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  1. ifxtechie

    Regarding ASM

    I think I messed up my Virtual machine. Since I changed the selinux to permissive, it is not booting. However, I have to install everything and start from scratch. Thanks very much for the help, Karluk and Thargy. Partha
  2. ifxtechie

    Regarding ASM

    Thanks very much, Karluk. Very nice explanation. But I landed into another problem. crsctl is not working [both as root and as oracle]. It thorws the error as, [root@hsphost ~]# /opt/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl check has...
  3. ifxtechie

    Regarding ASM

    oh ok. Actually I had created the database. But even that was not starting. So, I dropped that through dbca. Now when I try to create the database, it complains as below: oracle restart is not running in Grid infrastructure home. created database will not be registered with Oracle Restart. Do...
  4. ifxtechie

    Regarding ASM

    Yes, I am connecting to the ASM instance. Please see below: />set |grep -i oracle_sid ORACLE_SID=+ASM GRID:oracle:/home/oracle/ I donot know what do you mean by database? Thanks for the reply. Partha
  5. ifxtechie

    Regarding ASM

    I have installed Oracle 11g and ASM libraries. Also, I have created the database but when I tried to add a tablespace, it just says that database is "Not Open". Whenever I try to open the db, it complains that it is not allowed for this instance type. GRID:oracle:/home/oracle/ />sqlplus...
  6. ifxtechie

    Disconnected from the server DB2

    If you can recreate the problem, then, do this. Rename db2diag.log file as db2diag.log.old and create a file 'db2diag.log'. Similarly for <instance-name>.nfy file. After that you try to reproduce the problem and post the errors of these files.
  7. ifxtechie

    Disconnected from the server DB2

    It seems your database is crashing. Before driving to that conclusion, see the logs. See your db2diag.log file for more information. To locate that file, use the command db2 get dbm cfg |grep DIAGPATH Also, Pls psot the contenets [last 20 lines] of 1. db2diag.log file in this directory 2. 20...
  8. ifxtechie

    Where could I find a table record lenght in the SYSIBM

    I don't think that you can get the record length from syscat views. But you can get it by using select sum(length) from syscat.columns where tabschema='<SOME_SCHEMA>' and tabname='<SOME_TABLE>' Hope this helps
  9. ifxtechie

    output of this command

    This command uses userid as cdmbatch and password as tuesday0 for the database CDMTEST and will extract the DDL of schema cdm_hist and the output is placed in cdm_hist.ddl file. You can what 'db2look' will do by issuing db2look -?. Hope this helps. Good luck
  10. ifxtechie

    Ports occupied by the various services

    I have two questions regarding my RH-9 Linux system: 1. My system has several services running on it. Is there any way of knowing which services are running and on which ports. Mainly I want to know which service is running at port 80. 2. My DB2 [on the same system] does not start because the...
  11. ifxtechie

    No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

    To start, in windows, Start->run->db2cmd then it will open a command prompt window. There, run the command db2start. Don't try to start DB2 in services. Hopefully this should solve the problem. If not let me know. Goodluck.
  12. ifxtechie

    DB2 Lock Escalations

    Increase the LOCKLIST parameter. Note that the lock will consume memory based on the type of installation. If you have 32 bit installation, then it consumes 36 bytes to lock an object that has a lock on it. 72 bytes to lock an object that doesnot has a lock on it. If you have 64 bit...
  13. ifxtechie

    Another Update

    Hi TitleistDBA, It is clear that the SELECT inside the UPDATE is retrieving multiple rows. If that is the case, then you can modify your sql as below: update mvxcjdttst.opricl l set l.OMFMID = (select s.odfmid from mvxcjdttst.oprbas s,mvxcjdttst.opricl l where l.omcono = s.odcono and l.omitno =...
  14. ifxtechie

    Redirect Restore

    You need to use Redirected restore. This is what I got from another usergroup [lazydba].This may be helpful. ========================================== This article is written for IBM® DB2® Universal DatabaseTM for Linux, UNIX®, and Windows® A database restore operation uses a database backup...
  15. ifxtechie

    Can we have index on TYPEd tables ?

    Hi Can we have index and trigger on TYPEd tables. Also can we have primary key constraint on such tables. The moment I tried to create the primary key, it says, the column can take null values and if I impose in the TYPE, then it says the following error. CREATE TYPE "TIPT_TYPE" AS ( "ID"...
  16. ifxtechie

    Informix roadmap

    What I heard from my team and seniors was that Informix will be there in the market for some more years and IBM will be supporting it for another definitely for 5 years. And our senior manager has asked us to get certified with Informix at all levels[and of course other databases also]. You can...
  17. ifxtechie


    If you are using CLP, then use +c option. Then, it will start a transaction. Then you should do a commit or rollback. If you terminate doing none of these, it will be rolledback. Example is db2 +c This will open db2 interactive transaction session. If you are using Java, then set...
  18. ifxtechie

    userexit program on Windows

    Hi JoePhilip, First thing, if you have not modified the db2uext2.exe, you need to copy the db2uext2.tape file and rename it to db2uext2.c and compile to get the executable file. Before compiling, copy that file to another directory. Then, edit for the LOGPATH. That program is self-explanatory...
  19. ifxtechie

    Cannot restart DB2: &quot;Inconsistent state&quot; error.

    Also 1.use 'db2stop force' command after forcing all the applications. [By this time all db2 processes should have been cleared]. If not, 2. Use ipclean and then ipcs to identify the segments and queues. Then finally use ipcrm to remove segments and queues. Even thenif you find the...
  20. ifxtechie

    Which system catalog view contains the backup information

    Hi, Can anybody pls tell me which system catalog view contains the backup information. I know by using the file-structure or file name this can be evaluated, but I want to extract from system catalog tables. thanks in advance Ifxtechie

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