You're right Rhinokiller, but in this case it's just like:
Don't use sendmail, use this mailserver.... Any othere settings will be more or less ignored because it will relay through another server....
it's safe :)
Command line, it does an MX check on the domain, comes up with the proper mailserver and delivers it there. It uses the mailhub, not sendmail itself.
If you use Javamail, it delivers it for relaying to sendmail, which accepts it as local.
I'm not sure about your logging etc. but focusing on the header of this mail :
enter a smart relay host in your :
sendmail "thinks" that it has to deliver the mail locally
use the mailertable to set up a smart relay host
If it wasn't in the mailqueue of your backup mailserver, and there was nothing in the logs, it was probably bounced.... You should be getting bounce messages, but that might take a while
use you're old to compile, you'll only have to change the hostname of your machine.
The rest of your redundant mailsystem will be handled by DNS (secondary MX record in domainfile)
I think you'll have to change the MX records of the DNS server to do that.
you could for example enter in the zonefile of
IN MX 10 mail
IN MX 10 backup-mail
setting the same priority (10) will enable some sort of round-robin loadbalancing...
Hi. I'm new to this forum, but I welcome it. I'll also try to help some fellow Techies as I'm quite used to sendmail. But sometimes it does stuff that even I don't expect.
We're using sendmail as a relay server behind our Exchange server. The Exchange server is using
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