Look like, we have trouble with Shop Calendar. I don't know exactly, but when 2010 came, I made Expand the Shop Calendar, then ... It's OK.
I hope some info can help the other people!
We have plan to upgrade to last version for group in June, next year. Yeah, I tell the trust; I had try to upgrade to 7.6.300/ SQL 2k but I get trouble with Accounting Module, Post Distribute to GL.
Yeah, the CP must be before COO but not so long like that. The lead time for Manufacture is 2 days only!
I had tried deleting OE# line ~ COO line 7,8,9 then Merge again. With report, CP line 6,7,8 was deleted too, then Due date is OK.
I mean with COO7,8,9 with due date later than COO 1->6 but...
Hi Mr.Dgillz,
I used Master Schedule report By Details. Sorry for the short report, so I made it was not clearly!
As attachment report: I have 9 Order Entry (Customer Order)with due date from 22.Dec.2009 to 14.Dec.2010 with the same qty - 6912 pcs; When I run merge (Master Scheduling/Trx/...
Dear All,
Current, we get trouble when running Merge. The
The CP Order 136 - Due date: 01/06/10 and next CP 137 - due date is 07/05/10 and next is 01/04/10. Different with COO are in Jul/Sep/Nov/Dec.2010.
Could you help me to understand this problem? Thanks in advance!
Macola: 7.6.200 / SQL v.7
Dear All,
We use Progressive 7.6.200/SQL 2000 (on going to upgrade to 7.7.100)
Last month, our planner had made mistake when release POP (select Dependent Order Level instead Parent Order Level); Ex: POP 100/101/102.
Then when they made report production with POP 100 (mark Complete POP...
Dear Don,
Thank you for your information.
Yes, 7.6.300 is not "new version". We has not payment for maintenance long time ago; so with me, that is big amount!
Could you send the sevice patch for fix that error to me? Thanks in advance!
Thanks and regards,
Loc, Nguyen Tien.
Hi Don, you mean that problem came from application?
Yeah, the version has been used around 7 years ago. I have 7.6.300 before dis-continue payment for maintenance fee. But I have not upgrade cause I worry with new version.
Do you have patch for fix it?
Thank you for your information!
Dear All,
We use Mac Progessive 7.6.200 / SQL. As I know each time we received from PO, there are only 01 line Debit and 01 line Credit. But my case, some time I got double distribute.
I have attach file for more details.
Could you help me for analyze this problem? I have little skill on...
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