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Outlook 2003 systray icon - it won't go away! 1

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Apr 19, 2001
When I close Outlook 2003, the Outlook icon remains in the system tray. And OUTLOOK.EXE is still showing up as a running process.
Any ideas why the program won't close out? Is this a setting somewhere?
Thanks for your help!

The Problem is WinFax. I have experienced it on two of my pc's. You can un-install WinFax and the problem will go away (tested and verified on both pc's). However if you want to re-install WinFax you will have to clean-up multiple registry entries (otherwise Winfax will error out, stating that you have a previous version installed)and you will then still have the same problem. I'm running XP pro, Office 2003, Act 6, WinFax 10.02, all patches and upgrades, and the problem seems to only be with Winfax and Outlook - JJM
I've never had Norton or WinFax installed on these machines. The problem has been happening for me since Outlook 2000 first came out, so it doesn't seem to be a Microsoft patch that caused it.
I do have WinFax installed on the workstation in question, but not on workstations that are working fine. I'll uninstall and clean up the one with WinFax and report back. Won't be til this evening.

-- JMS
i just installed a new machine and put Office Pro on it. So far no problems with outlook. I also went to Windows Update and there were no updates for Office.
maybe it's the build number?
here's my version of Outlook:

Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606)
Part of Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003

My machines running Outlook 2003 have build: 11.5608.5703
My machine running Outlook 2000 (part of a corporate image) is build:
I've tried shutting down all non-essential background processes one by one. Maybe I'll try what you did and just re-format a machine and put Office onto a clean OS. If that works, I'll install my normal apps one by one to see when it starts happening. This is probably so hard to track down because everyone has something different that's causing Outlook to stay open. One person's fix doesn't seem to be working for everyone.
scratch that-
i just loaded a junk filter patch and Office Service Pack 1. Still no problems. This machine doesn't have anything other than the o.s. and Office.
I found several sites stating that through conversations with Symantec and Microsoft that a totally formatted (or a complete removal of winfax and office - including multiple registry edits)drive with a fresh install of Windows followed by FIRST installing Winfax and then Office will work. I have not tried but the three threads I reviewed said it works. Not in the mood to reformat my pc this evening, anyone else? - JJM
This is my VP's laptop. Don't thing she would accept the re-formatting of it as a viable solution.
New member here with some additional information and observations, but unfortunately no solutions.

I am of course observing the same problem, but only on my laptop, which is running Win2k and Outlook 2k. The problem did not begin until getting a new WinXP desktop machine with Office 2003. We also run against an Exchange 2000 server. My coworker has experienced the exact same problem. I do run ActiveSync, but have had that for a long time. The problem could be related to mixed versions of Outlook & Exchange, although a few posts here contradict that.
My Outlook has two profiles, first downloading only e-mail headers, second takes full mails. Other differencies are that on first profile program exits fine and second hangs. And one more small thing, on second profile I have Winfax logs activated, after removing it from > tools > mail setup > data files, EVERYTHING WORKS JUST FINE NOW!
Kaupo thanks for the input but I don’t think you are having the same issue as the rest of us. I have changed profiles in outlook and everything. This even happens to me when I log on to this particular machine so this rules out a corrupt profile in WINXP because when I go back to my machine and log on it is fine. The symptom I get is you open up outlook first thing in the morn and it lets you on fine. If you close outlook for any reason the tray icon stays and you can not open outlook until you go to the task manager and end the outloook.exe process. Once you end the process outlook pops right up but then if you close it the same thing happens. I did notice the user has something called outlook tool bar help or something I assume this is from hotbar I tried to remove any reference to this. We do run Norton enterprise but we run this on all of our PCs and have not had a problem with any of them. This is the only one I see with the outlook assistant hot bar. not sure of the exact name of it but i think that may be the culprit. The original install was an upgrade from office XP. If any one see similar symptoms or has any more ideas feel free to share I would be happy to fix this without reloading the EUs pc.
Based upon afisher25's information, I don't think I'm seeing the same problem as those in this thread. I found another topic that more closely matches what I'm experiencing. Thanks for all of your input.
Ok, here's some more info from my user. She has a PC running in 2 different offices as well as her laptop. Outlook was hanging on closing using 2000 version. The only solution any one had was to upgrade to outlook xp.

I did this on the Office A PC and it all worked fine. Since MS stated this was due to the mailbox size I did the same thing for her laptop. This still has the hang on close issue.

I just found out that her Office B Pc is having the same issue.

So since this is across multi-pc's with one user I tempted think it's a combination of mailbox size and upgrade from old to new version.

I am not the support person in the other office but with her permission I may have that support person upgrade the version on Office B PC.

This still leaves me hanging with her Laptop and since she's on the road almost all the time this is the main one I am looking to get fixed. She will be looking to confirm whether winFax is loaded and if it is I'll have her remove it and then we'll see if there's still an issue.

Amazing issue and you know if we're here then there's got to be about 1000 times as many that are just dealing with the issue.
Knuckles does this happen to you when you log on to this pc? I just got the user to bring his pc in to me for a few hours and gave him a loaner so hopeflully I will get to the bottom of this in a few hours.
on the pc which i'm having a problem the user doesn't keep any personal folders and the mailbox size on the server is nowhere near a size that would be a problem.
I tried doing a MSCONFIG and removing all the start up stuff and it still does it. I just did a complete uninstall and removed Map point 2002. For some reason outlook asked for the map point disk when I did the install so I am removing it then installing office and will test that. Do any of you have map point installed on the machines that are having the trouble?
Still No luck with this machine. The reload without Map Point dindnt make a difference.
The following simple solution worked for me after days of fruitless hair pulling and reconfiguring....

1. Close Outlook (yes - completely!)
2. Start->Run and then paste in this line and click OK:

%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

3. Rename the file default.srs
I called mine _default.srs

4. Start Outlook.
5. Test by closing Outlook WITHOUT using the Task Manager.

ALL credit for this solution is due to the author of the following web page:

Good luck!

... as a supplement to my earlier posting, I found that the solution worked for one client machine but not for one other, so try this solution that worked for my second client...

Open the "Printers and Faxes" folder, and delete ALL devices that can't be reliably reached - for example all the old dross that you've been meaning to deal with and haven't got around to, but also any printer that is offline or disconnected.

Good luck!
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