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Search results for query: *

  1. MarkXaml

    Wait for keyboard input text sequence via C#

    I attached the OnPreviewDown method on the eventhandler "PreviewKeyDown" of the WPF window. In the case of Windows Forms, I would attach it to the form. If you want something outside of a running application, it looks like you may want something else (Windows Service?). Unfortunately, I'm not...
  2. MarkXaml

    Wait for keyboard input text sequence via C#

    Not a very elegant solution - and it needs some serious thought and refactoring, but this should get you started. Note: I just used a WPF handler in this example. readonly string magicCombination = "WNOP"; string keystrokes = string.Empty; private void...
  3. MarkXaml

    Jquery Dialog Form

    it looks like the jquery selector is looking for an element with the id "button", but the actual element's id is "Button1". good luck! -Mark
  4. MarkXaml

    ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more ... types

    You need to make sure the AjaxControlToolkit's reference has the property "Copy Local" = true. You can do this by expanding the references node in your solution explorer, right-clicking the AjaxControlToolkit reference and selecting "Properties". What this will do is include the .dll with the...
  5. MarkXaml

    Simplify code pls

    How will this work? value1 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OwnerCode) ? OwnerCode : string.Empty; value2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedCode) ? selectedCode : string.Empty; Good luck! -Mark
  6. MarkXaml

    IIS7 3 Websites, Only 1 Locally Visible

    You can try checking the host headers. If DNS is pointing to the same server, it is up to the host headers to send the request to the correct site - otherwise it will go to the default site. See how here. Good luck. -Mark
  7. MarkXaml

    How to learn HTML5, CSS & jQuery?

    The ASP.Net site has some good tutorials for you. They even have provided a video series for MVC via Pluralsight (link on the asp.net site off to the right). I've done the video series - it will touch SQL Server, HTML5 (only scratching the surface), and jQuery - along with code first entity...
  8. MarkXaml

    Putting assemblies in GAC---which machine if load-balanced?

    It is not uncommon to "bin deploy" any assemblies that aren't installed on the server. I've used this when using Go Daddy with libraries they don't have, such as RIA Services for Silverlight. It also comes in handy when using a 3rd party toolset, such as Telerik. When you take an upgrade, you...
  9. MarkXaml

    Newbie help

    Visual Studio has a starter project if you're planning on using web forms. In Visual Studio (or Web Developer Express): 1. File --> New Project... 2. Find ASP.NET Web Application in Visual C# (or Visual Basic)--> Web 3. Call it what you like and click OK 4. You will see the basic site...
  10. MarkXaml

    Expose Class Methods and Properties without instantiating

    That is correct... you need static methods in order to access them without an instance object. public class Telephone { public static string CleanTelephone(string StrValue) { string pattern = @"[^\d]"; string replacement = string.Empty...
  11. MarkXaml

    Calendar Control to Filter GridView . . .

    It looks like you're treating a date as a string. You will need to ensure the calendar control's selected date is in the format you're expecting. I suspect it is not. I don't know of a format property in the control, but you can make up a hidden field in the page and set it to the formatted...
  12. MarkXaml

    "Create_Date" format to save records

    Would it be possible to just set the default values of the database table's columns to getdate() and suser_sname()? Then, you just let nulls get inserted and the db will handle the rest. good luck! -Mark
  13. MarkXaml

    Hide one div and show another div via javascript.

    Phil is right, the generated html is best. My initial guess (which the html would show) is that since you have your div's running on the server, it may be making the clientID something other than "Results." It is probably something more like "ctl00_ResultsPanel_Results" If that is the case...
  14. MarkXaml

    How can I display a counter or progress bar on ASP.NET 4. 0 page, I can't use AJAX

    You can try using a background worker to accomplish this. See post here. Or a homegrown method found here. It is in C#, though. Good luck! -Mark
  15. MarkXaml

    LINQ help

    If you're not aggregating the data, are you using group by just to get a distinct set of values? you could try something like this: static void Main(string[] args) { var results = (from d in GetData() where d.Column0 == "NY" select new { d.Column0...
  16. MarkXaml

    Update Label on page load in web user control

    I'm not sure why you need a property at all. I'm not all that familiar with VB.Net, but depending on how you have the eventwireup set, you may need that "Handles Me.Load" in the Page_load event of the user control as well (I see it is in your webpage page_load event. Ideally, the user control...
  17. MarkXaml

    Update Label on page load in web user control

    I would add it to the page_load event. Sorry, it's not VB, but the syntax should be very similar. You should already have the page_load event in the code behind. This would be all of the code you need to set the value of the label. I used the shortdatestring. If you need the formatting you...
  18. MarkXaml

    ASP 4 Login page not picking up Site.Master Master page anymore

    I would check your web.config. if you added this code: <authorization> <deny users="?" /> <allow users="*" /> </authorization> It will reject any non-authenticated users from any page... including style sheets and javascript files. If you need to...
  19. MarkXaml

    .NET 4 running two sites 1 = TEST, 2 = Production, can I tell which is which in global.asax

    One more thought... If you're going to use debug/release configurations, you can also use compiler directives to display on screen whether you're in test or live. Of course, that doesn't have anything to do with the folder it's in or server it is on, just the configuration that was used to...
  20. MarkXaml

    .NET 4 running two sites 1 = TEST, 2 = Production, can I tell which is which in global.asax

    In Visual Studio 2010, you can use the web.config transforms to corral your connection strings. If you used the Web Application template, you should see that the Web.config is grouped with Web.Debug.config and Web.Release.config. When you publish, it uses your current configuration to...

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