I'm guessing youre not placing the source in your DP's if you have to point it to a server share
This guy makes some good tutorials:
Well, from what your asking SMS and WSUS are separate entities. (SCCM and WSUS are integrated)
To configure your WSUS server for client use take a look here:
MS actually used SMS with the ITMU and the WSUS servers at the same time (figuring they...
Create a read only account in SQL on the SMS/SCCM server, then on the other SQL server create an ODBC connection from that server to the SMS server and pull what you want.
This might sound dumb nut try running a bat file that runs the bat file you already have. This way it will show it ran the bat, that runs the other bat file successfully.
If you ever have a DP that was taken off line without the proper “removal” process from the SMS Console, you will get a ton of errors showing up in SMS_Distribution_Manager saying it cant remove a package or update it, and the server will try over and over, but it will never work because its...
Never heard of a console on a MaC in any way.... that said, if you can connect but can't see anything, aside from you working on a mac, I'd have to guess your logon rights are not allowing you to see inside any of the items in the console.
The only funky thing it did was with SQL 2005 one day it was needed by the systems for install and installed the patch, the next day the cab file said no server ever needed the patch, then MS came back and fixed the cab file and said it was installed and was needed by the machines it installed...
Hi Neil,
I hope all is well with you! Actually I push out VBS' all the time for a couple clients (thats how they seem to package a lot of things over in the eastern european countries I deal with) The key is having them run the program from the SMS local cache as system account admin (so AV...
ohhhhh I thought you were going for one for everything!
Those sound good! gets lots of space and put the OS on a raid1 and the SMS data and logs however you like but on different channels.
I'm all in favor of getting all the power you can get so its a non issue. One setup we did had 2500...
Because adobe never adheres to any common registry structure or rules when they release different versions...it gums up the registry and generally makes a mess they they dont clean up old version information and sometimes old files with upgrades or patches.
Simply, adobe writes very crappy...
make sure they are in a subnet that is in an ad site and or that your boundaries are setup right. If you look on those clients at the clientservices.log or clientlocation.log, I think you will see errors for them finding the MP
I would say depending on what you do with it, that its not enough. If you want it to be a MP DP RP CAP SLP< and you do much reporting and software pushes, you'll need more servers.
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