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Search results for query: *

  1. BPeisch

    Report Form Group Header.

    Do you need the group header to float below the detail lines? If not, set the detail band to take the maximum amount of space you want to allow. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  2. BPeisch

    Container ToolTipText Property

    Where do you want the tooltip to show up? I assume you have it on a form somewhere. You need to set that form's ShowTips property to .T. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  3. BPeisch

    web enable

    If you just want to use the Internet as your network, you can do that either by using something like Citrix Server (which gets expensive) or by mapping the drive from your server just like you would on a LAN (that has security issues). Rick Strahl had an article on using the mapping technique...
  4. BPeisch

    resizable class not working with subclass

    You've probably overridden the Init method of the textbox by putting code in your subclass. You need to add a DODEFAULT() so that the code from the parent class will run in addition to your code. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  5. BPeisch

    making logical

    skoko's solutions works. You might want to consider using a checkbox instead of a textbox for logical fields. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  6. BPeisch

    Find and edit a record in large table

    Toman, DO WHILE works fine in the context Jim posted. He could have also used SCAN WHILE, and left out the test for EOF() and the SKIP at the end of the loop. SCAN REST would NOT be the right scoping to use in this case, because you don't necessary want to keep going through ALL the records...
  7. BPeisch

    field phrase error

    Mike, You can add my stuff to your FAQ, and you don't need to show it as a quote either. Actually, I covered this error in my presentation at Whilfest a couple of years ago. Here's the full text from the whitepaper: PowerPrinting, Mike's FAQ was discussing combos and lists. I'm not sure...
  8. BPeisch

    field phrase error

    Actually, there's a bit more to it than what's in that FAQ, although the situation Mike points out is the problem 90% of the time. I've found you can get the "Field 'phrase' not found" error if there's any inconsistency in the RowSource, including if you have the wrong kind of RowSource...
  9. BPeisch

    append from command fails

    It would help if you post the APPEND FROM line of code you're using. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  10. BPeisch

    web enable

    Probably the best bet is for you to get a hold of the book "Internet Applications with Visual FoxPro 6" from http://www.hentzenwerke.com/catalogpricelists/intvfp.htm (Don't worry about the title, pratically all of it still applies in VFP 8.) There have also been numerous articles in FPA over...
  11. BPeisch

    Find and edit a record in large table

    What you're seeing is the power of Rushmore optimization. Just keep in mind that things can get weird with changing the filtering if you want to display the results in a grid. If you do run into problems, just post another question here. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  12. BPeisch

    Windows Explorer - Browse

    There's a function called GETFILE() that allows users to browse and select a file. It doesn't have a treeview of the directory structure on the left the way Windows Explorer does, but it might satisfy your needs. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  13. BPeisch

    Find and edit a record in large table

    How about a parameterized view? You can make the view updatable, which would be a lot easier. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  14. BPeisch

    Intermittant error: "Alias not found" in VFP from ASP calls

    No, I haven't heard of any such fluke. I don't think that's the problem. In my web apps that rely on everything being closed on each hit, I close everything on the way out, but also call my close routine at the start of each hit, just to make sure. Is it possible that you're getting an error...
  15. BPeisch

    TableUpdate not working if record is at end of file...

    You shouldn't be using any buffering on the source table in most cases. If you do, you have to issue a TABLEUPDATE on BOTH the view and the source table. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  16. BPeisch

    Intermittant error: "Alias not found" in VFP from ASP calls

    First, I would suggest opening your table this way: SELECT 0 USE X:\mydata\mytable ORDER myorder ALIAS myAlias It's too easy to lose track of what's open in which work area by number, and it hasn't been necessary since the FoxBASE days. Doing a SELECT 0 says, "Select an unused work area". You...
  17. BPeisch

    Trim memo field

    OK, but when I copied the code to a PRG and used it to replace a memo field on which I'd stuck a bunch of carriage returns at the end, I still had the carriage returns at the end. That's why I said the code didn't work. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  18. BPeisch

    Trim memo field

    JPG, That's not actually trimming anything from your memo field, you're just adding a CHR(13) to the end of the last line. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  19. BPeisch

    need vfp code to convert octal to decimal

    I've got a form in my Base2Base.zip download on www.peisch.com/downloads.html that will convert a number from any base to decimal or decimal to any base. That should show you how to do it. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com
  20. BPeisch

    How do I remove the container object?

    I'm afraid so. -BP (Barbara Peisch) www.peisch.com

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