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Search results for query: *

  1. bluesauceuk

    embedding images using cfmail...

    Is there any way I can get round the <cffile here - I always want to send the same logo gif. I am using 6.1 - and would like to use "cid" refrenced image - but it's the same three everytime. Can you help? Mark
  2. bluesauceuk

    Inserting Orders! Error General error: Column count doesn't match valu

    IT WAS A } squigly bracket!!! Doh!
  3. bluesauceuk

    Inserting Orders! Error General error: Column count doesn't match valu

    OOPS! Forgot the VALUES (etc...) This is because I just CFOUTPUTed it and it worked? Here's the later bit as it is now.. <cftransaction> <cflock timeout="30" name="additems" type="exclusive"> <cfloop collection="#session.cart#" item="i"> <cfquery name="additems"...
  4. bluesauceuk

    Inserting Orders! Error General error: Column count doesn't match valu

    Hey, I have this error "General error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" I take this to mean I am trying to insert 4 columns into a 5 column table.. sort of thing.. I have in this orderitems table (this holds the items related to the order) These are the columns. id, orderid...
  5. bluesauceuk

    Adding a floating image to a Memo Field

    Hello, I have a memo field in my database - but sometimes I need to show a small image.. I have it all working although the image is always at the top. Is there anyway to say put it at the start of the third paragraph. All the data in body is in html, and contains <p> and </p> I guess I...
  6. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    I am sorry - got a deadline - and I was in a panic - I am not getting pissy! I have given you both a star... ecobb I thought was bombboy, when I starred it - but both thank-you for your valued effort and I appreciate it.. Now I am off to sort out more headaches... Thanks
  7. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    i am going to encript them using the username as the key!
  8. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    It is a password reminder (forget it!) - the password is encrypted - using the above method. I need to email them the original password.. the password is stored in the database... something like... letmein gives Jz1KWjJCRSk1TjAgIAo= Have you any idea how to reverse this fuction? ...
  9. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    I don't want to reset the password... I just want to send the original..
  10. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    That's how I compare for a login... but I don't need that I need to send it back to the user... as it is a password.. but needs to be in plain text... the gobbledegook... will not help them remember. All the logic is great - just can't quite work out how to convert it back.. Any help will be...
  11. bluesauceuk

    base 64 de-crypt

    I have been storing passwords in my database like so... <cfset enc_password = ToBase64(Encrypt(form.password, form.password))> No for the world of me I can't figure out how to reverse it... I am making a password reminder that is emailed - which is done - the only thing is how do I convert the...
  12. bluesauceuk

    How do you use CFCs to wite to database with forms

    Hello! I would like to know if I can use CFCs to write to a database, passing the data from a form. Does anyone know how to do this? Here's my first cfc - that pulls info from the db <CFCOMPONENT> <CFFUNCTION NAME="ListCategories" HINT="ListCategories" ACCESS="remote" RETURNTYPE="query">...
  13. bluesauceuk

    CFMX as a service in windows 2000 (Apache 2.0.49)

    Thanks - I was just about to post - that's what I did and it worked - and didn't screw up the config files. Yippie!
  14. bluesauceuk

    CFMX as a service in windows 2000 (Apache 2.0.49)

    Thanks, But I don't want to reinstall - as it took me ages to get apache 2 to work with cf! I keep looking for a solution
  15. bluesauceuk

    CFMX as a service in windows 2000 (Apache 2.0.49)

    This is my point - they are not in "services" at all! As the c: drive has a new copy of windows on it! None of the three services than run cf are in there at all! Is there any way I can make them a service? Using NET START? Mark
  16. bluesauceuk

    CFMX as a service in windows 2000 (Apache 2.0.49)

    Hello everyone, I've had a really bad week! I lost my c: drive - not literally, but it decieded to die - and I had to format it :-( Now before the crash - all was fine. I have CFMX, MySQL and Apache (20.0.49)... running really great together - although it took ages... and these three are on my...
  17. bluesauceuk

    MX and Apache 2.0.47

    How? Would you go about that! I am trying to install version 50...
  18. bluesauceuk

    Migrating from in-built server to apache!

    I've just tried the coldfusion "web server config tool" And it said that my version of apache is not supported - as it is only 40 and above that work! Can anyone help! Awwww... Mark
  19. bluesauceuk

    Migrating from in-built server to apache!

    Hello, I've installed apache on my machine, along with mysql - and they work great! I can create and use mysql databases - and they work great! I can only use coldfusion files on the inbuilt webserver localhost port - 8500 - not the new one. The only problem being - is that on the new...
  20. bluesauceuk

    CFCs and FORM

    Hello, I am just finding out how to wite CFCs - but would like to know how to make them interact with forms.. I would like a form that has two functions - add and amend. Can this be done? Thanks

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