Hi 81k3r80y2
You must be creat 2 route ( isdn) and analog, after that, when you must create a rota with CHROTA : <ROUTE-TABLE>[,[<USER-TYPE>][,<SEQUENCE-TABLE>]
here you can put that 2 route isdn and analog
Hi dont have exprience on Management@Net but I created a little application that come on Ip port directly on the CPU 3000 and if there an allar, like block, minor o major, send this information directly on your desktop
Hi colldude6
the tool is IFM IS3000 file converter?you know the extension I need to compilate when starting a trace?
I try with convert but no work...
see...333200411231232200411231232BW Application type 0 ...
Hi All
Any people know a programm for read a IS 3000 trace on DTU-PH?
I tray to rename a file in .exp and read with aurora expert, but not all fram are correct.
Thanks All
Hi mat
The pbx in configuration is a NT or TE?
I work with pbx configurtion Nt the signal group is 5c00 and the jumper on dtx are be like a bus s0 because the pbx send a alimentation on the bus because is a network
If you work like Te (and cisco router is a Nt) you are configure your trunk with...
Ok i try with a simple alarming...but not have a license..
I want upgrade a system because want have my switch with the last packet
I have a 810.29 CPU
PMC 1410.09.01
DTX 2203.13.02
the perfect situation for the allarm I belive you can have with Management@net you say were I can find this programm?
Yesm I have management software and ftp access. I dont have a manual or software for upgrade a DTX-I, PMC,another question I enable a managemnt ip and see if i call in tcp on port 2598 recive a ex 98000 where the first zero is a major allarm the second zero is a minor and the last a...
Hi blueE
YOu need to see the license on swich Is 3000 with te command "dilics:;" and another information you need to know if you want work with ip link csta or s0 link csta..... it's a different license, I have a Genesys 5 in integration and it's
good luck
I work with Is3030 pk 810 but it's similar, my dnr is configurated in this mode IBSC 0= 64 Kbit/s unresticted, BSPT =98. i work with RVS and it's perfect...
Try bye
Hi all the new version of pomwiev is ready http://www.hagi-online.org/ and the ias software .
Show72 I have a question..you have a new software of cpu 3000? I work with 810.29, in september i need to install a 3050 and I want try a new pk is possible, in a training you have a new documentation...
If you have a license problem, you have a minor alarm..., but if you have a problem on rout, you need a software for change a characteristics.
Writing back if you have a problem
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