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SK98--WinXP Problem 3

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Technical User
Nov 22, 2001
I am running Windows XP Home on an AMD Athlon 1.4 Computer with 256K of Ram, and 2 40 Gig HD's. Have developed an annoyance in SK 98 that didn't appear to be there at first. When I try to make an entry in the calendar, I get about 8 characters of garbage in place of first character and then rest of characters. I now find that I can use backspace to get rid of the garbage, but would like to know if anyone knows of a patch to fix this. I have installed the patch for invalid mast:wk; that got rid of error messasge, but not the garbage.

Dear CWSarture,
If you open another Calendar (File|New) you can see if the problem is in that Calendar and if it isn't, then experiment with Merging The old one and the new one and then SaveAs under another name to avoid corruption.
Please let me know if it works.
Regards Jim
Dear CWSarture,
Found this quote on the sidekick forum:
Q:Why is the first character, of the appointment description slightly cut off? Why aren't the Paper clip and alarm icons showing? Also, why is the first character of the due date under the To Do column slightly cut off"?

A:This is most likely related to your video driver. To test, switch your monitor type to Standard VGA. If the problem goes away, an updated video driver will solve the problem completely.

Don't know whether this would apply in your case
Still it might be worth a try
Regards Jim
This is from the original author.

I have found that the source of my problem is a utility called FileBox eXtender by Hyperionics, an excellent program that I have used for years.

The program runs in the background and whenever it is loaded, the SK98 garbage appears. I have the program provider looking at the problem, but he doesn't even have a copy of SK.

My current work-a-round is to toggle the program off when I am going to make a SK98 calendar entry and back on when I am through.
I have the same problem but no Filebox software. Could it possibly be a updated video driver?
Dear cpg33,
It sounds very like it; a Display Driver Problem that is.

Post this as a new Question/Thread and more people will see it...
I am the only one who has this thread marked so if you post a new Q you will get a wider audience.
Good luck
Regards Jim
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I am not that knowledgeable about display drivers, but I have a similar, if not identical, problem on one of the three PC's with which I run Sidekick. In my case, three characters of nonsense are inserted before an entered even--and yes, I can backspace through them to eliminate them. I regularly swap the same files among the machines with only one acting up. To me, that suggests the problem is not a corrupted calendar file.


Forgot to mention: All three PCs are running Windows XP: The two that work run Windows XP Pro and Home respectively; the aberrant PC runs XP Home. Thus, it does not appear to be an XP problem.

Hope this helps.

Dear Jackport and whoever comes after,
we should combine the rest of this thread with:

Regards Jim
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When printing an envelope, the handles on the return address
do not respond. Does anyone know of a correction to this problem.
Dear joey smokey,
First of all it is easier if you post the question as a separate thread as you may get a wider audience.
That is not a criticism, just a statement of fact.
Enough of the preaching from me!!
If you ZOOM the display to 150% or even greater you will manage to get the handles OK.
Good Luck Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort and means that links are more likely to be current. Please 'Comment' on them if they are not!

What happened to Thread807-303935? I posted what I beleive to be an answer to the calendar problem and the whole discussion seems to have disappeared.

By comparing all three PC's, two of which were handling calendar events fine, I located the problem in the Rundll32.exe file. When I downloaded Windows Service Pack 1, this process no longer displayed in the Windows Task Manager and the calendar worked fine on the offending machine.

Prior to downloading SP 1, I terminated the Rundll32.exe process with Windows Task Manager, and confirmed that the calendar worked fine--no garbage characters preceding the calendar events.


Dear Jack,
I have no idea what happened to that thread (Tek-Tips was having a few problems in the last few weeks so perhaps it was deleted) but as you have found the answer a lot of people were looking for, could you possible post this answer as a FAQ? Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort and means that links are more likely to be current. Please 'Comment' on them if they are not!
Dear Jack,
If you do write the FAQ could you put it under the heading:
6. Sidekick98/99 and WinXP
as it will make it easier for people to find it.
I know some of the rest are not totally logically positioned but I am going to work on them to make them more sensibly grouped, but I can only move ones that I wrote.
Thanks and
Regards Jim
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Done, but I don't know how to point folks to the post. Most grateful for your assistance.

Dear Jack,
Like this:
Just copy the faq no and paste it into your post in any thread as I have done above & if you hover your cursor over it you will see that Tek-Tips (isn't this site fantastic) converts it into a hyperlink...
Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort and means that links are more likely to be current. Please 'Comment' on them if they are not!
Dear All,
Check with the problem of garbage characters in the appointments entry that you have disabled (i.e. Unticked):
Display Appointment Starting and Ending Times
This can be found in the Tools|Preferences|Calendar dialog

Also see the following FAQ for download site for Sidekick95/SKW2, Internet Sidekick/Sidekick97 and Sidekick98 + the SK98Patch and the SK99 sdataobj.dll


Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort and means that links are more likely to be current. Please 'Comment' on them if they are not!

Converting SideKick to Outlook XP . How do I preserve descrete mailing lists in SideKick.

Is there a SideKick version that works with XP home?


Short answer seems to be SK98 with the Patch see the FAQ area for the download site

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort and means that links are more likely to be current. Please 'Comment' on them if they are not!
SideKick 98 hangs for a moment in XP when starting. When I first do a clean install it does not hang. Any solutions?
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