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Search results for query: *

  1. theocraticmind

    referring to form objects

    top bad, bottom good document.getElementByID("checkbox1_id").value="on" document.getElementById("checkbox1_id").value="on" I've run into this more then once myself, stupid caps....
  2. theocraticmind


    yes you can! try one of these lovely methods: position:absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-250; /* half the size of the centered content */ or try this: margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; the second one it usualy best. but sometimes you want something to be offcenter. for exanple, you want...
  3. theocraticmind

    css issue with footer not staying put at bottom of pg

    position:absolute;bottom:0px; will only take efect when the page is first loaded, or resized. it's not dynamic. if you want something that will scroll as your user scrolls you'll need some javascript. try searching on dynamicdrive.com, they've got plenty.
  4. theocraticmind

    CSS and include files.

    I'm not sure I understand the problem funny... your css isn't taking in your inclucdes? May I sudject the the includes have nothing to do with the problem? try this: view your asp page in a browser, and go to view>sorce. you'll find that there is no include code, and that the stuff from all the...
  5. theocraticmind

    How to call another asp page in a popup window

    <% ' some stuff %> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function poper{ var newWin = window.open('page.asp', 'name of page', 'scroll=0,status=0, ect.') } poper() </script> <% ' some more stuff %> try this.
  6. theocraticmind

    Timeout Expired

    Server.ScriptTimeout[=NumSeconds] like that
  7. theocraticmind

    Viewing Source

    the left menu: http://www.rowingcamps.com/navigation.html the main content: http://www.rowingcamps.com/crc-intro.html the top logo: http://www.rowingcamps.com/top-logo.html go to those pages and click view>sorce. (or don't highlight anything when you right click)
  8. theocraticmind

    Setting table border using CSS

    try the table pading: table.tableClass{padding:0px;} and for ipx borders, you could try this: td.tds{background:#fff;} table.righttable{background:#000;padding:1px;}
  9. theocraticmind

    How to load different pages depending on check box value?

    quotes ;) <script> function newPage() { if (document.Main.page_opt[0].checked){ document.location.href = 'rpt_name.php'; } } </script>
  10. theocraticmind

    Setting table border using CSS

    oh, and with no margin, your borders will look like 4px borders, because they will be up against each other. I sudject declaring 1px borders for a 2px grid.
  11. theocraticmind

    Setting table border using CSS

    td.td2{border:2px solid #000;margin:0px;} it's the td margin thats doing that.
  12. theocraticmind

    Setting table border using CSS

    td.td2{border:2px solid #000;} deecee, you beat me the first time...
  13. theocraticmind

    Expandable Table Cell

    What version of photoshop? I use 6 and it can break images (I asume thats what your using it for) into div sections. If you willing to go absolute, it should work fine for you. tip: if you change the code photoshop gives you so that the images are the background in the divs, it gives you more...
  14. theocraticmind

    Setting table border using CSS

    td{border:2px solid #000;} thats some short hand for you, its the same as this: td{ border-width:2px; border-style:solid; border-color:#000; } Either way, the &quot;grid&quot; is made by putting a border on the td tags, and not the table tag. you see thast how css works, it borders the tag...
  15. theocraticmind

    How to load different pages depending on check box value?

    sorry, correction: if (document.radioForm.page.value == &quot;all&quot;){ document.location.href = &quot;allPage.asp&quot; } }
  16. theocraticmind

    How to load different pages depending on check box value?

    you might be better off naming your form, something like this: <script> function checkRads(){ if (document.radioForm.page == &quot;all&quot;){ document.location.href = &quot;allPage.asp&quot; } } </script> <form name=&quot;radioForm&quot;> <input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;page&quot...
  17. theocraticmind

    frame scrolling=auto in IE6

    with this: <html xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&quot;; xml:lang=&quot;en&quot; lang=&quot;en&quot;> is the problem caused by xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&quot;; or xml:lang=&quot;en&quot; lang=&quot;en&quot; I've always used the former, never the later. (I also don't...
  18. theocraticmind

    How can I fill all the screen with a website

    Is there a way to make a page fill 100% of the height?
  19. theocraticmind

    Positioning Text Over A Background Image

    <table style=&quot;background-image:url('home_butt.gif');width:100px;height:100px;&quot;> <tr> <td valign=&quot;center&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>Home</td> </tr> </table> just change width:100px;height:100px; to the size of you image.
  20. theocraticmind

    Is there a way to Execute an EXE File from ASP/JavaScript?

    ask them to open it? There is no other way...

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