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Oxymoron! 5

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Jan 18, 2005
Is 'Doing Nothing' an oxymoron?"

The original context for this question is that I have been asked what I'd like to do tonight and replied, "I've been so busy lately, I'd like to do nothing".

Can I actively do nothing? I would appreciate some feedback on this. If, in thinking around the subject, you find some other amusing/infuriating oxymorons, please share them!!!

(Also, I just think the word is great - OXYMORON!! :) )

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Solomon)
2.[COLOR=white] Coffin [/color]

"If it could have gone wrong earlier and it didn't, it ultimately would have been beneficial for it to have." : Murphy's Ultimate Corollary
>A new espisode, which contained some flashback scenes, would not be an all new episode.

The context of those flashbacks makes the whole story new.
The story may be new, but the episode is not "all new".

Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard. [dragon]
This is where I wonder what the difference is between "story" and "episode".
In this medium, the difference between a story and an episode is that an episode is one event, or airing, in a season of events. A story is a complete dramatic work. You may have one story per episode, or you may tell one story across several episodes. You could also have several stories being told within a single episode, or any combination of the above.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
So, when a story depends on flashbacks, to be told, the episode is not new?
Part of the episode may be new, and part of the episode may include flashbacks. If part of the episode includes flashbacks, then I would not consider it an all new episode, but simply a new episode.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
For the purposes of this discussion, when CC refers to "flashbacks" he doesn't mean just in the literary sense, he means using actual film footage from previous episodes. That's why they're not considered to be an "all new" episode: because some of the film footage was previously aired.

Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard. [dragon]
TSDragon said:
...when CC refers to "flashbacks" he doesn't mean just in the literary sense...
I'm sure that he is also referring to behaviour during the '60s/'70s.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

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I guess context is important here.

If I film episode I, then later I film a dream sequence, in episode II, which consists of frames previously aired, I am filming a brand new episode. The context those "previous" frames are airing is very different from their relevance in episode I.

Although I understand your point that if I literally re-air scenes from a previous episode, the current episode is not new. Possibly because the old scenes are shown verbatim and do not add anything to episode II, right?
I'm not sure that I agree that "all new" requires that no footage have been previously aired.

If the footage is used in such a way that what we've already seen takes on an "all new" meaning, I think the attribute can still be applied to the episode. I can't think of any television examples, but one from movies comes to mind. In "Memento", the movie first shows the end of the story, then reshows the end of the story in a larger context, then gives more context, etc. The audience has to keep reassessing the meaning of what they've seen before.

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spewn said:
these ladies are you new aunts.

My New Aunts apparently had no standards whatsoever in choosing their husbands.

Thus, we call them [blue]Un-culls.[/blue]

Tim [smile]

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Un-culls! Good one, Tim!

Tell me, what is it the new one says?

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Solomon)
I haven't solved your first 'what am I' riddle, yet, but was wondering if you had a few more. If so, can you start a 'Riddles' thread?

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Solomon)
Counterfeit money??


Probably the only Test Analyst on Tek-Tips...therefore whatever it was that went wrong, I'm to blame...

animadverto vos in Abyssus!

Take a look at Forum1393!
Brilliant, Dave, even if it's not what Spewn is looking for!

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Solomon)
Actually, Tony, my response was to DrJavaJoe's posing of that same question 25 hours earlier than Spewn's posing. I believe it is the correct answer to both of their "posings", correct, Spewn and Joe?

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

Do you use Oracle and live or work in Utah, USA?
Then click here to join Utah Oracle Users Group on Tek-Tips.
I believe that UniqueFD was referring to the other Dave's post.

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender: 'Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ'. The second string says: 'Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated'.


All I know is this:

At her wedding my New Aunt Says "I Do."

At her Unwelding ([blue]iron[/blue]ically), and by the court's order, my Comply Aunt says "Adieu."


If you need immediate assistance, please raise your hand.
If you are outside of Raleigh, raise your hand and say
[/blue] [red]Ooh! Ooh![/red]

Dave (aka Santa),
Sorry to cause confusion - I did mean the "DPlank" Dave. I'll try to be more explicit in future. (BTW, your riddle answer was definitely right!!)

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Solomon)
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