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SP4 Final Available 7

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Isn't that a fact !!. The HP problem that Cathy had, just up this thread, was last around under NT SP6 !!. Just goes to prove that that time is just a circle !!


Everyday the Computer Gods pick one person to be "it". Maybe, today is your day !!
I went into the registry \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors

But I can't find "Minolta" mentioned anywhere in there? Am I in the wrong registry folder?

-Laughter works miracles.

You are in the right place. For example, I have a Canon S520. So in monitors are 'BJ Language Monitor' & 'Canon BJ Language Monitor S520'. These are the "hooks" that pop-up the Canon Print Monitor. There are others in there like 'Local Port' and 'Standard TCP/IP Port', all the things you could print to.

What happens if you boot with the 'spooler' disabled and then start it. Are there any messages in the 'system' or 'application' event logs that would give us a clue as what's broken ??


Everyday the Computer Gods pick one person to be "it". Maybe, today is your day !!
Here's what showed up in the Event Viewer in the application logs.

WMI ADAP was unable to load the Spooler performance library because it returned an invalid return code: 0x80041001

-Laughter works miracles.

Stop the Spooler and both WMI services

Then open RegEdit and go to


Add a new REG_DWORD called 'Disable Performance Counters' and make it's value 1 (decimal)

also go to


Add or Change the REG_DWORD value 'Collect Timeout' to 10000 (decimal)

Now restart the Spooler and both WMI services and check the event viewer.

Let me know what happens


Everyday the Computer Gods pick one person to be "it". Maybe, today is your day !!
Well, Event Log doesn't show me much. Just trying to install the drivers for that Minolta Printer the system reboots. I cleared the Event Log out and tried to install the drivers, i get the following in the Event Log.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000001e (0xc0000005, 0xbe197775, 0x00000001, 0x00000000). Microsoft Windows 2000 [v15.2195]. A dump was saved in: C:\WINNT\Minidump\Mini072103-01.dmp.
I tried to look at the minidump file in notepad and boy I can't read it...

I need to try a few other things that ya'll suggested next. Do ya'll think I need to tell Minolta to create new drivers for this printer? Should I help them by sending any information, like the dump, to them so they can work on the new drivers?

Have you tried the network installation? I'm not sure if that's any different than the normal windows update. I've given up on it already because Minolta has no updated drivers and I think the windows update has some bugs in it. I am going to wait until they have the next service pack or try to find the individual components of the update and try updating one piece at a time to figure out which one is causing the reboot.

-Laughter works miracles.
I have installed SP4
BUT.....After a restart I lost all my icon Images then after another restart they came back. Now this is were it gets strange when I start from a cold I cannot get a single exe. to work but as soon as I restart they all work fine. Any one else had this if so what was the workround??


You may want to look at this KB article on removing Printer Drivers from Win2K.

The idea being to totally remove all traces and re-install using the latest Minolta driver from their web site. A note on Minolta's site makes reference to running 'setup.exe' from the expanded driver for WinXP and NOT to use 'Add Printers', it might be worth trying in 2000.


Everyday the Computer Gods pick one person to be "it". Maybe, today is your day !!
We typically don't install services packs right away with the exception of this one. So far Lotus Notes seems to be affected - takes literally 10 minutes to load. I will probably have to reload the os from scratch (minus sp4 of course) to get this user back to "normal"

I am having the same problem with my Minolta 1100L printer after installing SP4.

The specific error I get is with pwgdi.dll (or pwgdi.dl_ ) which is specific to the Minolta driver.
also in the message is
and some other stuff... it is the blue screen of death... unfortunately I did not leave myself the option to un-install sp4. Please let me know any ideas you have! I suppose I could re-install W2K from the disk.
I also tried installing the NT4 driver (doesn't work) and the XP driver, which appears to be exactly the same as the Win2K driver??? and the US and European version.

Has anybody found how to fix this problem?
Thanks for the suggestion, however, unfortunatly, this does not solve the problem. Minolta's Driver, which they admit won't work with Windows XP, has not been updated to deal with SP4 yet. I talked to Minolta, they seem to know it is a problem, and they said the would refer it to their "level 3 programmers". Since SP4 seems to be essentially XP, I wonder what they'll be able to do. Minolta said they would contact me within 24 hours, although that has already passed.. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know! This is very frustrating.

You may be interested to know that after the computer crashes, it detects a disk error and completely removes the driver from the registry.

That's very interesting !!.

I'm not what MS changed in the Spooler process, I just know what the effects are. Cathy's problems with her LJ4 were a throwback to NT SP6, when there were a slew of spoolss errors. HP seems to have re-written most of their drivers about a year ago, removing some of the dll's registered as print monitors, so re-installing the drivers fixed her problems.

One program that I've found helpful in troubleshooting problems is Process Explorer from Sysinternals

If you run it (set view to 'View DLLs')and select sroolsv.exe, you will see all of the loaded dll's in the lower window. You should be able to follow the trail all the way down to WINSPOOL.DRV

Hope this helps


Everyday the Computer Gods pick one person to be "it". Maybe, today is your day !!
I have finally received the driver from MINOLTA to update my MINOLTA 1100L printer. I will test it tonight when I get home from work to see if the SP4 causing the computer to restart is still an issue.

I just tested it last night and it resolved the problem!! If anyone is interested please give me a web/ftp site to post it. Otherwise you can always email Minolta for the drivers. Good luck!
For the record, here's my SP4 experience.
Ever since installing SP4, I now have 2 problems:

1. Every time I shut down the system (click shutdown->Yes) explorer.exe apparently tries to read from a null pointer. The error happens every single time, and always is described as a failed attempt to read from 0x00000000.
The dialog box closes itself after a moment, but its still annoying. I've installed SP4 on 2 systems. I'm not sure, but I don't think this problem has occurred on the other computer. As a side note, it seems like 90% of the application crashes I've ever had using win2k have come from explorer.exe, regardless of service pack version. The explorer team needs help.

2. This one is much worse: my google bar doesn't work anymore. I have tried uninstalling the google bar, and installing the newest version, but that didn't fix it. If I run "Internet Explorer" explicitly, then the google bar is fine, but if I open "My Computer", then there's no google bar and it cannot be made to appear, even after navigating to a web site. This is frustrating since I don't like to use the "Internet Explorer" shortcut - I find it superfluous. The only consolation is the fact that the current version of the google bar does set itself up to be the default search engine, so typing a search term in the address box will work. I have experienced this same problem on both of the 2 systems on which I've installed SP4.

I'm not aware of anything that SP4 has fixed.

Hey man, just checking to see if your problems after the installation of SP4 have gone away? I'm way cautious about installing SP4. I can not go through another clean re-install of Windows 2000 Pro. I've spent way too much money on this computer to have the problems you've had.

Should I do it?

With my experiences covering a vast array of situation deployment arenas, don't install SP4. If you must, uninstall all hotfixes prior to doing so.


I'm going to take your advise and not install Sp4. My system is working fine........Why fix it. I have allways kept up to date with all the updates that seem to address my machine. I even avoided the last Big Blaster worm.

Here's to you catching the Big One buddy
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