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Search results for query: *

  1. Clarkie001

    Absolute DIV - Relatvie Footer issue

    Vragabond, Yes, thanks... I have just realised I don't need the absolute whilst using display:none... These were previously hidden DIVs, which was the root of the issue, but I hadn't realised it was resolved by using display: none. Thanks for the detail online inline also. Clarkie
  2. Clarkie001

    Absolute DIV - Relatvie Footer issue

    Hi, On one of my pages I have created 5 seperate DIVs and positioned them Absolute - Display: none. I am then using javascript to display the data contained therein seperately and in the same position (hence the need for the absolute positioning). The issue I have, is when javascript sets the...
  3. Clarkie001

    Absolute DIV - Relatvie Footer issue

    Hi, On one of my pages I have created 5 seperate DIVs and positioned them Absolute - Display: none. I am then using javascript to display the data contained therein seperately and in the same position. The issue I have, is when javascript sets the hidden DIVs Display:Inline, my footer does...
  4. Clarkie001

    Recordset refresh rate

    Hi, I am looking for some help regarding the code below. In the first snippet, I am creating an XML file based on a database recordset. This works great. but! On the second snippet I am trying to create a OWC graph based on the newly created XML file. It works fine on the first selection...
  5. Clarkie001

    ASP MID Function issue...

    I am receiving a runtime error 'Invalid Procedure on the MID functions in the following code. Please shed some light on this.. Thanks Clarkie <% dim conn, rs, sql set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"...
  6. Clarkie001

    OWC Spreadsheet in ASP

    Hi, I am using the below code to create a OWC spreadsheet on my page: <object classid="clsid:0002E551-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="profiledata"> <param name="XMLURL" value = "http://localhost/ltfp/XMLSS.asp"> </object> The code for XMLSS.asp is: <% Language=VBScript %> <%...
  7. Clarkie001

    OWC on IIS with ASP

    Sorry, I am getting the error on: set objCSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
  8. Clarkie001

    OWC on IIS with ASP

    Hi, I am using IIS on XP to create a corporate intranet site, before it is loaded onto the corporate servers. I am having issues getting OWC to run... see below code. - I am getting "ASP 0177 Invalid Class String" error. I do not have Office XP installed, I have only installed the seperate OWC...
  9. Clarkie001

    OWC on IIS with ASP

    Hi, I am using IIS on XP to create a corporate intranet site, before it is loaded onto the corporate servers. I am having issues getting OWC to run... see below code. - I am getting "ASP 0177 Invalid Class String" error. I do not have Office XP installed, I have only installed the seperate OWC...
  10. Clarkie001

    Add Collection to Collection

    Hi, I have an Excel document where I have created two collections. I want to add one collection as an object in the second collection, but I am unsure how to do this. Any help in this would be much appreciated. Regards, Clarkie
  11. Clarkie001

    Recordset Type Mismatch in SQL

    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & strDate & " FROM " & _ Table & " INNER JOIN Temp ON " & Table & "." & CDate(Format(strDate, "dd/mm/yy")) & " = " & CDate(Format("Temp." & strDate, "dd/mm/yy")) & "") I am using a function to run the above sql. strDate and Table are being returned...
  12. Clarkie001

    MSysTables Object Error 3033

    Yes, gave them full privileges
  13. Clarkie001

    MSysTables Object Error 3033

    Hi, I am running code through VB which changes the sql of a query and then opens a report based on the changed query. When I run this a the db administrator it runs no problem, but when I try and run this as a data user it throughs up the above error. I have went into the security setting and...
  14. Clarkie001

    Run-Time Error 3265 SQL statement

    PHV, No, that was the issue, noticed it about 10mins after posting...should have been qryReport_Builder. Thanks for you help. Clarkie
  15. Clarkie001

    Run-Time Error 3265 SQL statement

    Yeah, tbl_ID is a numeric field. I have tested this sql in a query window and it runs fine, but when I try and execute the change through VB it gives this error??? Nightmare
  16. Clarkie001

    Run-Time Error 3265 SQL statement

    Can anyone tell me why I am getting Run Time error 3265 Item does not exist in this collection with the below sql. Seems to be the last line (in red) that the error falls on, any help would be greatly appreciated Clarkie db.QueryDefs("Report_Builder").SQL = "SELECT tblReports.tbl_ID...
  17. Clarkie001

    Check Date of Data in text File before Import?

    Hi, I would be like to be able to check the date contained within a Text File before I import it into my database. Any help on this would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. Clarkie
  18. Clarkie001

    Help!! DLookup Problem

    Hi tbclbd I get a message saying it cant find REIN_CODES.Campaign_Cource, when I have it like that....any other ideas? Clarkie
  19. Clarkie001

    Help!! DLookup Problem

    Hi, I have a dlookup which should return integer based on a specific code. Here is my SQL SELECT Rein_Hist.Date, Rein_Hist.FMS_ID, Count(Rein_Hist.CardHolder_No) AS Sales, [Rein_Hist]![Campaign_Code] & [Rein_Hist]![Source_Code] AS Campaign_Source...
  20. Clarkie001

    Dlookup Issue

    Hi Steve, I have removed the aggregate function and it is still providing the same results.....any ideas? argh!!

Part and Inventory Search
