something else, such as the wait time calculation and it taking forever to copy LARGE files?

other than that, I agree with the rest you have said...

@mingis -
4. Bugs / downward incompatibilities, may be locally or hardware specific, nevertheless, I'm still stuck on all of them (may be someone has a hint or knows a solution?):
a) sound disappears after SP1 installation;
b) some programs rejected to work being not Vista compatible (McAffee VSE VirusScan 7.1, for example);
c) no support for USB Flash keys, formatted as CDROM .iso images;
d) no option to format drives as FAT, only NTFS (could be controller / EIDE specific?);
f) "Evaluation copy ..." text appeared in the right lower corner of the desktop, though the version is legal and activated, I suppose;
g) both - the old evaluation version and the new legally purchased (I suppose) version return the same BuildNo=6000 (6001 after SP1) from the call to API function GetVersionEx()
a) after I installed WAVE1 (SP1) on VISTA my sound was still there and still is today...
b) glad that some of the CRAP-Ware does not work on VISTA...
c) Never used an USB Flash Drive formatted as a CDROM ISO... so can't comment here...
d) as far as I know, will be in the final release of WAVE1 ...
e) OOOPPPPSSS no e... ;)
f) this is the WAVE1 install that does that, and is well documented by MS... so it is by design...
g) no comment, since I have no EVAL version at hand to test... but, since the system files do get changed by WAVE1 to newer versions, it is to be assumed that after the install that both would be up to date and thus show the same version number...

General: the one and ONLY thing I totally dislike about VISTA is the PRICE, it is TOO expensive...


"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."
I have two computers and four monitors. In XP Pro I could send a window to another monitor by clicking on an icon in the top right corner of the window. That isn't offered in Vista 32 and it makes me mad. Is there any software out there that I might be to use that would put that option on my window corner?

WIN Vista Ultimate 32.
ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe Dual PCIe.
AMD Athlon 64X2 6000 Dual Core 3.7
Kingwin Mach 1 600watt MA1S.
OCZ Platinum XTC 4096MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz Memory (4x1024MB).
XFX GeForce 8800GTS 320Mb XXX DDR3 PCI Express w/Dual DVI & HDTV Out (Retail).
NEC 22" MultiSync FE2111(SB)(Dual Monitors).
Maxtor 2HD = 1Terabyte

EI 5.2
That's not a Windows feature.

It's offered by MultiMedia Taskbar 2.1 (free at and UltraMon (not free at Both offer an option to add extra buttons to the application captionbar, but MMTaskBar isn't really compatible with Vista's Aero theme because the button is invisible 99% of the time... it works most of the time though, just click a little bit left of the minimize botton on the captionbar. On the Vista Classic Windows theme it seams to work nicely.
Ultramon is Vista compatible, AFAIK.

BadBigBen OK slight exaggeration it may take 6 but it used to be a lot less and easier to find. As an IT Administrator the last thing I want to do is spend 20 minutes a day going through all those clicks just to troubleshoot if a users added there own settings etc. [yes, I know about ipconfig but not every thing can be done through "DOS"].

and the Windows De(Of)fender can be turned OFF..., but you still cant uninstall it. Didn't M$ go to court for a similar offense.

The copy feature is if a file is in use it merely says cant copy skip the file and copies the rest, whereas XP will copy cant copy and fail.
GrimR - I thought so, about the exaggeration part... for most parts I could understand the miff about the OS, some of the features are asininely placed or dealt with... the reason why I like it, is that it runs faster than XP on my Laptop (with a sticker on it saying Built for XP...) but can't really compare since XP is 32bit and the Vista install is 64bit...

about the Defender issue, how about not installing it in the first place by creating a special vLite version of the install DVD... see:
about the copy feature - strange I have not noticed this behaviour, but the XP way of doing it, where it fails and stops has had me fuming a couple of times in the past.... imagine trying to copy a folder with lots of files and it copies nothing cause the first file it tries to copy is in use... that is what happened to me when I tried to move a Movie folder with over 200 file each in the area of 1gb to a NAS box...


"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."
Well I cannot comment about how Vista works (or does not, following the case) - I don't have it, never have and, I really hope, never will.
Because the embedded DRM described in Vista totally put me off even trying the thing.
Plus I simply hate it when an OS starts taking decisions for me that I didn't ask for. Vista is, to me, a monumental waste of code that is specifically designed to baby-sit its users.
I do not need babysitting anymore, especially when the babysitter is incompetent and bug-ridden.
3D-interface ? I don't need no stinkin' 3D interface ! I still know my DOS commands by heart !


I've got nothing to hide, and I'd very much like to keep that away from prying eyes.
BadBigBen said:
a) after I installed WAVE1 (SP1) on VISTA my sound was still there and still is today...
b) glad that some of the CRAP-Ware does not work on VISTA...
c) Never used an USB Flash Drive formatted as a CDROM ISO...
e) OOOPPPPSSS no e... ;)
f) this is the WAVE1 install that does that, and is well documented by MS... so it is by design...
First of all, bugs generally should not be target of somebodys hate, it is natural satellites of any new software version, but they make little bit angry however.
a) Happy you... I got my sound back by rolling SP1 down, but suddenly Iomega ZIP drive disappeared then... Fortunately I didn't throw out my old Win98 machine, serving now as a backup workplace for all old good things. Win98 rules.
b) It's a little bit flame, and I don't really care, who is crap, and who isn't - McAffee or MS. As a customer I'm simply disappointed being forced to search for new additional tools I need and spend additional nerves, time and money. Why then that whole new stuff called Microsoft Application Compatibility?
c) It was a good opportunity to have really read-only flash-drives, after they eliminated hardware read-only switches. Why to kill feature, that already worked, undocumented though? BTW, do you probably know better way to make USB-flash read-only? NTFS permissions is not the case - any local admin can change the permissions back.
e) There was something I deleted to take pity on MS...
f) So do you ensure, they will not lock my files because I'm using likely illegal version? I heard rumours about such MS intentions, are they real? I don't want to loose my data simply because some admin or distributor has accidentally put wrong disk during installation.
pmonett said:
I don't have it, never have and, I really hope, never will.
You should have and investigate it, when you make applications, oriented to customers, some of them probably use Vista. You cannot say them "don't use Vista". (Though MS says: "don't use Vista incompatible applications".)
@mingis -

b) had too many problems with NORTON and McAffee, on customer installs that killed internet, made the PC slow as a slug, etc. - and only around 10% of these installs where without any hassle - that deems it unusable in my book... no FLAME there at all... just cold facts...

c) no, unfortunately, I do not know how to make them READ ONLY, I guess I would have to have one to take a look at the PCB and/or the schematics, to be able to devise a hack...

e.) oh, ok...

f.) the files should not be locked at all, but to be sure, I would definitely, save them onto a separate drive or partition, just to be sure...


"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."
UAC: it is over the top: eg. Task Manager needs to be elevated before you can monitor system idle processor state or find out what is bogging down the system.

Indexing: the new searching works great but indexing it all uses far too much processing and if you have a large collection of music and photos, it can take DAYS to complete indexing after first installation.

SuperFetch: complete garbage that doesn't really work and bogs down the system for several minutes after boot up. (Disable it and use ReadyBoost with a really fast USB memory stick).

32-bit version still cannot use more than around 3GB memory. So stick to 2GB and use 2GB ReadyBoost (Corsair Voyager GT)

Slower than Windows XPP.

Unnecessary changes to old favourites such as Winkey+Break, Add/Remove Programs (now called Programs and Features) and a myriad of other stupidities.

Regards: tf1
my biggest are:
- changing the properties of my NIC to put in a static address, it is a pita to find and really seems like 20 clicks sometimes.
- the minor re-names of almost every icon.
- no good replacements for hyperterm, netstumbler, intel wireless connection manager.
- the random box focus changes when unlocking and typing in my password. (type 5 chars - where'd the focus go!?)
- STILL no way to mount an iso image as a virtual drive even though virtualpc has no trouble with it.

I already turned off UAC and ipv6 junk, ipv6 the first day, UAC after 2 months. I wanted to get a feel for what my users are in for.

I LOVE my remote desktop sidebar gadget and mstsc V6.

performance wise its like my personal laptop running xpsp2, both core2duo, 2gb ram and not-onboard nvidia graphics.
I don't know if it's just me (I doubt it), but Vista is taking about 5-10 mins to turn off! And that's on a Intel Quad core 2.4GHz w/2GB DDR3 RAM...

I also don't like that they removed all the details about what Defrag is doing. Before you could see how bad your fragmentation was and have a guess as to how much longer the defrag would take. Now it tells you nothing other than it's defragging.

I still haven't found a way to display file extensions in Windows Explorer... There isn't even a menu to configure the damn thing.
> file extensions in Windows Explorer

Control Panel > Clasic view > Folder Options > View Tab

>but Vista is taking about 5-10 mins to turn off!

20 Seconds here using Ultimate installed last May.

Open Windows Explorer and click on ORGANIZE, select Layout and check the Menu Bar option. Now you will have your menus back (why the f*** are they hidden by default) and you can use Tools, Folder Options and make Explorer sane again.

I expect hiding the menu bar by default was a decision taken by the same sadistic brain-dead twat that made file extensions hidden by default and the Task Manager usless without elevating permissions first. Change for changes sake.

Regards: tf1
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