It is a MAX 900 terminal monitor. It's the same model as the one that died.
I tried F3, but I can't see the prompt.
Is is there a setting on the CS1000? All the spare monitors came up this way.
Thanks for the quick response-
We have a CS1000, stand alone for upgrading phones before distribution. The terminal monitor died, we had some spares but the screen always comes up short and wide, I can't see the prompts off the left side of the screen. The monitor only has brightness\contrast adjustment. How can I adjust the...
I was told that the firmware for 3900 series phones is part of the CS1000's OS. Is this also true for the 1200 series IP phones? Currently it upgrades them to C60. We'd like to upgrade them to C8G, do I have to upgrade the CS1000's OS or can I load the bin files on it somehow?
Our system has two of Mitel p/n 50002979, it would make a lot of sense. We purchased another 3300 controller, but it didn't come with those modules. I tried booting it with one or the other but if the config needs both, then I need another. Any way to tell which mmc slot is giving the problem to...
Oddly the first time I tried to boot it today after the weekend it got far enough to bring up the web page which I copied some of the logs and alarm details to a text file. That time it didn't reboot but the critical light kept blinking.
At that point I thought the critical alarm might be...
I have a 3300 ICP that keeps rebooting because of a critical error due to stale tasks. I did successfully reload the 3300_icp.tar file from backup. Still has the same issue. I don't know how to find the log to tell me which tasks are failing. I can only get to the VxWorks prompt to manage...
Got it! Even though the IDU showed that it was a 3903 the ports were all set as 3904's. Had to use ld 97 fdl to configure some of the ports for 3903's
Thanks Curtismo!
I grabbed a 3904 and entered fdls, it started upgrading which made me feel a lot better. I thought the CS1000 wasn't upgrading anything. I thought the 3903's were similar enough to get the same firmware. It's helpful to know that it doesn't.
I had been out for two days, when I came back the...
Thanks for the quick response-
The IDU <TN> response is TN ID CODE M3903, so it does match
The FWVU <TN> response shows that it has version 080
Our CS1000 is running, the 3903's should at least upgrade to 9.0 right?
Again thank you very much-
Sorry the system isn't connected to a network, only managed by a dummy terminal. I had to do some phones upgrades which held things up.
I said the same thing about having to reboot when my predecessor told me about it, but now I think I know why-
I noticed after the last reboot/login that once...
Yes, I use the cslogin. But what would cause the login to the PBX to fail if you wait a few minutes? Or even if I login, administer it, then come back later then have to reboot again?
It never made any sense to me that a phone system had to be rebooted to administer, but that's what my...
Login in two parts, first into the CS1000, then to the PBX, if you wait too long the login to the PBX fails (CS1000 seems fine). I carefully type in the login and password, it responds with something starting with TTY, but there shouldn't have been any failed logins, and the window of time after...
I have inherited a CS1000 for a test bed. It won't allow me to login at any time. I have to reboot it, wait about 10 minutes for it to boot then login everytime. Is there a command for me to extend it's timeout to never? Also extend the time to login after reboot so I don't have to sit right...
Thank you.
Definitely too old.
It does run 5235's with older boot versions.
I'll have to see about upgrading the system I knew it was inevitable but had to explore all the options.
Thanks again.
We have a Mitel 3300 running 5.5.1, we are trying to add some 5235 IP phones but they won't register. The only difference I can see between the these phones and the others that do work is that the boot code on the new phones is, our other existing phones have older boot versions...
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