I am currently using Crystal Enterprise 9 and we utilize ePortfolio to publish our reports. I created a report and published it, when I try to run the report I am getting the following error message:
Status: Failed
Printer: The instance is not printed.
External Destination: None...
Yes, I did the password consist of 5 characters, I notice when I select update the password field is populated with 7 characters.
I am thinking there is a policy that requires at least 7 characters.
Thank you, I tried to set the Database logon information by selecting "use original database logon information from the report" and I still got the following error:
Error Message: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. File...
Does anyone publish reports using eportfolio, when I try to run the report I receive and error message stating that the log on parameters are incorrect.
I have verified that the data source is created on the Enterprise server.
Ok if set my parameter to pull data for a specific date, CR pulls the correct information. If I select on the Parameter field the "range Value" I do not get any results, I do not know what I am doing wrong, please help.
This is what I have in my Record Selection Formual Editor...
I am using CR version 9, when I follow your steps listed above my formula has the following parameters:
{v_MROCorrection.RSD_Date} in Last7days
How do I modify this formula so it can allow me to select results for a specific day?
Thank you
I am trying to create a parameter to view results by date and time. When I create the parameter and pull it into the report, it does not display the date and time.
What I am missing?
Hi I am creating a report and I need to add multiple parameters: first I need to be prompted to pull the users name then I need to another prompt to pull a specific date range.
I created a parameter to pull just the username, I do get the prompt but when I select the username I do not get the...
I can get the time difference in hours and minutes, how can I modify my formula to show seconds as well?
Here is my formula:
numberVar dur := datediff("s",{v_MRODictation.RSD_DATE},{v_MROTranscribed.RSD_DATE}); //get the seconds between 2 dates
numberVar hrs;
numberVar min;
stringVar hhmm...
I am now able to get the time difference in seconds, how do i create the formula to translate seconds to hour,minutes and seconds?
Here is my formula:
Sorry for the confusion, I have two databases that I am trying to pull data from, one uses ODBC and the other is SQL. After I pull my tables and views in, i recieve the following error message "the program has encountered an error and will close".
Hope that explains it better!
I am trying to pull data from an ODBC database and an SQL database, when I pull the fields in and then try to run the report, Crystal Report throws an error message and then closes. Did anyone encounter this problem? I guess the other question would be can you pull information from these...
Hi Madawc,
Thank you very much for your fast response. I am a new user and this may be a really stupid question but here is my formula:
{v_MROTranscribed.RSD_DATE} - {v_MRODictation.RSD_DATE}
How do I use the DateDiff on this formula to get the difference in date and time?
Thank you.
I am having difficulties when trying to create a formula that will calculate the difference in hours-minutes-seconds. Here is the senario:
I am trying to find out the time span between an exam being dictated to transcribe.
Please help!
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