I have form and subform. I am using the on-screen keyboard and it works well on the form but doesn't on the subform. It Lost the focus or the object doesn't support this property or method.
Private Function TypeAlphaNum(strKey As String) As String
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelStart = Nz(Len(Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)), 0)
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelLength = 0
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value = Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value & strKey
End Function
Could somebody help. Thanks
I have form and subform. I am using the on-screen keyboard and it works well on the form but doesn't on the subform. It Lost the focus or the object doesn't support this property or method.
Private Function TypeAlphaNum(strKey As String) As String
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelStart = Nz(Len(Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)), 0)
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelLength = 0
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value = Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value & strKey
End Function
Could somebody help. Thanks