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  1. TheRambler


    I too am sorry to hear about his passing, rest in peace.
  2. TheRambler

    I want to make an audit log for visual foxpro

    Hi, Here you will find the Spanish version of an article writen by Nancy Folsom, Auditing FoxPro Table Add, Edit, and Delete Events. It provides sample code. Good luck, Miguel
  3. TheRambler

    LOCAL vars and Naming Conventions

    You may want to see Learning VFP 102: Scope videos.
  4. TheRambler

    Santa - Where Are You?

  5. TheRambler

    Fox2.6 for DOS Invalid File Descriptor Problem

    I am not sure it will help, but instead of CONFIG.SYS it should be CONFIG.NT where you set FILES=250 (actually, I read somewhere that the maximum should be set to 225, but that is the case when you get "Too many files opened" error).
  6. TheRambler

    Happy New Year

    Happy two thousand ten everyone. I don't post anything lately but I still enjoy reading your posts, it is a fun way to learn.
  7. TheRambler

    FPWERROR under VFP

    Hi Brentds, Craig Boyd wrote about error handling in his blog, see: Professional Error Handling for VFP Applications
  8. TheRambler

    separating data in a field seperated by commas

    Hi, See thread182-1048960
  9. TheRambler

    windows mobile or windows ce

    Hi, Are you looking for something like this?
  10. TheRambler

    Find nearest day of week

    Assuming Saturday is DOW() = 7 then next Saturday would be: SET DATE DMY ldDate1 = CTOD("31/3/2008") ldSaturday = ldDate1 + 7 - DOW(ldDate1)
  11. TheRambler

    Count groups in report

    From Cathy Pountney's "The Visual FoxPro Report Writer: Pushing it to the Limit and Beyond": Create a report variable e.g. nGroupCount Set the value to store to 0 Set the initial value to 0 Set the calculate option to SUM Set the reset option to End of Report In the Group Footer...
  12. TheRambler

    an easy way to filter these

    Try the following: USE yourTable SCAN lnLength = LEN(RTRIM(yourField)) lnSpacePosition = RAT(CHR(32), RTRIM(yourField)) IF lnLength - lnSpacePosition = 4 ? yourField ? LEFT(yourField, lnSpacePosition - 1) ENDIF ENDSCAN
  13. TheRambler

    FPD 2.6 Suppress Blank Lines in Report

    Have you tried: Report Page Layout Options Supress blank lines?
  14. TheRambler

    Use of comma in lists?

    In this forum I learned the use of the Oxford comma is optional. See thread1256-1354865.
  15. TheRambler

    FRX to HTML - what are the options?

    Thanks for the star Stella. I just wanted to add some things Fabio Vieira wrote in a Brazilian fox forum: I don't want to defend this class, because it may be good for some people and totally useless for others. and from the help file: FRX2Word is not the ideal tool for reports over 20 or 30...
  16. TheRambler

    FRX to HTML - what are the options?

    >it would be really nice if the Help file was in English It is, see Frx2word.chm, also included in the zip file.
  17. TheRambler

    FRX to HTML - what are the options?

    Hi Stella, There is a free VFP6 SP3 class written by John Koziol and updated by Fábio Vieira that you can try as another option. I have not tried it but I hope it works for you as desired. You can download it here.
  18. TheRambler

    USA National Grammar Day

    Looks like this is the article. Yeah, wow! And I thought I could understand English.
  19. TheRambler

    How to convert long file names automatically?

    Looks like ezopaci has the function you need, see thread182-1379743.
  20. TheRambler

    Use my word game.

    All these obscure words substaquilate me. Next: bathykolpian

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