Perhaps not the right forum, but its connected with Windows XP, so...
One customer brought me a laptop ASUS F5N with Windows XP Pro SP2 fresh installed. 1,7GHz Core Duo, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD SATA.
It was very slow on boot, about 4 minutes till desktop was usable. When started, worked almost fine, except when I tried to defragment HDD, it always hung. In eventlogs nothing suspicious, no viruses, no spyware. Chkdsk found some problems with indexes, nothing serious. Memtest found nothing. Hitachi HDD test found nothing. PC-Check burn-in test found nothing.
Then I noticed SD-MMC slot, where was empty microSD adapter inserted. Removed it and voila! Startup about 75 seconds, disk defragmenter runs without problems. The same with SD card inserted. So, the problem was the empty adapter.
One customer brought me a laptop ASUS F5N with Windows XP Pro SP2 fresh installed. 1,7GHz Core Duo, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD SATA.
It was very slow on boot, about 4 minutes till desktop was usable. When started, worked almost fine, except when I tried to defragment HDD, it always hung. In eventlogs nothing suspicious, no viruses, no spyware. Chkdsk found some problems with indexes, nothing serious. Memtest found nothing. Hitachi HDD test found nothing. PC-Check burn-in test found nothing.
Then I noticed SD-MMC slot, where was empty microSD adapter inserted. Removed it and voila! Startup about 75 seconds, disk defragmenter runs without problems. The same with SD card inserted. So, the problem was the empty adapter.