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Search results for query: *

  1. bubbly

    Composite Datawindow -- Can they contain editable fields???

    Composite D/w are non-editable
  2. bubbly

    overtyping none editable data in a DW appearing in the firest editable

    Make sure you dont have any code written in the editchanged event
  3. bubbly

    Building an Update statement

    U can use the GenerateSQL in order to suffice for ur requirement. You will then need to create a Datastore and assign this SQL to it....
  4. bubbly

    save as PDF

    I guess u will have to install PDF writer in ur machine which enables u to save the d/w as a PDF file
  5. bubbly

    Unable to connect to database server - Error!!!

    In the application properties, specify the driver settings as "SQL_NO_PROMPT" I guess this shd work
  6. bubbly


    u could ideally have a static text with the contents of tooltip and make it invisible.. in the mouseover event of the button u can make the statuc text control visible mouseover event - u need to create a user defined event of type pdwm_mouseover (something similar to this name)
  7. bubbly

    Using Desing Patterns with PowerBuiilder

    Are u referring the Design paterns, the one followed in J2EE technology?
  8. bubbly

    Composite Data Windows and / or PDF or Excel

    I guess we cannot save a composite d/w. Instead u can save the detailed d/w seperately
  9. bubbly

    Writing Where Condition in Sybase Store Procedure

    wat u could do is.... DECLARE sqlstring varchar if(condition) sqlstring = "select 1" else(condition) sqlstring = "select 2" at the end exec sqlstring
  10. bubbly

    Password Request in Automated Process!

    Hi, Check out in the Database Profile Setup window go to Options tab.... u can figure out a field as Connect Type Change the Connect type to SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT This should sort out your problem Anjali
  11. bubbly

    "Object was open" database error

    http://pb.besoft.com.cn/download/ebf/PB803mr_fixes.htm Check it out here... u need to update the patch for this fix.
  12. bubbly

    "Object was open" database error

    Hi, R u using Cursors in SP, in that case u need to Close and deallocate the cursor.... when u execute in a single user environment it works.. but in multiple user envronment it gives out this error.. Check it out and let me know in case u still face the same problem Regards Anjali
  13. bubbly

    How to save .PDF file in PB8 or PB9

    u need to have PDF writer installed in ur machine and also it shd be the default printer and give the save as PDF I guess it shd work if am not wrong i guess pb 8 has PDF writer drivers built in.. check it out.. and configure it as the default printer.... i guess it shd work Bye Anjali
  14. bubbly

    Session components

    yep i think u shd be.. well check it out and let me know in case u come across any probs Anjali
  15. bubbly

    Session components

    Well.. u can pass the variable values in the request scope.... like <% request.setAttribute("somevar", new Integer(12)); %> the above code shd be in the JSP... in the second JSP u can get the value by using <% int iValue =...
  16. bubbly

    PB questionnaire

    Hi, Can u solve this out for me? The Question goes like this I have a Datawindow with 2 columns say 1st - crop Id as data column and crop name as display column - variety name the 1st column has a dddw with crop id and crop name On change of crop Id the next dddw(2nd column) should...
  17. bubbly

    Window events

    u can call in the constructor event of the window
  18. bubbly

    Global Array declaration ?? Please help

    hey... wat u could do is export the object to a text file.... add in the global variables... import it back into the library... and then rebuild the object... then try it..it shd work.... Anjali
  19. bubbly

    newib needs help...

    u need to set the classpath to refer to physical location of javaTest
  20. bubbly

    how to get OUtPUT value from stored procedure.

    Else wat u could do is string ls_output='' initialize the variable as string ls_output= space(255) this would do the needful

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