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Too Much Time at Tek-Tips 3

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Oct 3, 2002
I sometimes find myself spending more time reading threads and researching others questions than I do working on my own projects. I'm guessing that most of you have found yourself in the same boat at times, you run across an interesting thread and 2 hours later you are wrapping up a new function or process that may be great but has contributed nothing to your current project. Obviously it's not all bad I become a better programmer every day because of TT, which benefits my employer, but how fair is that. In my own defense I do spend a considerable amount of time at home working on my employers project, by choice not by necessity. I'm considering looking for a TTA meeting, Tek-Tips Anonymous, because this site is truly addictive:). Anyway I just wanted to get feedback from other Tek-Tips-oholics and see where you stand on the issue, are you guys and gals honestly spending too much time here. If you do I can't blame you, this is the best technical forum on the web, Thanks Tek-Tips Management.
Depends on your employeers expectations.
There is a lot of R&D in my role. I use TT as filler and to help me in my role.
If your behind on your projects then you need to back off. I've put it to managers above me before that this is part of my professional development and that if they prefer I can just go home if I'm not busy. Of course I don't get paid for that but then they aren't worried about my pay as long as I'm getting the job done and more often then not I'm performing well above their expectations.

Hope I've been helpful,
Wayne Francis

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I am on pace with my projects, atleast to my employers expectations, but could probably be further along if I didn't spend as much time here. My major project, the one in which I was hired for, is much better because of my time at TT, so I have no regrets. I guess I have a pretty good balance going on, but was wondering what others were doing. I agree fully that this is part of my professional development and my boss is aware of this too, but at times I probably over indulge. With as many post as I see from you and as well thought out and detailed as they are, I would think that you worked for Tek-Tips. It's members such as yourself that kept me coming back, so thank you.
Who addicts? I'm not addicted. You addicted? I can give up whenever I want. Who said that? No .. please don't take Tek-Tips away from me... oh for the love of [insert deity's name here]... nooooo ... hhmm... I wonder if anyone has considered starting up a Tek-Tips anonymous group.

And now back to our regular program...


"We are star-stuff. We are the universe made manifest trying to figure itself out."
-- Delenn in Babylon 5 - "A Distant Star"
You remember when Tek-Tips was down last year for about 4 days but seemed like an eternity. Once the shakes stopped I actually got alot of work done.

"We are star-stuff. We are the universe made manifest trying to figure itself out."
-- Delenn in Babylon 5 - "A Distant Star"
I scan during breaks from the other stuff I do. But I won't take the time to do research over a minute or two. There are too many variables in hardware and software to be able to duplicate the problems that some people come up with.
And the power outage was a great thing. Kept me focused on the important things for the 4 days.
Tek-Tips anonymous... I like it! But first you would have to admit you have a problem and I don't have a problem, nope not me, no how, no way. I can quit whenever I want. Besides, who says logging in 10 times a day is unhealthy?

[sub]I will not post, I will not post, I will not post, I will not post, I will not post, I will not post, I will not post, I will not post![/sub]

[sup]Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.[/sup][sup] ~George Bernard Shaw[/sup]
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8.1.7 - Windows 2000
You log off?

Hope I've been helpful,
Wayne Francis

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
[rofl2] Well, sometimes I need to use the phone!

[sup]Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.[/sup][sup] ~George Bernard Shaw[/sup]
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8.1.7 - Windows 2000
It's not only my work life that is being affected, I swear my wife is planning an intervention.
I spend a lot of time here, but obviously if there is work to be done then you do it.

I could never say that time spent here was wasted time, I've gained far more from Tek Tips than I have put in.
I find myself spending a lot of time here-but if my work calls for me then I am gone.
I feel that being here helps me develop-there is a huge amount that I learn here that I apply in everyday work. not just fixes and tips-but the whole methodology of troubleshooting problems. I have also learned how better to use the internet as a tool in troubleshooting and problem resolution. Most problems have been had and documented by someone else before and as a result can be found on the net. I find that most posters here do not know this.
Tek-Tips is a great resource for all and one which I feel has given me a lot more confidence and knowledge to apply to my daily work.

Looking for the best answers:
Keeping your system clear of malware:
Dont forget to post back with the eventual resolution.
I have a problem. Now I've admitted that its no longer an issue, no need for expensive therepy.

Even at home when I am just surfing, generaly playing around I find myself just popping back to see if there's any posts I can help with...... and I am gutted when theres not.

I honestly believe its no longer a job its a hobby that I get paid to do.... man we're lucky!

And yeah my other half does post in when she wants some attention / asks if i want a cuppa!

I am also in this boat: I am currently unemployed, and consider tek-tips voluntary work. It also helps keep my skills in use, as I can guarantee that if they start slipping, somebody else will tell me. I also enjoy helping other people, it gives me a feeling of being useful, rather than the daily job search emails and "Sorry, you were unsuccessful in applying for job X" messages.

As I have a very limited social life and no responsibilities for other people (spouse, kids etc), I spend more time than I should probably do here.

Hello group, my name's Murgle, and I'm a Tek-Tipaholic, it's been ten minutes since my last post........doh!

Ahhhhh, I see you have a machine that goes Bing!
Mark Twain freely quoted:
"Nothing's as easy as to quit Tek-Tips. I must know, I've done it a thousand times..."

I think it's all a matter of organization and self-discipline. I am just processing some files - but the process takes some time and I currently don't have any other project I could work parallely on. So while the macro is running, I can browse through threads.

I think most of us are professionals enough to know where to set priorities...
Rarely do I post, however a member flagged this post for me to read. My thoughts are (in no particular order):

- The world is full of good people trying to do the right thing. Tek-Tips Forums allows us to help each other to be more productive at completing projects and completing them with lower cost.

- If you spend too much time on this site and it negatively impacts your work/family life, than take a break.

- If you are unemployed, don't use the site. You should be spending 100% of your energies trying to be gainfully employed.

Since 1998, this site is what the members have made it. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts.

Dave Murphy
Guilty as charged.

One thing that I have done to help (or rationalize?) is to impose the following rule on myself.

"Thou shalt not post or in any forum not directly related to a current project."
By definition, Ethics, IT Trends, Professional Development, and Overcoming Obstacles apply to all projects.

I no longer post in the VB, PHP, MySQL, C, C++, any of the SQL Server fora, and a few others, because I'm not using any of them right now, but have in the past. For the last six months or so, I've solely dedicated to an Access/VBA project (which I inherited) so I have restricted myself to those forums, but the good news, is that I just landed a new FoxPro project, which means I now can go back to that forum.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
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