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Search results for query: *

  1. ddlink

    Problem using named instances

    Since yesterday all instances are SP4. No difference.
  2. ddlink

    Problem using named instances

    Something is wrong with UDP port 1434. C:\>netstat -ban | find "1434" UDP *:* 1544 C:\>netsh firewall show state The service has not been started. C:\PortQryV2>PortQry.exe -n localhost -e 1434 -p udp Querying target system called: localhost Attempting to resolve name...
  3. ddlink

    Problem using named instances

    George, none of the instances are hidden. Denny, all instances are SP3a. Default is now even SP4. I have been suspecting that the order of installation might be the problem. That I have installed several instances without upgrading to SP3. Anyway, all instances are SP3 (8.00.760) except...
  4. ddlink

    Problem using named instances

    Thank you for the fast reply! This is not the problem. I can see all the instances on the server the way you point out. I can even connect to them using either static port, alias or a connection string with the port number. But I cannot connect to any instance using names. Neither does the...
  5. ddlink

    Problem using named instances

    Hello! I've been struggling with this problem for some time. I cannot use named instances directly. I can use either the port number for the named instance or create an Alias but not a dynamically assigned named instance port number. I think this is an error within SQL-server because: 1...
  6. ddlink

    IBM Director not seeing agents

    I have the same problem as Chris does. @Catorze, how do you install a native managed Agent? Or is that just a normally installed Agent that you point on with RELAY enabled? How do you raise the time to 30-45 seconds? Thanks!
  7. ddlink

    exclude by MAC-address on W2K DHCP-server?

    Respect! That is exactly what i was looking for! (in a link from your links:) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/proddocs/entserver/sag_DHCP_imp_AssigningOptions.asp "Depending on the context, only those DHCP clients that...
  8. ddlink

    exclude by MAC-address on W2K DHCP-server?

    Hi! Is it possible to tell the DHCP-server not to reply to the client based on the MAC-address? I have a large subnet with 100+ computers and 2 DHCP-servers. I would like to tell the main DHCP-server NOT to give IP to clients based on MAC-address. Then I tell the second DHCP-server to respond...
  9. ddlink

    Help with flexible BRI setup

    Thank you! I follow you to upto interface dialer 2 where im loosing it. Normally routing looks like this (which i understand): LAN-WAN<--[CLOUD]-->WAN-LAN But on interface dialer 2? LAN-WAN<--[CLOUD]-->PEER<--[CLOUD]--> So when int d2 is active, the router...
  10. ddlink

    Help with flexible BRI setup

    Hi, I would like some suggestions about how to do the following: Cisco801 (LAN:, WAN: which is dialed by the following equipment. Cisco2611 (LAN:, WAN: Cisco760 (LAN:, WAN: Windows2K Dial-up connection (
  11. ddlink

    Geforce3 Ti500 Crashing XP

    XMS2400, I got a similar problem. I am using leaked 27.42 (i think it is). When im shutting it down, my computer starts the shutdown sequence. But it stops halfways with a blank screen. I found that I can ALT + TAB, CTRL + ALT + DEL and after some repeating I get the loginscreen which itself...
  12. ddlink

    Geforce3 Ti500 Crashing XP

    KCMONSTER: what BSOD error do you get? Is it the &quot;infinite loop&quot; or &quot;IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL&quot; ? I get those on my Dell Inspiron 8100 + WinXP. And that computer is intel + nvidia based. Intel CPU + chipset and Nvidia graphics. Do you get the same problems with Windows 2000 on...
  13. ddlink

    MPEG encoders and general VCD questions

    Kwunder: MPEG-1/VCD is as format maximized at 352x288(PAL), but on some system you can bypass that. A better solution would be to make an S-VCD which is based on MPEG-2 and a resolution of 480x480 (NTSC) or 480x576 (PAL) and a variable bitrate with a max of 2520 kbit/s. It looks really good...
  14. ddlink

    MPEG encoders and general VCD questions

    VirtualDub is very easy to use, specially for tasks like converting to/from different formats. Though MPEG-2 is a different task where you need a program inbetween like http://www.ligos.com, http://www.cinemacraft.com/eng/home.html or http://www.tmpgenc.com/e_news.html There are many...
  15. ddlink

    Perl fork() zombie problems.

    Thanks, seems to work as it should. :)
  16. ddlink

    Xcopy from W2k over network problems...

    Thanks for your reply Yizhar. Unfortunately we are members of a trusting domain and I do not have any administrative rights to do so. And the administrator do not want to have that extra administration. Yes, you are right. A DNS server would definately be a better solutions to the HOSTS file...
  17. ddlink

    Geforce3 Ti500 Crashing XP

    I got this problem on both my VIA-based Athlon 1,333Ghz and my Dell Inspiron 8100 portable (intel 815m based). The VIA based using a Geforce2 GTS and the Dell Inspiron 8100 Geforce2Go. http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.cfm?start=1&catid=13&threadid=3759 Huge forum with alot of people with...
  18. ddlink

    Saving PHP Generated Images

    Take a look at: http://se.php.net/manual/en/function.imagepng.php There it says: &quot;int imagepng (int im [, string filename]) The ImagePNG() outputs a GD image stream (im) in PNG format to standard output (usually the browser) or, if a filename is given by the filename it outputs the image...
  19. ddlink

    Xcopy from W2k over network problems...

    I've noticed a little bug(?) When I try to copy/xcopy a hosts-file from an W2K machine to another W2K/NT4.0 machine, the destination system doesn't recognize the new hosts file: C:> xcopy \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts \\machinename\c$\winnt\system32\drivers\etc /C /Y The copy works, the...
  20. ddlink

    Perl fork() zombie problems.

    Hi all, this is my first post here so please bare with me :) I would like to do roughly the following: while (<>) { if (something) { unless (fork) { mail($_); } } sub mail { mailingcode.... exit(); } But this gives me zombies and ps -ef shows (defunct) on both parent and...

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