Back in the day, most telco installers took pride in their work, dressing all wiring with care.
The terminal shown could be either a 104 or 116 type terminal. Likely 116 protector due to its location as a demarc of sorts.
The ears were provided for strand mounting.
The lid was spring-loaded and...
The magic of these, if all you need is a go/no test (Dial tone or not, since it's analog) leave the butt set switched off-hook and just go pair-to-pair. You don't even need to clip the retainers to hold it in place. It's a quick and easy way to bridge the connection. I agree with Engenius they...
If the email gets 'read' in Outlook, that will cause the MWI to extinguish and envelope decorator to disappear.
It's starting to look like Whykap's observations above being valid.
Try deleting the proxy address to remove the email from the equation.
In Unity, find the user, edit > message waiting indicators, the current status for the user's MWI will be indicated. If it states 'on' and the MWI isn't lit, the phone LED would likely be the issue.
If you have an active TN on the same card, hopefully near your new TN, tone that line and that should get you to the right area, and count up or down from active TN. Bring the new phone to the cross-connect area and test from there, saves a lot of legwork.
Yeah, I was hoping one of the gurus on this forum may have a work-around for this limitation.
Their resourcefulness never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks for your replies.
Neither. It's a call handler set up so a user can call and send a voicemail message to multiple voice mail users as defined under 'system distribution lists'.
The configuration is described in Chapter 26 of the System Administration Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 8.x. The product...
Cisco Unity 8.5.1, when sending system broadcast messages, the system 'by design' doesn't set the MWI to 'on'.
Has anyone found a work-around to this issue? Most people don't generally check their messages if the MWI isn't lit so it's hit-or-miss on who actually hears the message.
I'm fairly...
In a recent conversation with our local Verizon tech, he stated they are not doing any new copper cable installations and just performing as-needed repairs to their current plant. We have a 300pr cable servicing our bldg that was waterlogged. After months of musical chairs (pairs), the situation...
That screen is good as far as a list goes, but it would be nice to be able to create a printable directory listing without playing the part of SQL admin.
Our plant has about 600 sets, 7945/7965 and a handful of 9971's and 7937's and had two 7945's fail, one to a cola spill. On rare occasions (maybe a half-dozen times) we have had to factory-reset to clear various perceived issues. This is over a two-year period since we retired our Nortel Option 61.
I've used TeleCommHit ( from Illinois and had no issues (except speaker out of stock for a 7925). Repaired 7925's and 7965's for a flat fee.
I'm running 8.7(004)
Under the tabs at the top of page, CallManager>Call Process>Session Trace.
Or, you can expand the tree at the left of the screen by clicking 'CallManager'.
I'm sorry, I don't have knowledge regarding older versions.
We're also using a third-party application (Xtend by...
Download and install the Cisco Real Time Monitoring Tool, (CUCM-Application-Plugins) under the 'Call Manager' tab, select 'Session Trace'. You can use wild card characters in the 'calling number' field and *911 in the called number field and get the info you need.
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