Here is my situation. I’m 25 and I want to own a business so bad it hurts, I'm currently getting my masters and I'm an admin for a rapidly growing company. To everyone else I've got it pretty good, however; I hate the corporate world. I hate the egos, the hubris, and the lack of care. I completely understand that this is human nature and I will experience this on my own, but at least there I can make my own way. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like I have become a drogue 9 to 5er that exists to fill a chair. I am very active at my workplace. I have gone from help desk to administering all our routers, firewalls, and phone systems in one year, as well as increase my pay by 30%.
My issue is this: I can't do it yet. I need more experience for the kind of clients I want, I'm still in school, and my wife is in school full time (does not work) so I am the only source of income. The question I pose is: how do I stay positive about working at a place that I loathe? It is such a draining situation to be around people who do not have the overbearing drive to succeed that I do. I feel drained when I come to work.
Thanks ahead of time for your comments.
My issue is this: I can't do it yet. I need more experience for the kind of clients I want, I'm still in school, and my wife is in school full time (does not work) so I am the only source of income. The question I pose is: how do I stay positive about working at a place that I loathe? It is such a draining situation to be around people who do not have the overbearing drive to succeed that I do. I feel drained when I come to work.
Thanks ahead of time for your comments.