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Hawking's Question

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Jul 12, 2001
Well, it's been a bit quite here lately, and since I came across this a couple days ago, thought it might be interesting to see what you all thought about this question posed by Stephen Hawking:

"In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"

I think Hawking's choice of words here is interesting, but I can't help feel like it's just "off the cuff"... So, to get things rolling, here is my view:

1) I'm not so certain the world is in any more or less (though I would actually suggest less) political chaoses then they have been in the last oh, 3,000 years. Certainly WWI and WWII would have been abundantly more politically chaotic. The dark ages would not have been a political picnic, and let's go back to a time before that when people got nailed to trees for their political (ok, call it religious, but for the day... I would contend, same thing) views.

2) Social chaos... again, I'd have to say any of the time's I've sited in point 1 were greater social upheaval than what we have today. Take the invention of guns... for the last 800 years guns have existed. This has been an 800 year problem, not a recent development. And many countries have now largely banned guns... (Australia, Japan, UK to varying degrees, just to name a few). I'm sure this is not the only example of social chaos, but again comparing the last 80 years or so, there has been some consistent genocide taking place on the planet... Germany/Poland, Congo, Somalia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Russia, US (YES the US, see a couple of articles on Little Boy and Fat Man if you have questions about this...)... the list goes on. I don't see the world has made significant progress in this area, to be honest, but again, go back 100's of years, and still you find things like the Inquisition, Black Plague, and untold numbers of deaths through conquest. (Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Caesar, The British Empire)... these are all gross social issues (even the Plague, because it was the lack of infrastructure that caused it to be so easily spread). So again, I don't see where in the next 100 years, short of nuclear war, which has been a threat since 1945, that this has any more turbulence than the past 100 or even 3,000 years.

3) Environmentally -- now this actually has some merit, and warrants asking, "Can we sustain life on earth given environmental conditions"? As a stand alone question, this would have probably had more relevance. In any case, I'd say to this, one good smack from a large asteroid or comet, and well come on... we've all seen the movies, and have the dead carcasses of Mammoth's scattered about as a reasonable example of this kind of destruction... however, still can't help noticing that, well, here we are. I don't buy global warming as a "Human factor", though I also don't dispute that it *may* be a real issue. I find it fascinating that 25 years ago everyone's big fear was the coming of the next ice age, and now 25 years on, it's a 180 degree turn around... come on, in 25 years?!? I don't think so. Are there things happening? Quite probably. Is man contributing to it, absolutely, but are they the catalyst? Very doubtful. In any case, if the overall factors of "environment" take hold (I'm talking the volcano's and earth quakes, and planet's axis shift... that kind of thing), there is squat man can do about it. That is a worry, and to Hawking's point, that may be the difference in long term survivability, but is that likely in the next 100 years? Well, not very... in the next 30,000 years, something like 70%. So, start storing those nuts and building your ark now.

4) How can the human race sustain another 100 years? Wow... that is amazingly short sited. I think, to be honest, we can all keep plodding along as we are and 100 years from now, it will mostly all still be here... Probably even the next 1,000. Beyond that, it gets a bit hazy. My advice: Move back to the caves... hey, seems to be working for Bin Laden???

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]
Allow me to resurrect this to give you a link to El Register..

They're disagreeing a bit with Hawking. :)

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare. I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of UNIX."
"Well, that's something," Avi says. "Normally those two are mutually exclusive."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
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