I've been chasing this one for months. The lastest "solution" came after we noticed that it was predominatly win95 pc's. the Fix- exit to DOS (not a DOS WIndows) cd directory to c:\windows\ws2bakup and run ws2bakup.bat. It kicks The bejeuses out of IP problems until next time.
I have to import ascii into a Groupwise Address Book also. I plan to research it over Christmas. I have in the back of my mind that there is a converstion program free on www.novell.com/coolsolutions/gwmag/index.html or www.novellshareware.com . (I wish I had tagged it when I found It)
Good Luck
Thanks Dynamode.
This is our Msdos one. I am looking for a DRDOS One
What's Yours?
Mike, I'm having the same problem. With Netgear310's it worked but with Netgear 311, no go. Our old diskette is a win98 boot diskette with run.bat
maybe this will help
LOAD NGRPCI.LAN PORT=%2 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2...
When a Server boots, it runs<br>cd \nwserver<br>server.exe<br>Back a few years we had config.sys and autoexec.bat files that choose between Dos, dos with cd or Server.exe.<br>Of late we seem to have lost the DrDOS/Caldera programing skills. Have anybody got a batch file they would part with?<br>
Ken <br>
<A HREF="http://www.novell.com/groupwise/gw55ep/" TARGET="_new">http://www.novell.com/groupwise/gw55ep/</A><br>
It's one of those cases of Novell hiding it's light under a bushell.<br>
oops sorry <br>
EH = Novell Groupwise 5.5 Enhancement Pack<br>
New way = You get a pull down menu on you tool bar called Accounts. it works like Microsofts "accounts" under Outlook Express. <br>
We did get it working but PFA made us very nervious. Other things started not to work property. So we when to the Enhancement Pack. Bingo, the new way, not PFA, works, and Office 2000 works. <br>
NOTE A GOTCHA: Install the EP on the server, clean booted with nothing running else you get a...
I to am getting them. It seems to be from sources who send email from the blind copy with no name in the "to". Our errors seem to be all from the same supplier, as he/she will not admit the error may be at there end ie the messages done bonce, we haven't gone further.<br>
I will look...
Yes you can. But after spending three days getting it to work. There are some gotcha's. Out problems were with Netware connect and NAIS, From Netware 4 DHCP to NDS DHCP<br>
But when we finished the whole network (3 servers, 4.11,4.2,5.0 to 5.0,5.0 with DHCP and 4.11) went much fast and is very...
I also have just had this problem. My answer was that I had put in an extra board Com3 and used IRQ 7 (as there were not printers) IRQ 8 is the clock IRQ. Took the board out<br>
all OK
Has anybody written a shutdown NCF for NSBS? I seems the unload order is critical if you want it to actually down. If you just type down the only thing that will guarantee success is a good pray. Maybe this could be added in to the text of the NCF for added power?<br>
I have a sort of answer. <br>
The file WMS.EXE will install windoze messaging. This seems to interface with groupwise. It works, how someone may be able to tell me.<br>
wms.exe is to be found in the directory <br>
I would like to hear how it went.
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