I would convert the number to a string using totext() and then use instr() to locate the position of the decimal point
if RIGHT(totext(fld),2) = "00" then [COLOR=red]<<checks that number has no cents [/color red]
left(totext(fld),(instr(totext(fld),".")-1)) [COLOR=red]<<locates decimal point...
I am trying to calclate an MTBF figure for a number of reported incidents. I am using the Previous(fld)Function to calclate the time elapsed between subsequent records:
( {@actual_clear_datetime}- Previous ({@actual_reported_datetime})) * 24
When I try to summarize the field to work out an...
Thanks for your help, Zhavic, I've tried that and I get the following error:
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
It looks like datetime expects a particular format: my string has been formatted to look like this...
I'm new to SQL so be gentle with me.
We have a system called Microsoft Great Plains, it uses Business Alerts which as SQL Query based. In order to write effective queries I run them in query analyzer and then paste them into MGP. Our vendor has carried out some bespoke work for us which has...
Thanks I tried it but Date is not recognised in my query analyzer.
This is the query I am using and the response.
select * from SVC00200
where SVC00200.SRVSTAT = '10A'
AND date(left(SVC00200.USERDEF2,10) & ' ' & RIGHT SVC00200.USERDEF2,8)) < getdate()...
Thanks very much, I must have dozed through that part of the course, I've never strayed into link options before and it has made a few things a little more clear.
I have changed my report and it now works as expected.
I do want to link the tables though. My main report has a couple of Parameter fields in it to prompt for a customer name and a Report Period Start and end Date. I am passing three Parameters between the reports. However I do not selct records using the parameters in sub-repot links, I untick...
I have a number of tables 4 in all. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by left join, but the table I add which causes the problem is SVC00100. I am linking from
{SVC00200.TECHID} to {SVC00100.TECHID} and placing {SVC00100.TECHNAME} into the report.
The link goes from the right side of...
I'm new to SQL so be gentle with me.
We have a system called Microsoft Great Plains, it uses Business Alerts which as SQL Query based. In order to write effective queries I run them in query analyzer and then paste them into MGP. Our vendor has carried out some bespoke work for us which has...
I am having a problem with Sub-reports. My main report searches for Customer Fault reports which are category 1 failures, I then have a number of sub-reports looking for Category 2,3,4 etc. If the main report does not return any records (legitimately) then the Sub-reports do not run. If I open...
I am having a problem when I carry out a query on an SQL database. Where I am looking to add a description from another table associated with a code, IE Personnel Number, and I want the Persons Name from another table.
If the first record does not have the Personnel number on it, because the...
I had a similar problem when installing BCMS server and it was caused by networking problems. When installing BCMS server the internal network of the PC must be working. I spoke to Avaya and they suggested that a good indication that the internal network is working is that the PC's NETBIOS name...
On V9 Si the TN2401 (netpkt/controller circuit pack) does indeed still hold the flash card, the processor pack also has DRAM on it in the form if SIM cards.
Thats right I want the Caller to hear a standard greeting. This is possible on a number of other ACD's, and I have heard that there is a workaround which works on Definity. This may be a myth.
I have also heard of a Headset MPA which can supply a recorded announcement.
I am aware of the...
Can anybody point me in the direction of any info regarding the VAL board IE "Voice Announcement over Lan board". I have heard that it exists but it seem illusive.
Does anybody know how to configure an automatic greeting for ACD agents. IE an announcement is played from an announcement board when and ACD agent answers a call. EG "Thank you for calling Acme Telecom, how can I help you" thus ensuring that all calls are answered in that way. I've...
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