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3.2 (54) SCN gone insane..PLZ HELP 2

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Apr 12, 2006
I have a SCN x3.
Main site...412 w/ centralized VMPro...other two sites are 406's. Having many strange issues suddenly.

1-When in the VM system (whether it be the AA or a mailbox) the thing is inserting random DTMF tones i.e I hit the AA & want to transfer to ext 1133 so that is what I dial. The system sees 11133.

2-When ringing a remote ext on no answer there is dead air on the return trip before vm finally answers (on the route back to the Cen. VMP server)

3-Operator is at a remote site and calls are randomly being dropped whether direct dialed or via Zero out (about 30-40%)

4-Remote sites are having intermittent issues with the Message waiting indication not responding appropriately.

5-When in a remote extensions vm, pressing 1 does not by pass the greeting to leave a message, on exts on main (local) site does that work. For remote sites you need to dial *1. A random caller will not know which of the three locations a station is at.....

Any help is much appreciated....

Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script!
Make sure your codecs match for the IP trunks, if you are using 711 you might switch to 729, as the calls take less bandwidth.
Whenever a customer calls me with sudden issues, I have learned that the first thing to ask is what has changed on your network. When you say sudden issues, that leads me to believe that the system has been in for a while and working properly. No new DHCP server, IP address changes, or changes to The configs of the IPOs? For example, I don't know what version you are running, but in 3.2 i had issues with Manager.

If I opened up the config of site A, made a change, sent the config and then immediately open the config of one of the other sites, The other site would get part of the first site. I had to send the config then close Manager then open again to work on the other site.

I would check the configs and also see if something has changed on the network.
They are running 3.2 (55) at all sites. Same codecs at all sites for ip trunks (U729). The issues started when we put in the 3rd location. VM is acting really strange at remotes. We discovered another issue with it that when you zero out (yes the user field is defined) it will randomly play recording "returned to previous activity" and not transfer out. I try several times with the same extension and get different results....I have checked the configs and looks good far as I can tell. No new devices on network...just the addition of the third site that made everything go haywire.....

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
So something did change, you added a 3rd location. If you take that location out of the equation do the problems go away?

You are missing something in the config of the third location. Check to see if there are users, groups, extensions anything that is doubled up from one of the other sites.

Is the IP address scheme correct? Are your VPNs correct? Do you have the IP route configures properly. I cringe when people tell they have checked the configs. check them again and compare to the other sites.
after adding the 3rd location it all starded
how is it put in ?
is there a main location
maybe the 3 rd location has ip routes to both other locations
it should be configured in a star and not in a mesh
so the main location should have iproutes to the 406's
the 406's should have 1(one) iproute and that goes to the main location
in your iptrunks uncheck "direct media path" this will allowyour remote location to talk to each other
if it is check it won't work

Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
I reviewed the configs again and there are no duplicates between any of the sites(exts, groups, etc).

The sites can all talk to each other. That was never an issue.

The IPs are sequential and good.

Main site has two routes (one to each remote) and the remotes each have one that goes to the main site.

At this point I cannot take the third site out of the equation as they get their dial tone from the main site and that is the location where all the VIPs are.

I just don't get this one folks. I have an 11 site else where that works just fine (tho they aren't using centralized vm). This one is hair pulling.

How can the system insert addt'l digits. You can watch it happen in debug. There's nothing in the shortcodes (I have re-checked all that as well).

Is anyone else having issues like this? We are thinking about upgrading them to v4, but that release has it's own issues with the hunt group vm timers....(although it will resolve the *1 issue to bypass the message in vm)
Thanks all!

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
do you use lcr ?
run monitor and look at the digits
press the digit one at the time while you are looking at monitor
look when the digit you don't want is insert (and maybe why)

Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
No LCR. All dial tone is from main location for the remotes connected via p2p. You can see the digits getting inserted, but I have no idea why or how this is happening. Never had any IPO give me so much trouble....when the insertion is happening the cen. vm is splitting the packet or so it seems.

When the call comes in it starts at the main site. Caller dial ext at remote site (uses the voip trunk) The end user isn't there so the call re-routes back across the voip to the VM. That's where the problem is. Somewhere in the re-route back, I think the packets are getting split.....

Any ideas?

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
Checked those again...all codes are either * or # to access. Groups at each site are unique and are not in the range with the extension either...GGGRRRR

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
This one is a long shot as the symptoms described imply something wrong with DTMF dialing, however...

Did you, by any chance, setup the 3rd system using a copy of the 2nd system's configuration. This has been seen to cause lots of issues. Every entry in a configuration has a hidden GUID which is a unique number generated from the time the entry was created. Unfortunately if you load that config into another IP Office in the SCN, even if you then edit the entries to have unique name and ext numbers etc, they have the same hidden GUID's and when the systems start exchanging user data across the SCN they start getting very confused.

The fix unfortunately is wiping the new system and building its config from scratch rather than from a copy.
I don't have any way to post an image so here goes the info
Line Number 54
Telphone number Main Site
Incoming group id 54
Outgoing group id 54
Number of channels 20
National prefix 0
Outgoing channels 24
International prefix 00
Voice channels 24
Data Channels 20

There are no shortcodes assigned

VoIP settings are as follows
g711 ulaw 64k

The following are enabled:
Enable fast start
out of band dtmf
voice networking
and fax transport support

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
sorry bout that.
The ip/subnet are
the gateway is the main site ipo address
lan 1
metric 0
no proxy

This is the same a site 2

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
do this:

Leave the route in there but change the gateway to the local router.

Then create 2 more IP routes one that goes

IP address of main site and gateway set local router to lan 1
IP address of other remote site and gateway set to local router

Do this for each site so you have a default route ( and routes set to the other sites as above. Use the local router

I'd rather be Sleepin' 0_____|
Ok, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks for your help ronromano. I'll let you know if it helps!

I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
@ronromano now you are creating a mesh instead of a star configuration
there should only be an iproute to the main location

Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
WHat? I don't think so. I think mesh refers to having extension numbers that are intermixed among switches. I am not doing this here. I set a route to each switch within each switch. This is the way I set all my SCNs this way. NEVER A PROBLEM!
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