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Upgrade Radiant P1220 to PosReady 2009 3

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Dec 22, 2012
I have two used Radiant P1220 with XP Embedded. I would like to upgrade these to PosReady 2009 so I can write some Pos.net code for a friend of mine that owns a non-profit cafe in a sports facility. These were purcharased used. What is the easiest way to upgrade them to PosReady 2009. The OS is installed on a flash drive, but I do not know if it is CF or Udoc.

I know this thread is a bit old, but I could use some help in this area. I got P1220 off ebay and it booted fine for a few days, then I left it running and someone at the restaurant decided to mess with it, now it won't boot. It's a 40gb hdd with POSReady 2009 on it. It says it's missing certain files for boot. I have the Windows iso, and burned it to a USB, but can't seem to get the system to boot to USB no matter what I try.

Any help?
in the bios there is a setting under harddrives, from there you have to move the usb to the top of the list. It should then boot to your usb drive. Did you get your P1220 from a seller in Michigan? You would have better luck replacing the drive. That kind of issue usually is from bad sectors on the drive.

I tried that from the bios, and still can't get it to boot to USB. I even tried getting it to boot to a hirens boot usb with no luck. I got it from michiganpointofsale on ebay. I contacted them and they sent me a second drive with Win2k on it, but it has errors as well. I'm usually pretty good with PC issues and know my way around the bios, but can't get this to boot to USB for some reason. I'll try to contact the seller again, but was hoping to get this resolved rather than having to wait for another drive.
These don't boot from USB. If you are good with computers - do you have access to a machine running Windows 7? I wrote a tutorial on how to do a fresh install and I am pretty sure I still have all the files. It's tricky and no point going into it if you don't have a Win 7 machine.

They DO NOT BOOT FROM USB. I learned that the hard way.
Additionally, you need to have PHYSICAL access to the Win 7 machine. A virtual one won't work.

I have a Win 7 machine. If you would be willing to share the tutorial that would be awesome and appreciated.

Do you know why these won't boot to USB? seems odd. Will they boot to CD/DVD on an external drive via USB?

The P1220 boots to USB with no issues. Udoks are essentially USB sticks on chip so of course they boot to usb. I have ghosted over 100 of them with the same USB stick. I have yet to have an issue. I would recommend plugging the USB into one o the USB ports under the network plug. They seem to transfer data faster.

JT let me know if you need a harddrive or ghost image.

I don't care to argue the point. In my experience, the hard disk machines do not boot to USB. I have built 4 of them without ghost or fancy tools. It's simple. Perhaps udoc machines are a bit different. Even after I figured out the other method, I tried to bring the USB boot option to life, to no avail. I gave up after thworing 3 weeks worth of clever ideas at it.

Jtmorales, I will gather and Dropbox everything Saturday. Hopefully you don't need it earlier.

AlohaRoss, if you could upload the image that would be great. I would like to get this up and running as soon as possible. I'm pretty new to these systems. I'm a sys admin/network engineer during the day, but these aloha/radiant systems throw me for a loop.

You will need one of these files (hereafter referred to as POSReady.wim):
For P1550:
For P1220:
This process will require you to have physical access to a Windows 7 machine, in order to install Windows POSReady onto a Radiant P1550 hard disk. The bootable partition that we create to install the OS will be sacrificed to this process; i.e., you will loose 2.5GB of space to this process – it beats the shit out of screwing around with bootable USB's and confounding BIOS settings!!!

You will first need to REMOVE THE HARD DISK from the Radiant machine.

Plug the Radiant disk into your windows 7 machine with an IDE or SATA cable. You may be able to use an external drive reader as well – USB drive readers do not tend to work for this process. I used an external SATA port and a drive reader that was connected via a SATA cable. I've also used an IDE cable plugged right into my mobo (this option is the least complicated but requires disassembly of the Win 7 machine.

1. Create WinPE bootable (I've added a POSReady.wim file to mine)

This wim file is an XP image that has it's own boot.ini. If you don not have a boot.ini, you will need to copy one from somewhere but if you imaged the wim file correctly, the boot.ini should be there when you apply the image.

On your Windows 7 machine, make a folder C:\winpe_x86 - Then enter these lines into a command prompt.

> copype.cmd x86 c:\winpe_x86
> copy c:\winpe_x86\winpe.wim c:\winpe_x86\iso\sources\boot.wim
> copy c:\your path\to\POSReady.wim c:\winpe_x86\iso\POSReady.wim
> Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\winpe_x86\ISO\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\winpe_x86\mount
> Dism /image:C:\winpe_x86\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\winpe-wmi.cab"
> Dism /image:C:\winpe_x86\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\winpe-hta.cab"
> Dism /image:C:\winpe_x86\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\winpe-scripting.cab"
> copy "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" C:\winpe_x86\mount\Windows\System32\imagex.exe
> Dism /unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\winpe_x86\mount /Commit

2. Create your partitions on the RADIANT DRIVE as follows using diskpart:

BEOFRE YOU DO THIS, figure out your drive letter and which disk is the RADIANT drive with “list disk”.

> cd F: (This assumes your radiant drive is F:)
> diskpart
> list disk
> select disk 0 (replace 0 with your radiant disk #)
> clean
> create partition primary size=2500 id=27 (big enough to hold my .wim)
> format quick fs=ntfs label=System
> active
> create partiton primary
> format quick fs=ntfs label=Windows
> assign letter=G (This assumes that your radiant drive was given letter F:)
> exit

3. Copy the bootable WinPE environment to the drive:

> xcopy C:\winpe_x86\iso\*.* /e F:
4. Now, you can plug the Radiant Drive back into the Radiant machine. Boot to WinPE and use diskpart to confirm drive letters:

> diskpart
> select disk 0
> detail disk (you should see C: and D: - C: is the bootable you made and D: will hold the new OS)
> exit

5. Create a Boot Record and MBR

> bootsect /nt52 D: /force /mbr

6. Apply the POSReady wim image

> imagex /apply C:\POSReady.wim 1 /check /verify D:

NOTE: I am installing an XP wim, so the typical "bcdboot C:\windows /s C:" is NOT APPLICABLE

7. Make the boot.ini modifiable.

> attrib -H -S -A -R d:\boot.ini

8. Before booting to the Radiant machine, YOU MUST SET THE RIGHT DISK AS ACTIVE.

> diskpart
> list disk
> select disk 0 (replace 0 with the disk # that contains the new OS – it will be the larger disk)
> active
> exit

9. You SHOULD be able to reboot and boot right into the newly installed OS.
I have misplaced my P1550.wim for a hard-disk machine.

If anybody has it somewhere, would likely help a few folks out.

ALSO!! My model #'s are wrong - It should have ready 1520. NOT 1550 :-(

Can't edit posts.
Looking to find out how to install E7 as a standalone program on a Micros WS5 terminal with cash drawer and scale. The terminal has Windows CE on it and it has the CAL application, not sure what to do as the person bought this used and ran the WCF program to wipe out the old E7 installation as they did not have passwords for the configurator.
With regards to Radiant p1220 posready 2009 upgrade
These are the steps I took when my failing hard drive caused blue screening.

1. create posready 2009 cd, (available from Microsoft)
2. Remove 2 screws holding radiant screen to allow physical access to motherboard
3. Remove stadandard ide cable and replace with a double ended version
4. Attach 1 plug to new hard drive and the other to a cd drive, ensuring cd drive is jumpered as slave.
5. Since radiant psu has only 1 molex, simply get another psu and power cd drive from it.
6. attach a keyboard.
7. Alter radiant boot settings to boot from cd
8. insert posready cd and reboot the radiant, and follow posready installation instructions.

This process may work for other pos machines too.

Thanks for the post, great details. Did you have to buy the POSReady 2009 OS? Price? What was the OS on the POS before you loaded POSReady 2009?
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