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Following more on.. Best Sci-Fi

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Aug 12, 2002
Or was that Following on more..., Following on The Sequel..., Following on The Next Level..., Following on Doom II... ...

Oh well.

1. Star trek Voyager
2. Stargate SG1
3. Andromeda
4. The 4400
5. Star-Wars (six films counts as a series)

Christiaan Baes

"My new site" - Me
Saw a show called Land of the Giants 30+ years ago when I was only 5 and it has stuck with me for life and I do not know why. Wish to see reruns one day to see what sparked me as a kid.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
I liked "Land of the Lost" but the remake I'm too young for the original.


Steve Budzynski

"So, pass another round around for the kids. Who have nothing left to lose and for those souls old and sold out by the soles of my shoes"
Best Series:
Stargate SG1
Early X-files, before the conspiracy stuff just went to far.
Old Battlestar
New Battlestar (although can't get ead around finding Starbuck rather attractive)
Red Dwarf (if this counts)
and most 50's stuff...

Best Films
Star Wars
5th Element
Event Horizon
Tank Girl (total cheezey)
Pitch Black
Alien (except the obvious one)
Total recall
Most 50's sci-fi that involve ray guns and flying saucers

Anyone that has puppets as characters (Star Wars is exempt from this of course)

Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
Tank Girl (total cheezey)

Stu, nooooooo.. How can you admit to rating that! ;)

Carlsberg don't run I.T departments, but if they did they'd probably be more fun.
BTW what are we left with if SG-1 stops?

Atlantis and Battlestar.

Is it really that difficult to make a good Sci-fi show? Is it really that difficult to make any TV-show? Since only 1% of shows makes it to the 5 seasons mark.

Christiaan Baes

"My new site" - Me
chrissie1 said:
lunatic said:
The last season or so of Andromeda

That's what happens when your warship gets pregnant.

Thats Farscape with John Criten (sp) and Moia (sp).

Andromeda is the one where tail girl is actually a sun that gave birth to the ultimate evil. Yeah, that plot twist sucked as much as it sounds like.
Sci-Fi Films I really like:

Alien I & II
The Thing
The first Matrix (not the awful sequels, of course)
Pitch Black
Twelve Monkeys

Most Hated:
Aeon Flux
The Phantom Menace (I just wanted to launch every missile in the universe at Ja-Ja Binks and throw Natalie Portman into the nearest Black Hole)
Matrix II and III
Van Helsing (even though it's properly "horror", it is so truly awful it deserves a mention)

Dr Who - early Tom Baker
X files up to series 3
Kolchak the Night Stalker (supposedly the prototype of the X files)

Andromeda is the one where tail girl is actually a sun that gave birth to the ultimate evil. Yeah, that plot twist sucked as much as it sounds like.

Yes but the warship (played by Lexa doig) got pregnant (husband is Michael shanks aka Dr. Daniel Jackson in SG-1). So therefor they wrote a scenario so that the warship and the avatar and the projection were a bit less present.

I know the ship in farscape really got pregnant ;-).

Christiaan Baes

"My new site" - Me
Oh yeah forgot Cube (and Cube 2 which I bought brand new for £3 the other day)

Couldn't stand Tweleve Monkeys.

Isn't it about time they turned some Arthur C Clarke stuff into decent movies?

Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
Ah, you were talking real life - It was so similar to Farscape I never considered that.

In truth, Andromeda went downhill before the final season (the whole reincarnation of dragu-museveni (sp) and Tyr dances with the Abyss)... So the lack of the Andromeda might have only hastened its demise.

Babylon 5
Alien Nation

5th Element
Forbidden Planet
Total Recall

Just my 2¢

"In order to start solving a problem, one must first identify its owner." --Me
I wonder... why has no one mentioned the original Dr. Who? From what I understand lots of people liked it (I've never seen it).

I ask because Sci-Fi has created a remake of Dr. Who which doesn't seem like a good show to me at all. Especially since they just replaced the only good part, the guy who plays the Doctor (and he's not always good).

The remake is bad in the same way Law and Order SVU is, the decective and the doctor are both omniscient, which makes watching both shows like listening to a guy tell stories of how great he is for the 100th time (though the doctor usually does it in a humerous way).

You might want to review your history of the series "Doctor Who".
It's the BBC, as always, that produces it, not the Science Fiction channel.

Second, at one time or another 10 actors have played the Doctor. Tom Baker, who played the Doctor for most of the episodes shown on U.S. public television, was the fourth. Christopher Eccleston (the Doctor on the season recently shown on the Sci Fi Channel) played the ninth incarnation. (I think I liked Eccleston better than Baker.) The very last episode the SciFi channel recently showed introduced us to the 10th Doctor.

But to answer your question, in my opinion Doctor Who represents simultaneously the very best and the very worst that science fiction television has to offer.

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I think the new series of Dr Who is a mixed bag. Some of it is good but there is too much emphasis on Rose Tyler (the Doctor's assistant) and her family. Far too many episodes are set on Earth and there seems to be an obsession with showing every London landmark. I half-expect to see "sponsored by the London tourist board" in the credits at the end. Series even had a plug for the 2012 London Olympics - this is starting to look way too political for me, I'm afraid.
I also think that the humour is very British. Trying not to create a world war (I'll leave that to certain polictians), but often only Brits get the jokes in British comedy (and vice versa).

Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
The only reason I didn't include Dr. Who in my list of the best (because I *AM* an avid who-ite), is because some of it was *so* camp. I mean, where else could you find cellphane and christmas-light monsters? <lol>

I will say that the new series is top-notch when it comes to special effects and set design.

If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Who is the longest in-production science fiction series *EVER*. Last I heard, it was something like 26 or 27 years in production. (Granted, that's off-and-on, but still, that's pretty amazing).

I don't know if I buy the bit about the tardis being "alive" though.... that was an unexpected twist.

Of course, they may be having some problems shortly, since a Time Lord is only supposed to be able to regenerate 12 times... and they're on the 10th.... they'd better do something to keep their actors around longer... lol

Just my 2¢

"In order to start solving a problem, one must first identify its owner." --Me
Dagon said:
Far too many episodes are set on Earth and there seems to be an obsession with showing every London landmark.
Aside from the seemingly-necessary shots of the Parliament building and the clock tower holding Big Ben, what do you mean? The new series is filmed in Cardiff, Wales. So most of the landmarks have been Welsh.

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I was thinking more of the second series, which has just finished airing in the UK. In that we had:

a) Swiss Re building (in the Xmas special)
b) Battersea Power Station
c) Alexandra Palace
d) Canary Wharf
e) Various shots of the London skyline full of zeppelins in one episode
f) London Olympics

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