I sounds like they have lost some DDI numbers or some old customer links pointing to a DDI number or pilot number.
You will need to find out what is the DDI Range, from the Telco to confirm the number you are dialing is part of the DDI Range, digits being forwarded through to the Pabx by...
Hi Kbatch,
Have you got a basic rate phone butt tester, to see if you can dial out on both channels on the basic rates?
Are both basic rates up and showing the same status? on the NT`S and the trunk card on the Pabx?
Sound the same old story with a Telco in NZ!!!
I had the same problems with a primary rate on a 120ICS.
Its about saving phone and not providing a service (UFB hurting them bad!!!). they wanted me to look at the codes and alerts, which are very limited on this model. They do the same with poor...
Point the extn to a phantom extn, which is a hunt group by its selfe, which has a divert to a cell phone. GDK do not do true trunk to trunk, but this way its a work around to achieve the same result
Hi is there a maintence command to change the type of phone connected! (system see`s phone with the TN Programed, but comes up with wrong type message) with out having to rebuilding the set from scratch
Is there away to have trunk ring at digital phone (main reception)and on busy/NA go to a AA, where they will get a greeting with choices via one digit dialing,dial 1-9 an extn which corroponds to the dial tree
IS there a command to check which IP Phones are regestered and connected.
Doing a stat of a phontom loop does not indicate which sets are not connected
This is somerthing we did not have down in NZ/Aust, we got all the features and 512 ports by default. Later on when the IPS arrived, then we had software licences to take care off
Hi there, I am based in Wellington and can sort out your dial 5 problems, work on Nec`s every day of the year. drop me a line on how to contact you.
Hi there,
I have Mat 1.04 operating on my compaq laptop, operating XP sp2 without a problem.
Mat for the Nec sds and ICS 110/120 had all ways had the function to dial and connect to remote pabx`s via modem. This was never advertised.
Select the com port your modem is on.
Go into MOC mode...
Hi there,
This is usaully the case with system corruption,
ie incorrect deletion from UCD, hunt and pickup groups.
This does happen on the big brothers IMX/IPX
you will need to delete from Cmd 10, if a later software version of IPS, DELETE from CMD 14
Hi there,
Can you call, be called from the ISDN Terminal internally.
You may need to check CMD AC01, AC02, AC03, AC04 & AC06
Let me know what you have got these set to.
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