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FBPublish and Event ID: 8213 1

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Jan 14, 2002
I have a fresh install of Exchange 2k that has been service packed on a brand new Win2k Server that has been service packed.

The trouble I'm having is that I constantly and continiously get an FBPublish error.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeFBPublish
Event Category: General
Event ID: 8213
Description: System Attendant Service failed to create a session for the virtual machine ******.
The error number is 0x80044501.

Ok, I've searched MS and EventID.net and I've tried to use their solution (Q296151), but my problem is that the article tells me to go out to the MSExchangeFBPublish key under Services and then edit a field under my "Server" value. The problem is that I don't have a MSExchangeFBPublish value to edit. Furthermore, while searching the registry for FBPublish, the only hit I get is from ..../services/eventlog/applications.

Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to resolve this?

Thanks in advance!
Your not looking in the right place. We can't get the source from service MSExchangeFBPublish if it doesn't exist in the registry. Check over the article again and post a screen shot when you expand out. Your logged on with all rights? Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Thanks Dan. I'm out of the office at the moment, but I'll go ahead and post up a screen shot to show exactly what I'm looking at.

I appreciate your help.

Welcome to the club. I've been battling this since I setup the box 6 months ago and can reach no resolution. I've posted requests to newsgroups as well as other exchange websites and I can't find the solution.

Microsofts Q article makes absolutely no sense. If you solve this, PLEASE let me know. There are many more of us out there looking for the solution. I'm fresh out of Microsoft tech calls or I would ask them.
Save this into a .reg file. You will need to modify the last entry though as it relates to the DN of your Exchange Server. Then you will have the key needed to follow the article. Not sure why you can't find it...

Server = DANDC
Org = Dan
Admin Group = Exchange

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"SystemAttendantDN"="/O=Dan/OU=Exchange/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=DANDC/cn=Microsoft System Attendant" Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
I had this problem and the Microsoft white paper does work it is just a bit vague. For exam[le you cannot enter 00000000 for a DWord value. You can only enter 0. If the registry key that Q296151 references does not exist you must create it and add the values. After this is done you have to reset the Exchange Service account ESservice. just go into to users and computers and choose reset password. It doesn't care if you reassign the current password. This should reset the account and the errors will stop
Ok, I'm really confused now. I'm looking at the Q296151 article. Dan references the following:


The Q article makes no reference to the server name (DANDC in this case) in the registry entry. It wants me to put the FreeBusyQuerrySessions right into the "parameters" folder, not the DANDC folder. I realize DANDC will be different in my case.

Going back to the Q article, step 8 says to right click the private store and choose properties. OK. Step 9 says to choose the security tab (OK) but says to click the exchange service account. There is no such account. Here is what is in there.

Domain Admins
Enterprise Admins
Exchange Domain Servers
MAIL$ (name of my server)

Since I cannot find the service account, I guess I can't go to step 10 to click "view information store". I don't see that button anyways. Does it only appear after choosing the exchange service account?

Also, I have setup a brand new server with win2k and exch2k completely seperate from my network.

There are no Dword values at that location, however there is a reference to

"SystemAttendantDN"="/O=Dan/OU=Exchange/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=DANDC/cn=Microsoft System Attendant"

as Dan describes which seems to invalidate steps 2,3,and 4 of the Q article?
i need more information about this event, do yo have any idea, where is the exactly topic.


Administrator is probably your service account. Is it the Exchange Full Administrator? The account you installed Exchange with? If so it is the "service account".

Yeah you need the reg keys I sent... Then add the one in the article. Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Hi Dan,

Ok, here is what I've done. All exchange services use the system account to startup. Administrator is the person who has been delegated control. It has full admin priveledges.

I have applied the key you specified like this:


with string value

"SystemAttendantDN"="/o=Dealers Group Ltd/ou=dlrgrpcom/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL1/cn=Microsoft System Attendant"

Also, I have applied the reg dword of 0 as the article says but again, as mentioned above, steps 9 and 10 cannot be valid, I just don't see what they refer to. I then rebooted the machine.

Anyways, it doesn't work. I used to have the string value 0 in the MAIL1 directory previously, but have put it into the Parameters directory as the q article states but now I get the event every 25 minutes where I used to get it every 50 minutes. Incidentally, on the fresh server I setup, the dword 0 doesn't even exist, only the above mentioned string value.

I hope you can help, this is driving me nuts.
Is it the Exchange Full Administrator? yes
Well i have the same error(8206 MsExchangeFBPublish) in 5 server's(i have 14 servers).
then event viewer said me that make sure exchange store running, but this service is working good,
andt Support Microsoft web, said another topic totaly different.

I hope you can help
I meant to say I used to have the dword value of 0 instead of the string value of 0 in the second last paragraph.
I see Dan from Microsoft is answering questions today so I thought I would reply here to bring it back to the top of the list so he could take a look.

I've worked the last 10 days :-( I'm beat.

I'll look and see if there is a translation for the error code but that won't be until Monday...

Are users seeing any problems? Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Thanks everyone for the replies. I haven't tried Dan's solutions yet, but I've got some time this weekend. I'll post up how my experiment works out!

No users are affected. Could there be some remnent of exch 5.5 causing this problem?
Could be. Did you move all the system folders over? Guidgen might help but I'm not sure at this point. Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
Well, an old server was upgraded to exchange 2000. But when we purchased new equipment, we simply moved mailboxes etc from one exchange 2000 server to another exchange 2000 server.
Please, from Q296151, can anybody do these steps below in system manager? This seems simple enough but these options do not exist in my System Manager, do they in yours? I cannot do step 9. The security tab is there but no exchange service account. Does it mean administrator account? Someone please tell me I'm not going crazy.

7.) Start Exchange System Manager, and then locate the storage group.
8.) Click the private store, and then right-click Properties .
9.) Click the Security tab, and then click the Exchange service account.
10.) Click View information store , click Administer information store , and then set the permissions.
11.) Reset the Administrative Group's service account.
Step 9...

Exchange Service Account - The one you installed Exchange with. Its a member of Exchange Services group so it has permissions by default.

Step 11....

If you expand Admin Groups. Then properties of your group do you see the service account? Dan
Microsoft Exchange Support @ Microsoft
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