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Search results for query: *

  1. montek

    PPTP,RAS,VPN connection error 619

    Was the Norton option on the client or the server? I am experiencing a similiar problem, which I'm thinking is partially firewall-related. It's a WinNT4/Sp6a server running RAS. A local Win2K server can create a successful VPN connection, but I cannot with a Win2K Pro at home. It hangs on...
  2. montek

    System call in asp

    Put the executable program into a directory. Enable execute permissions on the directory and then you can execute it directly. Be careful to NOT allow write access to this directory; otherwise, someone could write files here and execute them on your server. Bad. Monte Kalisch Brainbench MVP...
  3. montek

    Message board emails and the proper smtp service?

    If you setup the SMTP service in IIS, you can use it to send your emails. Monte Kalisch Brainbench MVP for ASP http://www.brainbench.com Anti-Spam Email: montek at montekcs dot com
  4. montek

    Comment out some code, but retain the original...

    I would like to transform some original XML that doesn't quite work in HTML using this XSL: <xsl:template match=&quot;* | text() | @*&quot;> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select=&quot;@*&quot;/> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template...
  5. montek

    Template Matching the Root Node

    I am trying some XSLT transformations and barely know what I'm doing. =) That being said, I have had some luck, but am having a problem (mostly with understanding) something specific. First off, I am using ASP (and the MS XML object: Server.CreateObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;)) to...
  6. montek

    ASP and NT Security

    NT Challenge/Response authentication will only work seemlessly if you are on a LAN or WAN that can actually authenticate you behind the scene. For instance, if you're on one network (say domainA) and there is some sort of trust relationship with domainB, then domainB can you (domainA\you) to...
  7. montek

    Where do I find an applet that draw grafics?

    There are lots of graphic packages available. My favorite is ChartFX because it's really easy to use. The best thing of all is you can throw an ADO recordset at it--and a chart it makes. There are several other packages, but they require significantly more intervention by you. Some require...
  8. montek

    Encrypt an asp page

    Yes, but you'd probably have to write your own COM object or ISAPI DLL to handle it and it would destroy performance on your web application. In theory, though, you could write an object that encrypts local files (or database &quot;files&quot;), perhaps with a different extension, like .ase...
  9. montek

    Encrypt an asp page

    There is no straight conversion between ASP and JSP that I know of; they're fundamentally different technologies (languages at least). HOWEVER, you can &quot;package&quot; up an ASP site into one &quot;compiled&quot; COM object using http://xde.net/products/product_asp2dll.htm Monte Kalisch...
  10. montek

    chat ASP application

    I highly recommend ChartFX Internet Edition 2000 from SoftwareFX. (www.softwarefx.com) It's extemely powerful and easy to use. You can just query a database and throw a recordset at it; can't get much better than that! It's not the cheapest thing out there, but I have found that the time...
  11. montek

    Get NT Usergroups withASP

    You might be able to use the ADSI interface to collect this information. Check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/adsi/adsiscript_7eyb.htm Monte Kalisch Brainbench MVP for ASP http://www.brainbench.com Anti-Spam Email: montek at montekcs dot com
  12. montek

    Working with asp pages without the presence of a Web server!

    Sure, you could use WSH to do some of the things you're talking about. I mean, both ASP and WSH use VBScript, but that doesn't make them similar in other areas. If your desired effect is to have a &quot;standalone&quot; version of your ASP/Web application, then you'll have much trouble without...
  13. montek

    Accessing the DSN Information

    That scares me. You'd better make certain you have the appropriate security in place before you allow this to happen. Monte Kalisch montek@montekcs.com http://www.brainbench.com
  14. montek

    Working with asp pages without the presence of a Web server!

    You will need to install IIS locally in order for ASP to run successfully. You cannot run .asp pages without a web server. Monte Kalisch montek@montekcs.com http://www.brainbench.com
  15. montek

    Problem with Datetime

    You need to specifically insert NULL instead of leaving it blank. I would bet that you have that database column set to some default, which is where you're getting this 1/1/1900 business. insert into myTable (myIDColumn, myDateTimeColumn) values (1, NULL) Monte Kalisch...
  16. montek

    Session management help

    Unless you've changed the timeout in IIS or within your ASP pages, the default will be 20 minutes. So after 20 minutes of a user not contacting the server again, their ASP session will be removed. Of course, you can *force* the disconnect by calling Session.Abandon (via a logout button or...
  17. montek

    asp related IIS slowdown

    You're using FTP, not Front Page Extensions, right? And no modifications to global.asa??? No COM changes?? You should be okay.... Are your objects cleaning themselves up well? (set obj=nothing) Does it take about 20 minutes for the server to clear up (could be session-related)? <p>Monte...
  18. montek

    How to refresh the form automatically?

    Well, first off, it's curious that you're using session to store form data. That's generally a bad practice. Use hidden form variables for data like that. Session variables are very resource intensive on your server and do not scale well. <p>Monte Kalisch<br><a...
  19. montek

    Error message - Expected end of statement

    Create a local variable, like SQL, to hold the SQL statement. That way, you print it out after you build it to make sure it's correct. There might be something strange going on. Ex: SQL=&quot;insert into orders (itemnum, itemname, quantity, price, total) values ('&quot; &quot;key&quot; &...
  20. montek

    Images with Microsoft Access and ASP

    You need to loop through your return recordset. Look at the ADO documentation under .MoveNext <p>Monte Kalisch<br><a href=mailto:montek@montekcs.com>montek@montekcs.com</a><br><a href=http://www.brainbench.com>Brainbench.com MVP for ASP</a><br>

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