Oxymorons are phrases or words that seem to contradict themselves.
Act naturally
Advanced BASIC
Almost exactly
Alone together
Clearly misunderstood
Definite maybe
Exact estimate
Extinct Life
Found missing
Genuine imitation
Good grief
Jumbo shrimp
Legally drunk
New classic
Now, then, (have you made up your mind?)
Passive aggression
Peace force
Plastic glasses
Pretty ugly
Resident alien
Same difference
Sanitary landfill
Silent scream
Small crowd
Soft rock
Sweet sorrow
Synthetic natural gas
Taped live
Terribly pleased
Tight slacks
Working vacation
Living dead
Government organization
Military Intelligence
I am sure this group can add to the list...
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
Author and Sole Proprietor of: Emu Products Plus
Oxymorons are phrases or words that seem to contradict themselves.
Act naturally
Advanced BASIC
Almost exactly
Alone together
Clearly misunderstood
Definite maybe
Exact estimate
Extinct Life
Found missing
Genuine imitation
Good grief
Jumbo shrimp
Legally drunk
New classic
Now, then, (have you made up your mind?)
Passive aggression
Peace force
Plastic glasses
Pretty ugly
Resident alien
Same difference
Sanitary landfill
Silent scream
Small crowd
Soft rock
Sweet sorrow
Synthetic natural gas
Taped live
Terribly pleased
Tight slacks
Working vacation
Living dead
Government organization
Military Intelligence
I am sure this group can add to the list...
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
Author and Sole Proprietor of: Emu Products Plus