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Banished words 3

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Apr 29, 2002
has a list of banished words such as

BLUE STATES/RED STATES – “A good map has more than two colors.”

ENEMY COMBATANT – “Makes no sense. Do we have friendly combatants? Neutral combatants? Or how about enemy bystanders? If they are your enemy, just say so.”

IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE – As opposed to what used to be referred to as a bomb or mine. “Is this anything like a bomb or is it more (or less) sinister?”

YOU’RE FIRED! – “…and the little hand movement, too!”

‘IZZLE’ – SPEAK - “Like Superbowl excesses, it is too much of too much,”


BLOG – and its variations, including blogger, blogged, blogging, blogosphere. Many who nominated it were unsure of the meaning. Sounds like something your mother would slap you for saying.

ZERO PERCENT APR FINANCING– sending a dollar to do a nickel’s worth of work. “They could just say ‘no interest.’

ALL NEW – referring to television shows… “Of course it’s all new. Why can’t they just say ‘new’?

JOURNEY – “Every single person on every reality show comments on how amazing the ‘journey’ was. Since when does dating a dozen nerds over a six-week span or conniving to win a million dollars over 15 other people qualify as a ‘journey’”?

CARBS – low carbs, high carbs, no carbs, carb-friendly… Meant ‘carburetor’ in a previous life. Needs to be purged from our system.

A svelte word banishment committee, fresh from a low-carb diet, said the process of selecting this year’s words was an amazing journey through hundreds of nominations.

What are your candidates for banishment?
EXTREME - please, please, let us not make anything extreme ever again. I cannot fathom how a deodorant becomes extreme. I cannot come to grips with an extreme dishwashing detergent. I can no longer resist a chip that has been dubbed extreme. In my book, this is all "extrement". Now that's a word I could use.

[red]Note:[/red] [gray]The above comments are the opinionated ravings of Mr3Putt. As such, Mr3Putt accepts no responsibility for damages, real or contrived, resulting from acceptance of his opinions as fact.[/gray]
Enemy combatant. Someone is shooting, they are a combatant. Are they part of your own army? Some other army but on your side? Someone taking advantage of the chaos to shoot an unfriendly neighbour? (making them a would-be murderer rather than a combatant.
In a 'live' situation, an unknown combatant needs to be classified quickly. Most armies shoot their own side from time to time, most famously in the case of Stonewall Jackson, but all armies do it.

As for Blue States / Red States, this is a clear enough idea, only wrong. If you look at a more detailed map you find that there is a geographic pattern, but much less clear-cut.

A view [tiger] from the UK
BLUE STATES/RED STATES – “A good map has more than two colors.”
A good map has only one color - Purple.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
When you combine the colors red and blue - you get purple.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Never seen anybody laughing after he's been shot!

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
Is this the same with "Amish drive-by shooting"?
ZoomerZ said:
Is this the same with "Amish drive-by shooting"?
What are they shooting with? Beard fleas? [rofl]

<serious now/>Haven't heard that term before! What's it about?

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
Beard fleas is exceptable guess I guess...
As soon as I read "Friendly Fire" it popped up in my head but where did I hear that? Comedy channel about mutualy exclusive terms or something?
Nope. At least it was an official term for bullets fired by allied troops that accidentally hit their own soldiers!

That was back in Gulf war 1 in 1991.
Didn't hear anything about it in the latest war, but they had (and still hav) other problems anyway.

So if your own soldiers get killed by mislead bullets, they're killed by "friendly fire"...
<severe type mismatch error>

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
>That was back in Gulf war 1 in 1991.
Didn't hear anything about it in the latest war, but they had (and still hav) other problems anyway.

There was plenty of "friendly fire" in Afghanistan. I am sure there was some in the most recent war in Iraq. Modern combat is getting smarter though.
>Didn't hear anything about it in the latest war

Oh, there were a fair number of blue-on-blue incidents during Operation Iraqi Freedom, such as the British Tornado brought down by a Patriot
The word is fratricide, and is as old as war itself. Accidents happen.

There are cases where fratricide has been intentional, but that's a different issue, and should be addressed in another forum.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I wasn't referring to the incident as such. Just to the word "friendly fire".
This is the first time I hear of fratricide - although I clearly understand what is meant.
"frater"=brother + "homicide"

But isn't "friendly fire" an widely used term? If so, it belongs to the nonsensical word creations too.
That's what I meant.

[blue]An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - "Mahatma" Mohandas K. Gandhi[/blue]
So being killed by spouse is Lovely death then?

I insist that Friendly Fire was misused and overlooked and should be terminated.
>"friendly fire"

Yup, MakeItSo, there is nothing "friendly" about a bunker boosting bomb.
You're on the right track.

Actually it's (Latin) 'frater' => brother + 'cide' => to kill
and homocide is
homo => human being + 'cide' => to kill

In any event, yes, the phrase 'friendly fire' is more common than the word 'fratricide' and I don't know why. I've also hear the phrase 'blue on blue' to mean the same with respect to police officers, or more generally law enforcement people.

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
>In any event, yes, the phrase 'friendly fire' is more common than the word 'fratricide' and I don't know why.

That's because fratricide is known as "The killing of one's brother or sister" -- in other words, a murder. "Friendly fire" does not carry that kind of definition.
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