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  • Users: DelphiGuru
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  1. DelphiGuru


    Hi, Creating a new dll is as simple as creating new Application. To create a new dll. start your delphi if it isn't working. Select File | New and from the New tab select DLL. Delphi will create new project without any units and pay attention to keyword Library which tells the compiler that...
  2. DelphiGuru

    Problems with the API function: WriteFile

    Hi Gigatech, Problem with your code is that you're passing wrong parameter type. just look at the declaration of function writefile function WriteFile(hFile:THandle;const Buffer; nNumberOfBytesToWrite:DWORD;var lpNumberOfBytesWritten: DWORD; lpOverlapped: POverlapped): BOOL; what you are...
  3. DelphiGuru

    CAnnot determine which Access 2000 files to update Access 97

    Hi, Here are some names of files which i'm quite sure are required for using MSACCESS file. ODBCJTXX.DLL ODBCINST.DLL ODBCCTLXX.DLL MSAJTXXX.DLL MSJETERR.DLL MSJETINT.DLL Where XXX are version means 16 for 16-bits and 32 for 32-bits...
  4. DelphiGuru


    Hi, This question has been asked before and i've answered that. To acces MSACCESS file u needn't to use ODBC. all u can do is to create new alias in BDE Admin from control panel and select the Database Driver Name as "MSACCESS". i've also posted how to create BDE Alias at run time...
  5. DelphiGuru

    Internet Connection

    Hi, the only problem with your code is with the use of ReadBinaryDate function. that function in delphi is defined as function ReadBinaryData(const Name: string; var Buffer; BufSize: Integer): Integer; as here u can see the 2nd parameter is passed by reference and you can't pass it...
  6. DelphiGuru

    Internet Connection

    Hi, Seems from your message errors that you didnt' understand what i meant to. Acutally all you've to do is use registry unit in your uses clause, create an instance of TRegistry and use TRegistry's ReadBinaryData function. for example var reg : TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry.Create...
  7. DelphiGuru

    Internet Connection

    Hi, Seems from your message errors that you didnt' understand what i meant to. Acutally all you've to do is use registry unit in your uses clause, create an instance of TRegistry and use TRegistry's ReadBinaryData function. for example var reg : TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry.Create...
  8. DelphiGuru

    CAnnot determine which Access 2000 files to update Access 97

    Hi Shenzen, plz. try the following keywords in MSACESS help to find out the solution of your problems. "Conversion and Compatibility issues" Hope it helps u. Ali Naqvi
  9. DelphiGuru

    Internet Connection

    Hi, You can know whether computer is connected to net or not using Windows system registry. Just explore the following using code HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess and from RemoteAccess access the binary value 'Remote Connection'. if values...
  10. DelphiGuru

    Recommended Books

    To get brainbench certification in delphi i would suggest you to get accquainted with OOP in delphi, Class hierarchies and delphi standard components properties.
  11. DelphiGuru


    Hi Shenzen, After reading your question it seems that your application is built using "Build with runtime packages" checked. If this check is true then your application size becomes smaller but all you've to do is to also deploy DLLs using which that project was build including...
  12. DelphiGuru

    Access DSN less connection.

    Hi Ashkar, All u want to do can be done using Session Variable or using Session Component from "Data Access" Page, which is available whenever you user DBTables unit in your unit uses clause. below is simple piece of code which can be used to first check if BDE alias exists, if not...
  13. DelphiGuru

    why the table bihaviour is not reliable

    Are u using table component with CacheUpdate property set to true? if yes then you've to call ApplyUpdates and CommitUpdates for that table component. Hope it will help u.
  14. DelphiGuru

    DB App to Internet

    Try to use following methods (hopefully it will usefull). 1.Close opened delphi project. 2. Select New from file file menu 3. From new items select ActiveX tab 4. From ActiveX tab select ActiveX Library 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3. 6. select Active Form now this form is like normal delphi...
  15. DelphiGuru

    how to automate installation of odbc dns

    Well to access "MSACCESS" file. you needn't to have dsn. all you've to do is just go to BDE Adminstrator from control panel. Select the Databases tab from the right panel and select the Databases and right click on it and select new and from "Database driver name" selects...

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