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IRRITATING words and expressions 3

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Sep 18, 2006
UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN -- "If they haven't followed the law to get here, they are by definition 'illegal.' It's like saying a drug dealer is an 'undocumented pharmacist.'" -- John Varga, Westfield, New Jersey.

pwn reminds me of something I read recently on OverheardInNewYork:

Hipster girl: On the train into the city this morning, I sat on a baby and almost crushed it.
Metal guy: There is no internet acronym for how funny that is.

Misuse of there/their/they're irks me. As does irregardless.

As for corporate buzzwords, have y'all seen buzzword bingo? I know, I know - it's been around for years. But I still think its hilarious.

[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]

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[thumbsup2] Wow, I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.
I think I've forgotten this before.



Thinking outside-the-box has become so common, I now like to try to think inside-the-box, just to keep one step ahead of everybody else.

"Irregardless" is big here in Ohio...
I'd rather hear nails on a blackboard than that. A former boss used to say that and I'd have to bite my tongue to keep from correcting him (after the first attempt failed).[sad]

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." - Winston Churchill
Same difference"

I hate that phrase with a passion.

8-5 and 13-10 are the "same difference".

Water and H20 are the "same thing".

I could care less"

You could? Then why are you bringing it up? Are you trying to say it's important to you?
It drives me crazy when athletes or rappers use the phrase, "Yoam Sayn" every other phrase. What an insult to both the listener and the speaker to have to ask after each sentence if the listener knows what he's saying ! Aargh!

The other grammatical stupidity is when otherwise intelligent beings believe that every time we combine the first-person pronoun with another person, that it automatically should be "I":
Idiot said:
My manager took my wife and I to dinner.
Right...so if the same speaker went to dinner with just the boss, would he say,
Same Idiot said:
My manager took I to dinner.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
Ask them, 'how big a box?'

I also get irritated by signs saying Thank you for not smoking. I don't smoke, never have smoked and I fully approve of laws which forbid smoking in public places. But the sign pretends everyone agrees with them - if that were the case, there would be no signs for them.

An old man [tiger] who lives in the UK

"ahead of" instead of before
"differential" instead of difference
"very much so" instead of "very much"
"New Orlee-on" or "New Or-leee-aans" instead of New Orleans
"juxtaposed" instead of opposite
"devolved" instead of passed on
"fed up of" instead of fed up with
"the me 'n' you" instead of the menu

My manager took I to dinner would be wrong unless 'I' is your co-worker's name:))
Of couse, there's the grammar checker that corrected a resume entry for experience in "Windows ME and Linux" to "Windows, Linux, and I".

And as a native of New Orleans - it's pronounced "New OR-lunz". Not "New Or-LEENZ". Grr. Must be that song.

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.

Same with Illinois (native here).

It's NOT "Ill-a-noise"!!!! It "Ell-a-noi" Heck, I don't care if you say "Ill-a-noi"...I just hate that "Noise" placed at the end of it.

Also, I hate when people put an "s" at the end of where they are going or work where there is no "s" at the end. I think its a Michigan thing.

"I work for Fords"

"I'm going to Meijers" (a grocery store).
The word that annoys me most makes me literally explode with anger (bang). However, at this moment in time, there are many more that are close contenders.

With some we purists are fighting a losing battle. Many dictionaries give a non perjorative definition of 'enormity' citing long (mal)usage. I don't care if people have been getting it wrong for hundreds of years, they're still wrong!

Ceci n'est pas une signature
Columb Healy
LadySlinger -

Once I saw a picture of a road sign for the "Illionis" State Line.

Hmm - I didn't know about the Ell-a-noi vs. Ill-a-noi thing.

Now, LOO-zee-anna is something of an abomination to my ears. It's loo-EEZ-ee-anna, please (yes, I am aware that the former is used in Louisiana itself, but that does not make it correct).

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.

Then there are the pronunciation abominations by LOCALS:

Vienna mispronounced "Vah-enna"
Buena Vista, Florida mispronounced "Byoona Vista"
Hurricane, Utah mispronounced "Hurr-cun"
Los Angeles, CA mispronounced "Loss Anjulus" (correctly pronounced, in Spanish, "Los (with a long "o") Ahn-hay-lace")

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
And there's always "La Jolla", pronounced English-style instead of "La Hoya". This one is more often misspelled than mis-pronounced, since most people have heard the Beach Boys sing its praises.
One of my other least favourites is the reponse you get to a comment such as
"Hey - It's snowing!"

reply: "REALLY?"

To which I always want to respond - "NO! I just made it up...."


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
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