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OWC on IIS with ASP

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Aug 26, 2003
I am using IIS on XP to create a corporate intranet site, before it is loaded onto the corporate servers.
I am having issues getting OWC to run... see below code. - I am getting "ASP 0177 Invalid Class String" error.

I do not have Office XP installed, I have only installed the seperate OWC web download.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated


'set Chart Objects and properties

set objCSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")

set objChart = objCSpace.charts.add()
set objConstants = objCSpace.constants


objchart.HasLegend = true

set objCSpace.datasource = rs

objchart.setdata objconstants.chDimSeriesNames, 0, "Type"
objchart.setdata objconstants.chDimCategories, 0, "Year"
objchart.setdata objconstants.chDimValues, 0, "Value"

'Chart formats
objchart.hastitle = true
objchart.title.caption = "Income vs Expenditure"
set objfont = objchart.title.font
objfont.name = "Tahoma"
objfont.size = 10
objfont.bold = true

set objaxis = objchart.axes(objconstants.chAxisPositionBottom)
objaxis.hastitle = true
objaxis.title.caption = "Year"
set objfont = objaxis.title.font
objfont.name = "Tahoma"
objfont.size = 10
objfont.bold = true

set objaxis = cht.axes(objconstants.chAxisPositionLeft)
objaxis.numberformat = "Currency"
objaxis.hastitle = true
objaxis.title.caption = "£000s"
set objfont = objaxis.title.font
objfont.name = "Tahoma"
objfont.size = 10
objfont.bold = true

'Filesystemobject code - save the current chart to a gif with a temporary filename using FSO
set fso = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strfilename = server.mappath("-") & "\" & fso.gettempname()
objCSpace.exportpicture strfilename, "gif", 800, 400

on error resume next

set objbinaryfile = server.createobject("BinaryFileStream.object")
response.binarywrite objbinaryfile.getfilebytes(cstr(strfilename))

objbinaryfile.deletefile cstr(sfullfilename)

'clear variables
set objbinaryfile = nothing
set fso = nothing
set objCSpace = nothing

You didnt mention which line number but it must be one of these:[tt]
set objCSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
set fso = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objbinaryfile = server.createobject("BinaryFileStream.object")
Sorry, I am getting the error on:

set objCSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
Most likely reason is that the object OWC.Chart is not registered. (installed)

It is also possible that the object is registered only for certain accounts and is not available to the account that IIS is using to execute your ASP.
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