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Search results for query: *

  1. johnrbradley

    Control screen coordinate from Click event?

    Is this what you are looking for? This pops up the menu right below the button: ButtonPopup.Popup(self.Button.ClientOrigin.X , self.Button.ClientOrigin.Y + self.Button.Height);
  2. johnrbradley

    Selecting an item in a listview

    Use the SelectedIndex property of the ListBox control e.g. ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; -John
  3. johnrbradley

    How to ask the prozessorstate

    Here is a thing I wrote earlier for one of my programs.. Hope this helps public class ProcessorUsage { public static CounterSample poll1 = new CounterSample(); public static CounterSample poll2 = new CounterSample(); public static PerformanceCounter procPolling = new...
  4. johnrbradley

    Trouble with Regular Expressions

    MatchCollection mObj; mObj = regDollar.Matches(buffer,0); decimal Total1=decimal.Parse(mObj[0].ToString()); decimal Total2=decimal.Parse(mObj[1].ToString()); decimal Total3=decimal.Parse(mObj[2].ToString()); Try this out, seemed to have worked for me. Regards, John
  5. johnrbradley

    How to dinamically define OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory path?

    If you are looking for the path of your executable then you may use: Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); Clarify if I misunderstood.. you are looking for the location of the running executable? Regards, John
  6. johnrbradley

    app.exe.comfig question...

    Unfortunately I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish here.. If you could clarify: But by default the ABC.EXE.Config file is taken and I need to read the XYZ.exe.config file to take I may be able to help more.. Ignore this if I'm just missing something obvious. Regards, John
  7. johnrbradley

    How do I Search a string for a value?

    using System.IO; Regards, John
  8. johnrbradley

    Is there support for id3 tags?

    You might find this helpful, there are some classes for reading both versions 1 and 2 of ID3 tags http://erinjones.org/id3.html
  9. johnrbradley

    How To Run An Executable By Pressing a Button

    If I am not incorrect Process allows you to redirect standard error and output from applications, also supression of errors and windows(Not showing a window when started). Also you can wait till end or have events triggered when Processes stop. I'm not too familiar with shellexecute, but I...
  10. johnrbradley

    Problem with screen resolution...

    Hmm, what does your code look like? I could not reproduce this problem you had... Regards, John
  11. johnrbradley

    Can anybody convert this from VB.NE

    If you could specify what dt is it would be easier, but the rest of the code should look like: If Int32.Parse(CatID) = _ Int32.Parse(dt.Rows(iLoop)("ID")) then Return iLoop End If if (System.Convert.ToInt32(CatID) == System.Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows_stuff_here)) return...
  12. johnrbradley

    Chaning Background Contents in a form

    Panels do have visible... panelName.Visible = false; Regards, John
  13. johnrbradley

    Detect enter key pressed in textbox

    this.textBox1.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.OnKeyPress); //Put this in InitializeComponent protected void OnKeyPress(object sender,KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == 13) //This allows for detection of all catchable keys ( to my knowledge ) { //Cool...
  14. johnrbradley


    The input to xslt must be well-formed xml; html, however, is Not well-formed, unless you are talking about XHTML, which is. In any case, you can produce XML/HTML or Text from XSLT if the input document is XML. Regards, John
  15. johnrbradley

    XSLT queries ... <xsl:copy-of>, etc.

    Just do this; <xsl:text disable-output-escaping=&quot;yes&quot;> BLAH BLAH BLAH </xsl:text> If I misunderstand your quesiton due to the ridiculous processing of entities in [ code ] and [ /code ] segments, please correct me. Regards, John
  16. johnrbradley

    Execute operating system commands

    ((Process)ProcessList[ProcessList.Count-1]).StartInfo.FileName = @&quot;C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe&quot;; ((Process)ProcessList[ProcessList.Count-1]).StartInfo.Arguments = &quot;| dir&quot;; This _should_ work, though its off the top of my head, good luck. Regards, John
  17. johnrbradley

    Execute operating system commands

    {PS} And there is really no reason to even pipe to a file in the first place since you can redirect the standard output and error to any variable/component that you want. So if you were gonna use that method to retrieve data from the application that you ran, I suggest...
  18. johnrbradley

    Execute operating system commands

    Ah, simple problem to correct, forgive me for forgetting to put it in the example: ((Process)ProcessList[ProcessList.Count-1]).StartInfo.Arguments =&quot;arg1 arg2 arg3&quot;; Regards, John
  19. johnrbradley

    Completing a program

    There are a couple steps you can take towards doing this, but these are the main ones: Deploy a setup project with your program; Make sure the _same_ version of .Net framework (1.1 or 1.0) are installed on both of the machines. Regards, John
  20. johnrbradley

    Old install of frameowork OK for new build of application ?

    Any deployed Setup projects will most likely not be functional as it will prompt you with &quot;You have an older version of .net (1.0)&quot; [or something], though theres a chance if you just run the Release executables on the client machine it may work. Regards, John

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