Brochures need to be set up with what will be the front and back panels the same size and the one that folds inside slightly smaller, i.e.: 3.7-3.7 - 3.6 . . . be aware that the panels will flip from the outside to the inside
The person who says it cannot be done
should not interrupt the...
you might look for a file named "XXXXX.idlk" . . . its an automatic backup file for situations like this . . . I have had my computer crash numerous times for any number of reasons and have always been able to get my InDesign work back right to where I was working on it. .. . good luck
open the text in the edit in story editor and it should show you why its overset or you could show hidden characters under the type pull down to see if you can see what is causing it
The person who says it cannot be done
should not interrupt the person doing it. . . .
I always use the transparancy power in Photo Shop when getting rid of a background .. . you can get a nice soft edge that blends nicely with the background this way - otherwise it looks like you cut a photo out with a pair of sissors . ..
The person who says it cannot be done
should not...
If its just for a single page you can draw a text box and then go to the text frame options (Apple Key + B) and set up columns for that text box only
The person who says it cannot be done
should not interrupt the person doing it. . . .
What I need to know is how to define the default settings when i create a new page in Illustrator CS4 in this case. The biggest issue is when I create a new page it gives me what seems like 100 different swatches in the swatch pallet and i know that I can select unused colors and delete them but...
like doug said its better to adjust the folds . . . i use panel dimensions of 3.7 - 3.7 - 3.6 inches - don't forget to turn it around on the back side since the paper flips over - the 3.6 panel is the one that folds to the inside . . . this makes the bindery workers love you
The person...
you can make it a montone - dutone ( i know that sounds funny but go to the duotone option and you can make it anything from a monotone to a quadtone) in photoshop and assign it the pantone # . . . but its better to work with than image in a page layout program like indesign which is optimized...
Answers (kinda)
1. Depends on the design program . . . most design programs have limited trapping abilities but most medium to large printers are using a good direct to plate system which includes very good final trapping of all objects on the page so you don't have to worry about it and the...
Hi . . . i was in a non-admin users account trying to setup disk permissions and set the permissions to "no access" - now even when i start up using my admin identification the disk does not show up . . . how can i reset the permissions to allow access . . . the disk utility does not let me fix...
GOOD ANSWER . . . . my favorite movie quote when asked if I know Quark is . . .
"I said I never had much use for it.
Never said I didn't know how to use it."
Matthew Quigley from Quigley Down Under
I personally have little use for quark . . . but for those of you that still have not discovered InDesign or have tooooooo much money invested in plugins . . . Quark is apparently (to me) getting desperate . . FREE TECH SUPPORT for registered users . . .
see their web page at...
Hey . . . i have about 5 network servers i need to mount on my osx machine and was wondering if there was a way to automaticaly mount these on a restart including passwords . . . it gets old remounting all of these everytime i restart
Well a hundred is true but when I start I only count up by 10's but there is a hundred availabe to slip one inbetwen if I have to and yes I have been know to draw the seating arrangements for concert halls, out door amphitheaters complete with trees vendor booths and a bazillion other objects...
Oh let me count the ways . . . just recently I had to do a job with six colors, a dull varnish, a spot UV gloss plates just a whole raft of things . . . in order to see where the "varnish and UV" plates were I made a special color brite yello for the UV and brite red for the varnish and would...
Ok I give up - My older versions of Photoshop all let me click with the brush-pencil-eraser tool and then shift click and the two points would be connected with whatever tool I had selected - made clean up real easy etc.
Does anybody know if this feature is available in CS or has it been...
hi ya back . . .
in quark 6 you select the round corner box tool and then you can modify it by either command M or item > modify to bring up the "modify box" menu . . . left hand column at the bottom . . . corner radius plug a # in there and you adjust the radius of the corner . .. ...
is this on files that started life as a quark file???
in conversion quite often a couple of things happen . . .
objects get position locked . . .
and if objects are grouped with an object that has suppress printout checked all of the attibutes will be "non-printing"
fortunately its an easy...
I asked adobe that very ? - It appears that it is on the top of their wish list for the next revision if anybody knows of a plug in that would do that it would be a best seller I'm sure
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