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Can ping network connections but cannot access internet 2

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Technical User
Dec 11, 2001

I am using a router to connect a small network of computers to a DSL connection.

On one of the computers I can ping the gateway, the router, and the other networked computers but when I try to connect to the internet, there is no success.

This worked at one time but now it isn't. I have reinstalled the current drivers for the network card as well as reinstalled the DSL software.

Has anyone seen this problem before? There are only 3 computers connected at this time to the network and all other computers can access the internet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Darren E
Eb/No Studios
Audio & Grapic Design

I'm a newbie to this. I used to be able to hit my company's server when I ran Win98SE but now I can't hit one of them. Can't ping it. I think I may need to rewrite my router table as one of the above post suggest. But I've got no experience writing bat files and don't know where to find my router table? Do I just create the bat with the code above and the OS will find the router table? Or do I need to execute the bat from a particular place?
Go to the command-line and type 'route' to get the syntax for using the 'route' command. 'Route print' gives you, for example, a display of the local routing table.

But I wouldn't recommend messing with it. I really doubt that the problem is routing on your Win98 system unless TCP/IP settings have a typo. Doublecheck your IP address, your subnet mask, and your default gateway. If you can't ping, the problem is either right there, or in your network card or in your cabling arrangement.

We had this same problem with Windows98 communicating with a FlowPoint 2200 router. To solve the problem we had to do two things:

(1) Remove the Dialup Networking software so that the TCP->Dialup Adapter protocol goes away. This step was mentioned in a previous post. Go to Control Panels, open Add/Remove Programs, click on Windows Setup tab, open Communications, uncheck Dial-Up networking and click OK.

(2) Enable DNS for the TCP protocol over the NIC. This step was also mentioned in previous posts. Go to Control Panels, open Network, open TCP/IP (in our case there was only one TCP/IP protocol left at this point), click DNS Configuration tab, click Enable DNS and type in anything for the Host name and type in a valid DNS IP address and click Add. The address mentioned above,, will work.

Good luck!
Anybody good with ICS configurations? Same kind of trouble, except I can ping anywhere on my local LAN fine. But I cannot ping internet IP addresses or websites from client PCs on the LAN. I can however ping internet IP addresses and websites from the ICS server PC?
I am using Windows 2000 ICS and a DSL connection with PPoE...
I thought the configuration of ICS was as simple as checking off "Enable Sharing of this connection for internet access".... I have checked off the sharing setting on the LAN card in the PC that is connected to the DSL modem... The connection is to be shared with my second LAN card, is this all correct?
Help would welcome?
Win98 has serious issues with its tcp-ip stack. Being able to browse internally on a network but not the internet is a known issue. Ghost an image from another PC that has a working connection and is simialar in HW cfg. Works everytime.
I have a similar setup. using Linksys modem / router. I set up a VPN connection, forwarding ports 1723 on the router to the VPN server. All other PCs work fine, except for the NT 4 Workstation.
Could ping IP but not hostnames. Failed during NSLOOKUP as well. DNS config were set up correctly with two real DNS servers. Tried given it a static IP as well as dynamic IP. Still no luck.
After checking the log on the router, found DNS queries were coming in with port 10xx. Yet not resolving on the NT machine.
Checked the Linksys router, found it defaulted port forwarding from 0 - 1723 to the VPN server. Made a change and limited it to 1723 and bingo, all works fine.
Hope this helps.
btw, I have found Zone Alarm a nuisance if not configured correctly.
I have a home network using a cable connection. I have two NICs on the PC that is connected directly to the Cable modem/router. The TCP/IP config for that modem is all DHCP. The second NIC I have connected to a small switched hub. The TCP/IP config on it is, Class C mask (, and nothing else. On the other machines that I connect to the network, TCP/IP config will be 192.168.0.X, Class C mask, gateway/router is, and DNS server is That tells the other PCs to use the first PCs connection for DNS. Everything works great.

i'm just a learner. i have faced a problem and would like to seek your help for it.

i'm able to ping a m/c but not able to find that m/c by using find computer.

i have tried finding it by using it's ip and it's host name but was not successful.

both the m/c are in the same network.

cld anyone plz guide me wot may be the reasons.

Wow this information is relavent. I have a XP Home unit connected to Linksys 4 port and Router and the other box is Windows 98. Both connect to the internet and can send and receive mail but in MY NETWORK, the W98 will not see the XP but the XP will see the W98 but neither of course connect.

I cannot ping anything on the XP system. Also because there is such a difference in the physical look of the screens for networking between the two op systems, things get real confusing.. As an example the way the TCP/IP and NIC cards are displayed. From the route description below, I cannot understand where the 255. etc are coming from but the one all looks wrong.

C:\Documents and Settings\Main>route print 192*
Interface List
0x1 ........................... MS TCP Loopback interface
0x10003 ...00 e0 18 36 8f a1 ...... Realtek RTL8139/810X Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Active Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 20 20 20
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:
Omygod I've never seen so many postings under 1 thread. I think your problem isn't in the workstations if after a winipcfg(win9x) or ipconfig /all(NT/2000) you see a DNS as the default gateway (router).

Your router is providing NAT services and is relaying the DNS querry packets. Check there, I'd bet money that the router isn't pointed to the right server.

Most ISP's have a simple naming convention for their DNS machines. They will typically have one like dns/dns1.<ispname>.net/com. If they are big enough to have regional caching servers they will usually name them dns.<regional airport code>.<ISPname>.net/com.

Find someone you love and smack them silly.
YES but how do you check there, where is the DNS data kept ?

Sorry about the posts but doesn't that prove that this is a fairly prominent question. I vist 2 other Tech supports and nobody has come up with the key yet.
In seem to have the same problem.
NIC working, can ping router, can telnet router and command ISDN hook up but browser cannot be persuaded to call the ISP.
Some days it works ok some days it dosen't.
Reboot sometimes fixes.
Uninstall TCP/IP and reinstall TCP/IP always fixes, then is ok for a day or two then back to problems.
Is this a general problem with win2000?

This is a little lengthy, but I want to include all relevant info to assist in getting this problem resolved!

Here are the specifics:
Home Network consiting of
Cable Modem (always on comcast.net)
1 - Win XP PRO PC
2 - Win 98 (1 SE) PCs
3Com Home Ether Gateway/Router

1) The 98 PCs have no problem accessing the XP PC or the network printer or internet.
2) The XP PC can use the network printer, share files, ping IPs, BUT CANNOT ping host names. (Note - ICS in NOT turned on). Appears as the problem is with DNS resolution. Essentially the XP PC cannot resolve host names to IP Addresses.

The configuration of the XP PC is just like the 98 PCs -
DHCP enabled, etc...

I have researched & worked on this for well over a week. To include doing everything on the Microsoft site and reading (& trying) numerous things as suggested in this forum. An example of a Microsoft support is: How to Troubleshoot TCP/IP Connectivity with Windows XP (Q314067)

No luck! - Got all the way to - &quot;Pinging by IP address succeeds but pinging by name does not succeed, the problem is host name resolution, not network connectivity.&quot;

Microsoft suggests: Check to ensure that DNS server addresses are configured for the computer, either manually in the properties of TCP/IP, or assigned automatically. If DNS server addresses are listed when you check through the use of &quot;ipconfig /all&quot;, then try pinging the server addresses to ensure that they are accessible.

I can ping the DNS

Log story short, I have manually entered the network info (IP, DNS, etc), uninstalled and reistalled TCP/IP, manually entered DNS servers (not assigned by my ISP) - no luck, etc...

I started to get into routing tables and do not want to mess anything up.

When I run the NETSH DIAG GUI app everything passes the tests...

Everything looks good under ipconfig /all

Windows Ip Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . : athlon
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enables . . . .. : No
WINS Proxy Enabled . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : etntwn1.nj.home.com
Description . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com Etherlink....
Physical Adress . . . . . . . . : 00----------------
Dhcp Enabled . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . : Yes
IP Address . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained . . . . . . . . : Sunday, Feb 24 ----
Lease Obtained . . . . . . . . : Sunday, April 07---


Interface List
Active Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:

I just tried the NSLOOKUP utility and this is what it says:

DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds
**** Can't find server name for address Timed out
(same for alternate DNS).

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! I will also post the solution for everybody - unfortunately, I have seen simiar posts - but nobody ever posts the solution :-(

OK, here is the story. I work for a computer store here in my home town of podunk Kansas. Anyway, In the last few months, I have seen three machines come threw our store with simular issues, the only thing we have been able to do is reinstall(fresh not over the top). Here is the deal. All three machines have been windows 98se machines. IE cannot see web pages. Ping by ip works great. Computers have all been on a dhcp network. If I specify our dns server here, I can ping by name and ip. but IE still will not see web pages. if try to open a web page by ip addy in IE it says cannot open the search page. I have tried everything I know to fix this problem. Updated IE, removed IE as much as possible and then reinstalled, reinstall windows over it self, totally removed all networking and dun stuff and reinstalled, all with no avail. So far the only thing that has fixed the two machine tha twe have setn out already is reinstalling windows, then worked fine. Still have one machine left and am wanting to avoid the reinstall, tried diffferent network cards. My theory is that is is some kinda of windows files dealing with dns, or a file that is the same between all network cards provided by windows itself, hence the reinstall solving the problem. If anyone has so hints or ideas would be greatly appriciated.

I updated my home router/gateway firmware and double-checked all of the settings. Low-and-behold, I noticed that when I had originally set up the thing - I only let a few IP's through (for security). I opened up the block of IP's and sure enough the XP machines were surfing the web.

So, long story short, I had a misconfigured router.

Good Luck!
Hi all.

I deal with a similar Win98/ME issue all the time. The issue being that you can ping IP addresses anywhere on the Internet, but cannot resolve DNS names. Assuming that your TCP/IP settings are configured correctly, the following information might help.
Again, this information applies only to Win 98/ME.

1. Make sure you have your OS CD or the correct .CAB files available for the particular version of 98/98se/ME.

2. Remove ALL instances of TCP/IP from Network Properties. DO NOT reboot when prompted to do so.

3. Delete the following registry keys:









4. Reboot.
5. Reinstall TCP/IP.
6. Reboot.

In my experience this issue is often caused by the installation and/or uninstallation of 3rd party internet-related programs such as spyware or firewall software. However, sometimes there seems to be no obvious cause. Have had much success with this fix.

Hope it helps.



i have a problem like this topic for a 2 days ago . and have to solve it like it is the dark way cause i don't have knowledge about this.

but now u'r my bright , my light . u must be god oh...

THANK U. , peanutssm and all guys at here .

I had this problem after changing the motherboard on a Windows ME system. No problems with Dos Ping or transferring files on LAN, but no internet access. Followed procedure given by PEANUTSMM, and now it works.


I've found that if this is a new machine without a lot of special stuff on the hard drive, the easiest way to fix a problem like this is f-disk the hard drive and re-install the os. When my users have problems on there pc on my network, I'll spend 1/2 day working on it, and if I can't solve it, I blow it away and re-install. Never had it fail. Good luck. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional

&quot;It is never too late to learn what is always necessary to know.&quot;
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - 65AD) Roman philosopher, statesman.
98SE machine-I'm having similar problems, but can Ping either IP's or host names with no problem. When I try to use IE 6 or Outlook Express, I can't load any pages &quot;cannot open the search page&quot;. Tried going backwards to IE5.5, no good. tried restoring my enitire windows directory (registry and all) from tape, this worked. forced me to reboot, and when it came back up, the web was gone again. GAH! I HATE windows!!! Any thoughts gang? (have reinstalled all network drivers already..not working either.)
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