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Nov 8, 2002
I am having a brainfart right now(possibly caused it 5am eastern time and I'm alone in a dept or 6), but do I need to do anything in the PBX to initialise/add call work codes?
Or am I confusing them with my reason codes(Aux & logout).

PBXver 9
CALLCTRver 9.xx

Thanks in advance.
If you have added them into CMS then then you must set sys paramaters to "look" for them. Below is the page on the PBX.


MIA Across Splits or Skills? n
ACW Agents Considered Idle? y
Call Selection Measurement: current-wait-time
Service Level Supervisor Call Selection Override? n
Auto Reserve Agents: none

Aux Work Reason Code Type: requested
Logout Reason Code Type: none

Hope this helps

1a2 to ip I seen it all
Thanks ED, but those are aux & logout codes, I speaking of Call Work Codes or some may call them "stroke counts".

It's been awhile, but all of my documentation indicates that Call Work Codes exist in CMS only and you don't need any entries in the PBX to use them.

[green]Gramen artificiosum odi. [/green]
Thanks Susan. That's what I "knew" but my brain is fried from contiuous upgrade mode and everyone on my team being OUT!!!!!! :_)

Anyways yes, the only add to the pBX is the CWC/stroke count button to the agent's phone.

TeleBOYWONDER et al,

I administered my call work codes in CMS within the dictionary and added the "WORK-CODE" button to the sets. Agents have been entering these codes but when I run a report within Historical--> Other --> Call Work Code and then pick a range of numbers; all the stats defer to the CWC 0 which is unadministered. Did I miss something or are the agents not doing it correctly?
Make sure when you administer the buttons in the switch that here is no DEFAULT on the station.
Also if your agents, aren't inputting the codes they won't be collected...and you can't force them to input them.
Right now, this is in the testing stages so the couple of test agents are entering the codes voluntarily to test out the system. Under the admin code of 0, I have 265 entries from last week so I am guessing that they are entering them.

When I added the button work-code to their phones, there is no field to have it default to. Am I not understanding your reply?
You must administer the codes not only in the dictionary but in 'Call Center Administration'.
DOOH! I didn't know that.. so the 240 codes I administered in a clear and logical fashion will not work because i fall outside of the range that Avaya provides. Yeh! I love data entry that is redundant...

Thanks so much for the help. :)
Work codes do not have to be added to the Avaya switch. Only in the CMS do they need to be added. Couple of things to keep in mind. First, in the hunt group form in the switch you can force the CSR's to input a code, I believe it is on the second page. However, the most critical item is how the CSR's must input the codes, they must do it while active on a call, at least thats how we got it to work. If they hit release or hang up and then try and hit the work-code button it will not work. Normally if they hit the button the display should say something about entering the code I believe (its been a while). Also the CentreVu reports are daily, unless you create a custom report like we did so that managers can see what is happening throughout the daily. Rich is right that you have to also add them in Call Center Administration but that is fairly quick to do. Just update the dictionary and then administer them. Good tool for the call centers but not used much, at least not here. Hope this helps
Yes, you can force entry of call work code but the entry can be anything not necessarily the assigned number in CMS. The switch will accept the input. Also the reports are daily, wkly or monthly in CentreVU.
Hallo All,

Sorry to bring this up almost a year later.
I am trying to get my head around the idea of forcing the agent to enter a call-work code. I can't seem to get this. How can you force an entry of a work-code, when (if the agent doesn't do anything) the caller hangs up the agent simply goes back to auto-in, ready for the next call.
I can set this on the hunt form as well as in the COR - which one takes precedence? Also, if it is the COR, do I need to change COR on vdn, hunt, agent-id forms? All of them?

Just trying to get a clear picture - can someone enlighten me?
give them manual-in instead of auto-in. they will have to enter the cwc first before they can activate manual-in again.

Edgar Clemente
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