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More Succinct Phrase Please 4

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Technical User
Aug 6, 2003
How can I clearly and succinctly describe the sort of person who behaves in a certain way, just because:
a. They can. "Everyone can do whatever they like in a free country"
b. It's not illegal/immoral. "Do you have a problem with me doing this?"
c. They like to be different.
d. They wish to provoke a reaction.
e...tcetera, etcetera.

Some examples:

Offspring that affect to enjoy a particularly raucous brand of music, simply because I don't like it.

Ramblers and Walkers who decide to walk across a field where sheep are grazing, simply to exercise their right to use the recently-discovered Public Footpath, unearthed in a dusty map from the bowels of the Library. When the landowner protests that he would have liked some warning so that he could have moved the sheep, the incensed Ramblers wail about their loss of "Freedom To Roam"

Persons who follow an unusual diet regime involving boiling up foul-smelling ingredients for several hours at a time, making the building virtually uninhabitable for others, simply because it's a free country and one can eat whatever the heck one likes.


I'm sure you can think of several more examples, but what is the collective noun, if you like, for such people?

Bloody-minded Morons? Teenagers?


Don't count the days, make the days count

Muhammad Ali
What do you call someone who doesn't conform to YOUR way of thinking, or have YOUR musical tastes, or YOUR diet, or YOUR way of transportation, or the way YOU define the word Freedom?

I would just call them different.

Just because they do not conform to YOUR ways, does not mean they do not conform to somebody else's ways.

There are a lot of people who listen to death metal.
There are a lot of cyclists.
There are a lot of people who like to walk on public paths.
There are a lot of people who eat foul smelling food. (unfotunatly, because that one gets me too!)

Are these people doing these thing around you just to P155 you off? Or does it just p155 you off that they are doing them around you?

Maybe inconsiderate is the word you are looking for?
Hi rolm9751 and welcome to the thread! [bigsmile]

No, these people don't P155 me off, in fact some of them (cyclists, death metal fans...see previous posts) do the same things as me, or have changed my behaviour to be like them.

The ones I'm thinking of are the kind who do perfectly reasonable things, even the same things as me, but insist on drawing attention to the fact that they're doing it, as though it is the only right and proper way to behave.

I like to walk in the country, and use public pootpaths all the time. However, if I unearthed a long-lost right of way through a field where sheep were grazing, I would ask the farmer's permission to return and use the path when he'd moved the sheep. Not, as this particular bunch were reported in the paper, just barge over the fence en masse and trample through the field scattering and shooing sheep as they went!

So, they aren't necessarily different (from me) per se, but you may have a point with inconsiderate, because some definitely are.

Lastly, please note the [tongue in cheek] at the start of my last post....[wink]


Don't count the days, make the days count

Muhammad Ali
Thanks for the welcome!
Oh ok, I get it. These people try force their behavior and/or values on others.
How about fascist.

Mabye more of a compund word or a two word description?

You are having a laugh aren't you? [ponder]

How about my post errrrm.... 10 before this on 30 Oct 07 5:39 wherein I declared:
So, henceforth shall ye name such foul, irritating 'people' "Headstrong Contrarians"



Don't count the days, make the days count

Muhammad Ali
A contrarian is an opposer. You have to posit something to get their response. Don't ask, don't hear. Arrrrr,,,.

"Impatience will reward you with dissatisfaction" RMS Cosmics'97
sleipnir214, do you have a comment about this:
Michael52x said:
A contrarian is an opposer. You have to posit something to get their response.

I like "Contrarian" [smile]


Don't count the days, make the days count

Muhammad Ali
I agree completely with the first sentence -- contrarians have to go contrary to something. But I agree only partially with the second sentence -- a contrarian can go contrary to some some pre-established tenet of society as a whole rather than a particular opinion.

On example of going contrary to established norms was one of my favorite college professors, a sociology professor, who was a notorious joyous contrarian. She would board an elevator and stand facing the other riders, or steer people around the room at parties by abusing interpersonal distances, just to see what people's reactions would be.

Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
I certainly didn't enjoy the coworker repeatedly inching deep into my personal space the other day when I was talking to her, but I doubt it was intentional.
E[sup]2[/sup]: I'm a man. If a female co-worker edges into my Personal Space, am I allowed to edge into hers, until, eventually, we both occupy the same bit of space, ie we touch?

Or would I get fired for inappropriate behaviour?

BTW, Personal Space Invaders are also HC's [wink]


Start wide, expand further, and never look back.

Arnold Schwarzenegger
I certainly didn't enjoy the coworker repeatedly inching deep into my personal space the other day when I was talking to her, but I doubt it was intentional.

It probably wasn't intentional. According to that same sociology professor, Americans have one of the largest interpersonal spaces of any nationality. So when speaking to someone with a significantly smaller space maintenance, say someone from India or most of the Middle East, the Indian will tend to "crowd" the American more than the American is comfortable with and the American will to back away. If you watch, it almost looks like the Indian is chasing the American through the room.

That sociology professor was a master at backing people into the corner of a room at a party using this effect. She said, though, that most people would break off long before it got to that.

Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
This particular coworker is Caucasian. I don't know her nationality.
I've found this week that the French had a very different idea of personal space.

Men don't kiss each other, but they do shake hands with each other. Every day. The walk into the next-door office in the morning and shake hands with everyone in there.

I'm finding it a little hard to get used to!


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
The joys of contrarianism. Just to be different is often the goal of of people who merely want to get recognition for their taking up space. Making it a happly place is a bonus. Laugh on you crazy diamontes.

"Impatience will reward you with dissatisfaction" RMS Cosmics'97
Quite simply, I think what the o.p. is referring to is a
"Rebel Without a Cause"

It's a person who rebels for rebellion's sake, not because they actually believe in their particular 'cause of the day', be it veganism, saving whales, or whatever.
Quite simply, I think what the o.p. is referring to is a
"Rebel Without a Cause"

Surely you mean rebel without a clue?

"Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. ~ Nietzsche"
MeGustaXL, I believe your niece is practicing "malicious compliance.
avanderlaan Ha-Haaaa! [rofl]

You are spot on, my Friend - briljant!


See there! A son is born and we pronounce him fit to fight!

Ian Anderson
<See there! A son is born and we pronounce him fit to fight!

Good heavens. Someone my age on this forum. :) We'll make a man of him, put him to the test. Teach him to play Monopoly and how to fool the rest.
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