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Upgrade Radiant P1220 to PosReady 2009 3

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Dec 22, 2012
I have two used Radiant P1220 with XP Embedded. I would like to upgrade these to PosReady 2009 so I can write some Pos.net code for a friend of mine that owns a non-profit cafe in a sports facility. These were purcharased used. What is the easiest way to upgrade them to PosReady 2009. The OS is installed on a flash drive, but I do not know if it is CF or Udoc.


Finally - here is the pos ready 1220 hard drive wim file - it's 1908 KB

BTW, you are the 2nd person I've helped on this site from across the pond. I haven't been there since the early 80's and lived there off and on in the mid 70's. My mother was a war bride.

Good luck

Amazing Coorsman! Thank you thank you thank you :)

Wow your mum was a war bride. I was listening to a very good BBC radio 4 documentary looking into the stories of English war brides who settled in the US after the war and their very interesting and varied experiences. You should definitely find it and have a listen, really interesting.

It was a couple of months ago but have a google around also explore BBC radio 4's podcast archive. Not sure if these are limited to UK residents only but I'm sure you have the skills to access them by a UK based web proxy if they are.

Unfortunately the name of the show escapes me but a bit of searching should lead you to it. It was either on BBC radio 4 or radio 3 a month or two back.

I highly recommend tuning into BBC radio 4, great great brain enriching radio, I listen to their podcasts all the time when commuting. It'll probably inspire you to return for a holiday and high time you made it back across the pond. The UK aint what it was back in the early 80's. If you do visit London do let me know, I'll gladly show you around and buy you a pint :)

Thanks again for your help Coorsman.

Another quick question.

I'm running the opensource Unicenta pos based on Openbravo.

Does Aloha come licenced with a 1220/1520 as in am I entitled to use it even if the image version is quite outdated or do I have to purchase an expensive server licence to make it work.

Based on your experience, what software would you recommend for a young food business with a table and quick service restaurant / cafe and kitchen out back but with virtually 0 budget. This is why I've gone open source.

I've noticed the radiant kitchen display system with bump bar can be bought very cheaply second hand in the US. If it were possible to use 1220/1520's with the supplied version of Aloha then this could be great for us. It would get our business onto this platform, we'd get dependent on it and probably buy into the latest version at some point the coming year when the business can afford it.

Is my thinking completely way off here?

Thanks and kindest regards from Blighty,

Thanks for the wetransfer.com. I like it better than dropbox. At least it shows you % of download.

I've been in the restaurant side of the business and have owned a few for over 35 years spending the last 15 years strictly on POS service and training. The last thing I would skimp on is a reliable POS system. This is your direct connection with the customer, servers, kitchen and lastly your customers credit card. Nothng worse than having a restaurant full of customers and loosing all the checks because the system file got corrupt or crashed. W/O immediate technical support you're hosed!

About Aloha, you would need to have or purchase a software license key (USB or LPT). Each key is licensed for a specific major version of the software. 5.3 - 6.0 - 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.4 - 6.5 - 6.7 or 7.0 and optional modules, credit card, gift card and number of terminals etc. With each major version upgrade the key numbers must be re-generated by Radiant(NCR) to correspond with your hardware key to be able to upgrade. Be careful when buying a used key, you would have to re-purchase the software if you ever upgrade as the software is not transferrable.

There are some FREE POS systems out there but they will eat your lunch on credit card fees and sign you to years of service agreements. That's how they give you a free POS system. And don't always rely on them for timely and knowledgeable support. Some vendors are now offering SOS (Software as a Service), you would pay nominal fee to install and train then a monthly fee for software. The crutch is, stop paying and they shut you off.

I've worked with Aloha, Micros, Microsoft RMS, Squirrel, Maitre'd, and Focus systems. I've really become fond of Focus POS. I think it's the most full featured software out there for the price. It's real easy to learn, almost impossible to break being a single EXE file it just works.

Focus is the least expensive of all of the aforementioned products. They don't have a rep in the UK yet because the credit card PIN interface has not been written for Europe and Canada although you could use it w/o the integrated card functionality and use a stand alone terminal for CC.

Send me an attachment with an email and I'll get you a full demo copy if you like.


Thanks Coorsman,

That's great info and thanks for the heads up on Focus POS, I'd love to try it out. Though I'm not sure how to send you an attachment?

Also I tried applying the HD image file to a freshly formatted drive using imagex. The image extracts but the drive doesn't boot in the 1220. Any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong?

Many thanks,
I heard "back in the day" that re-seating the memory and also it takes a while "5-10 min" to eventually boot up.


Coorsman could you please upload a posready2009 image for a p1220 again with a hard drive not a UDOC Thank you
Ok, new to this Cubby thingy.

Looks like it's still uploading 1.4 of 1.9 GB. I had to reboot my machine earlier and it started over. Almost done now, I'd give it another hour or so today and it should be ready if I did the link correctly.

I'll check it out in the morning.


Great thank you how do you usually deploy this image

Have you ever tried Point of Success?
Also might you please upload a copy of Focus POS/link the demo I want to try it.



I added 30K focus.zip to my cubby.

Download it, unzip to c:\focus. There are 2 shortcuts in the folder. FocusDemo and ResetDemo.

There is no install just 1 FOCUS.EXE program.

You will get an error on startup because the computername is not setup on the station. Just click past the error and you should be up.

You will need a printer on the COM1 port otherwise it will drop a file in the c:\focus\printer folder and crash. Just delete the file and your up and running again.

The manager number is 1 there is a list of all employees and functions on the rotating menu on the left board.

The Demo is limited to 30 checks, you can reset it with the resetdemo shortcut.

I will leave the demo for the day. Let me know when you get it downloaded and let me know what you think.


Thank you for all of your help do you know if there is a windows 7 embedded image for the p1220.
Not for the 1220
The flavors for the 1220 are either hard drive or udocs.

XPe - HD, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB
XPPro - HD - Hard Drive only
WES - HD, 2GB, 4GB
POS Ready - HD, 4GB

The 1215 and 1230 have Windows 7 available.


Could you upload win 7 for the 1215 I have a bunch of those
Hi there,

I have Radiant 1220 and I Want to run a different POS than Aloha. The system on it is a special build of XP. I lacks the ability to be upgraded as many of the critical admin functions have been completely removed from the system. System updates are impossible and I think I have beaten the thing to death with patchy attempted overrrides. I must now wipe the system clean and do a fresh OS install.

I'm hoping I can get a little guidance. I have the 4GB HD model - there is no flash card installed on mine. It's an older beast at 1.3 GHz and 348 MB RAM (I will be upgrading to 1-2GB). These are my questions?

1) Is is as simple as DFURNEYALS said:
[li]1) Build Windows PE image and deploy to flash drive[/li]
[li]2) Boot Radiant P1220 from flash[/li]
[li]3) Use ImageX to deploy image[/li]
***ANY clarification of this would be GREATLY appreciated. I have been banging my head against which command lines to use and which to skip in the millions of tutorials available about applying a .wim image.***

2) Is the 4GB POSReady image above a good option for this task?

3) Is there something I should do about saving the MS Activation Key or product code? In cleaning the machine, some asshat removed ALL the stickers :-(

Thanks COORSMAN for posting so many helpful tid bits. I hope I have the ability to hash this out.



XP Embedded is what this beast had and I didn't realize it was so hobbled. I'm hoping POSReady will suit my needs to update this to a PCAmerica machine. Otherwise, if I could get help with an XP install, I would be so grateful.
I just realized something - I am so dumb. I thought POSReady was Point of Sale Ready. I guess I need help figuring out how to get a clean install of XP on this thing. :-( Sorry for the multiple posts, there is no option to edit them.
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