Looking at the web pages for two differnt phone. One with the correct time. One with the incorrect time. Neither one seems to be showing the timezone on the webpage. Both show the time displayed on the phone.
This is really odd...
Thanks. The timezones are the same. I think the trouble is, when the CME was configured, the time was incorrectly set for EDT. When it arrived at site, discovered they are CDT. Changed it. Most 7961 phones are correct now. But there are still 3 that reflect the EDT time. Can't figure out how to...
I am installing a Cisco CME, and had to change the timezone information after the phones had been registered. At first, the phones didn't change, but a reset of the router did cause all phone currently registered to change to the correct time. However, phones that were not connected at the time...
Thanks for the suggestions. As requested:
Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-SPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(9)T7, )
CUE is version 2.2.2
ephone samples:
ephone-1 Mac:0021.5502.CB35 TCP socket:[7] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 5
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0...
Ah. I see. Not trying to be hostile, I just don't who you are.
It's an option for future deployment, but at the moment, business practices make this a better setup. Not ideal, but it gets the job done.
I just need to figure out why I cannot hit that CME's voicemail across the H.323. According...
I have been banging my head on this issue for days now. I have a Cisco Call Manager Express system at one of my locations. I have an H.323 connection to it, and I can get calls in and out with no problem. The problem I'm having is when incoming H.323 calls to that CME try to roll to voicemail, I...
Thanks. I first contacted Spectralink (now Polycom) and asked them if the RCH400 base stations were usable on a Link 150 system. As expected, the official answer was no.
I guess what I'm wondering is if there is an "unofficial" way of making them work on a Link 150 - i.e. dip-switch settings...
Is it possible to use a Spectralink RCH400 (Made for the link 3000 system) on a Link 125 system (which uses the RCC400). We have a few that were left by previous tenants, and would like to make use of them - if possible - on our Link 125 system. Anyone have any idea?
If 5 constitutes a private access code, then designate it as such in the Private Network section under Dialing Plan. Make sure your private received number length is set to 3.
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