We have run into this issue before. the address you send your email out must match the in. so in your case like FireMike84 said,
"static (inside, outside) <==>"
I believe that this was set forth by anti-spam servers to validate the domain in which the...
I'm going to put in my $.02. The spam server on the other end may be checking for a reverse DNS entry to see if you are a valid domain. Since you are not on their list, you are denied delivery.You can contact your ISP and put a reverse DNS entry on their public DNS server do that your...
It should already be setup. If you have already created an account then all you have to to test is. Http://(name of the server)/exchange
enter the username, password and the domain.
to access from the outside world,
- you will need to enable port 80 on the firewall from the...
are you running Exchange 2000 Standard or Enterprise? You might want to check the size of your database. if you are at 16gb on Exch2000 Std, then you have hit the max database.
It's easier to work with the internal DNS records THAN if you were to name your internal domain with a .com at the end. in other words don't use .com
I agree with 58sniper. use .local instead of .com
It's easier to work with the internal DNS records that if you were to name your internal domain with a .com at the end
Since this sounds like this is more an outlook problem, you might want to consider deleting the users profile from outlook and re-create her profile. make sure you re-map her PST if she has any.
Depending on her role within the company, my suggestion would be to forward her mail to someone else while she is away. Any important messages won't be missed.
to do this you can create a forward on the exchange under 'Exchange mail\delivery options'.
Enter your bios and check to see if you have 512mb listed if not. You might want to check what the max ram you can use with your laptop. Older laptops can only max out at 384mb
I agree with SimonDavies, you are not going to get your DHCP address back from your ISP. Someone is probably already using your old address. If your firewall reboots due to a power failure, your firewall releases it's address and picks up a new address 99% of the time.
If you want to retain a...
You might want to consider:
Hosted or Hardware.
http://www.securence.com/email_filtering/pricing_terms.htm (Free Trial)
We use http://www.proofpoint.com/ works great without any problems, users manage their own quarantined spam...
Cricket is right,
Rule of thumb, you have to find out first why you are running out of disk space.
1. Other than an Exchange server, Is your server a file server too? If so move the shares over to the empty disk space.
2. now, if you server is only an exchange server and is used heavily...
If I understand this post correctly.
Your size GLOBAL LIMIT is 7MB. So this means that you cannot send or receive anything larger than 7MB. These are your ceiling limits. Global overrides User
Check your connection, telnet to your outside ip address to check if your Firewall is the issue. telnet (IP ADDRESS) 25
if you able to telnet, check you DNS by using nslookup. Set type=mx and look at your domain information. Your mx record should reflect your external address of your firewall.
Sounds like a DNS issue,
answer copied from expert-exchange
I would suggest you download the DNSDiag.exe tool on
Its called DNS Resolver Tool. You can test out resolution to domains...
Port 80 (HTTP) is the default port designation on all common firewalls. you can add custom ports like 8080 8081 etc.. Example http://www.address.com:8080 . Custom ports require ":" then the custom http port
all default request...
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