We have about 10 users in a remote location using Ip Agent software in telecommute mode and they continually have issues where the software shuts down and they must relogin. The remote users are using a Nortel switch, of which we do not support. Our task was fairly simple, it had to be...
I agree with TykeUK. We use Genesys and the adjunct links can create this problem. The delay is because of the MAPD card, which I am assuming you are using. The routing decision must check the link first and wait for a request/decision. Also, what happens if the adjunct link is to be used to...
Here is our project. Site A wants to call Site B using our WAN network (IP based), the call will route through a couple of other routers before completing. Site A uses a V11 G3R, Site B is Prologix running I believe 1.2. We do have plans to upgrade Site A to an S8700. From what I have...
We are deploying a softphone to use with our Siebel Desktop application. In addition we are also using Genesys. Our softphone works through Genesys only using a G-plus adapter. When we went into production, around 2000 users acrossed multiple sites we ran into problems. While we are working...
Here was our task, setup some CSRs in a remote location so that they can use our CMS and switch to handle calls. But dont spend a lot of money. Our solution, install IP Agent and configure it for Telecommuter mode. Our switch is a G3R v11, and the location where the CSRs are located uses a...
MAPD is normally required, but it depends on your switch model. We are on v11 G3R however I understand that when you change to the S8700 processor the CLAN can be used. Avaya also has told me that they will not be releasing in upgrades on the Mapd any longer, I believe ours is a version 9.
Okay so I have a good start on the justification but after reading it, its just too techie it and does not stand out. I highlighted most of the critical points but just cant seem to think of a creative way to get my point across. Any one have a justification they used and would be willing to...
You are correct in your question. CMS in most cases calculates the data on the top skill (level 1). There are also other items in the database that are also calculated this way.
Okay I am fed up with my PC at home. PC is running extremely slow and it appears I have many viruses. Found this out by installing Norton System Works. Seems the one causing the most problems is the backdoor.trojan virus, which I am having trouble removing. That is just the start though, I also...
Good Day. I have a group of users, internal helpdesk center, that would like to record callers that are basically rude. I could simply install a phone at the supervisors cubicle, attach a recorder and let them use service observe. This would work but is not very effective. Rather what I...
Work codes do not have to be added to the Avaya switch. Only in the CMS do they need to be added. Couple of things to keep in mind. First, in the hunt group form in the switch you can force the CSR's to input a code, I believe it is on the second page. However, the most critical item is how...
Question about this. I am in the same boat. I have CMS v11 and we just installed two new BluePumpkin servers for our test environment. We already have two sessions running in the CMS for Real-Time adherence and also to FTP connections for historical to BP. I need to change the IP...
Quick update. My bad. These two circuits with noise do have the D-channels on them. So 23B + 1 D on each. Strange thought that we are not hearing static on any of the other circuits that use these D-channels and that the problem is intermittent even on these two circuits
We have had this problem before but we cannot remember what the exact problem was. We have 6 ISDN circuits provided by MCI that route calls to us. We are having intermittent static problems on calls. Thought we would get lucky and find just one bad circuit however so far we have heard static...
Its in the configuration, I believe Config manager on the PC running the softphone. We had to change the directory permissions so she could write to it. Also, something else we decided to do that it pretty nice. We installed just the Master Directory app on our PC's and stored the directory...
The integrated Directory feature we use quite frequently however we just installed some new systems and I am just curious to see if it is possible to access other sites directories as well. In other words I am at site A, I can see all the names in the A switch. However, I would like to see all...
Quick update, you can run the report from CMS Terminal Emulator only, at least that is how I ran the report that hmcdade spoke of. The report is not available in CentreVu or at least I could not get it to work. The real-time report you should be able to run in either emulator or CentreVu...
Hmm, thats interesting. I have CentreVu 11 and I do not have the option under Agent Admin, my reports tab is grayed out. I had to create a custom real-time report to get the data that I wanted. Pretty nice report, it shows all of the skill and levels assigned to an agent group, and also...
Here is our problem. We have a Microcall Call Accounting system that initially was only capturing data for two locations, via ip connectivity. Worked very well, however we just added 3 more sites and now we have some overlapping extensions and trunk groups of course. So, rather than purchase a...
We are having what we think our response/latency issues with a DS3 we just installed between two locations approx 120 miles apart. Right now we are seeing between 25-30ms response times on the new DS3. Prior to this we only had 6 T-1's installed and had response times of 25ms. So what is the...
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