I have a couple of bcm's that my customer has decided that he wants to network together via VoIP trunks. Some of the old locations have 3 digit ext's that we can not change, but the rest i can change to 5 digits.
I am currently testing in 2 bcm's running try-n-buy voip trunk keycodes. I have...
Off of the top of my head i can not remember the wiring. I know thought that it was in the manual from multitech. The norstar is a type II, 4 wire.
As far as i know the only guide was the one that came with the unit. I had to have multitech walk me through the first one i did becasue it was...
Blotnik, i have to step back and say that i have not done it, but assumed that it could be done and understand the concept. I apologize for getrting your hopes up. Maybe someone out there knows for sure.
But a quick look at the cp150 manual said that if the feature codes are taken by another...
I understood Sphoneman's suggestion, but don't think the cust would want to pay for the additional vm. The high and the lows would be the codes that you access the VM with. F981 would work for only one of the VM. The lower code would access the second. Then it is just a matter of forwarding...
That's a pretty good idea marvo, one i didn't think of, but the numbers have to go to a specific group. So line 1 would be assigned to group 1 and nobody else.
I am installing a MICS with 2 PRIs and 1 cp150
That is what i am leaning toward. I will put the rec in each group as well as the group members. The problem is that is will ring them all at the same time. That might have to be good enough.
i have been thinking about this for days and have not come to a viable solution so let me here what you think.
I have a customer who wants to have 8 seperate numbers for different groups in the office. The owner wants all the numbers to ring the recep first then forward to the particular group...
i have connected sites via e&m cards but found that the quality was far better using ata's. the only advantage of using e&ms is that you are able to dial ext's directly. Otherwise, i would suggest using the ata's. That's what i think.
This might be a stupid question, but how do you properly shut down a BCM. I have searched the manual and have yet to find it there. I have found a warm reboot, but not how to properly shut it down.
Thanks for the help.
Is there a way for a receptionist to park or camp a call to a button on his/her phone so if the call rings back she will know who is ringing back? This is a grocery store setting so the people recieving the calls are pretty much never standing at thier phone.
Any thoughts would be helpfull...
Thanks first off everybody that has helped in the past if i have forgotten to mention that.
My next question to the group is this. My NRU 9.0 and Nortsar Manager 3.5 worked fine before 6.1 came out. I now can connect directly and remotly but only using the telephone set and NOT the Browser...
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