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Search results for query: *

  1. DerekAOE

    Dlookup not working if data is data is blank

    Glad to hear things worked out!
  2. DerekAOE

    Dlookup not working if data is data is blank

    Looking at your code, if you get an error the function will exit without a message (and appear to do nothing). To debug, place a Msgbox line in the error handler so you can see if there is an error... Err_cmdEmailNotification_Click: msgbox "Error! " & err.number & " : " & err.description...
  3. DerekAOE

    Dlookup not working if data is data is blank

    You don't say whether you get an error message of the fields are blank, or whether the fields are just empty. If the DLookup returns NULL you'll get an error assigning that value to a string variable. Wrap the Dlookup in an NZ to allow for this... strMyvar = nz(DLookup(....),"")
  4. DerekAOE

    Combine two queries

    If you want to combine two queries into a single result set you might consider creating a new query that uses 'UNION'. Both queries MUST return the same columns for this to work. Note that UNION queries will not display in the graphical query desing window, you'll have to define it in SQL view...
  5. DerekAOE

    Prompted for login when importing data via DoCmd.Transfertext

    I'm upsizing an existing Client/Server mdb app to ADP with SQL Server 2000. I understand that MDW security is not used with ADPs, though I have retained my local System.MDW file for existing user accounts for other MDBs on my PC. The problem is, when DoCmd.Transfertext is run in the ADP to...
  6. DerekAOE

    Prompt user for file name then save PDF using this name

    Is there a way to force a user to enter an alternative file name when they click 'Save' on a Read-Only PDF? I want to prompt them for a file name, then automatically save the PDF using that name. The default message when trying to save to a Read only file is a bit meaningless.
  7. DerekAOE

    Problems Automating Excel

    I am using VB to automate conversion of Spreadsheets to HTML files using Excel 2000. Problem is, when I've created my (hidden) instance of Excel using GetObject (complicated story, but using Shell then GetObject is the only way I could load the add-ins I need) if the user opens an xls file by...
  8. DerekAOE

    Remember favourites...

    Since the relationship between Employee and Project will be Many-To-Many (Employees can have many projects as favourite, and Projects can be the favourite of many Employees). The table should have an EmployeeID field and a ProjectID field, with an arbitrary key field (say, an autonumber). When...
  9. DerekAOE

    Trying to run Access97 and Access2000 Dual - major issue with Access97

    Hi I have also had these problems, and found that uninstalling BOTH versions of office, then installing 97 first followed by 2000 seems to work OK. I know of lots of people who had serious problems installing 97 after 2000. HTH
  10. DerekAOE

    Selecting a specific table cell

    Either create a query which filters for the name you want, or use the Filter property of the Report by entering what would the WHERE criteria i.e. "[Name]='Bob'. You will need to set the 'FilterOn' property of the report to Yes, though.
  11. DerekAOE

    Help with code in an Access module!!

    Firstly ensure that you have referenced the Excel Object Library. In VBA window, select Tools - References, then tick Excel n.0 Object Library in the list, where n is the version number (n=9 for Excel 2K). Secondly, you need to fully qualify the objects you are referencing so that Access knows...
  12. DerekAOE

    locked out of my database

    If you have set up a user in any Access DB on your PC, that user is saved in your system.mdw file, typically in the Win/System32 folder (though I have also known it to live in the Program Files/Common Files folder or similar). Just do a search for system.mdw. Any instance of Access you open...
  13. DerekAOE

    Zero length fields on Append Query

    You may have to apply different tests depending on the data type of the source field. I.e. for string fields apply your 'if=""' test, but for numeric fields I'm not sure that the test will detect the empty value. I would tend to use the Nz() function and apply the test after. For...
  14. DerekAOE

    Month Format

    There is also a MonthName function in Acc2K which returns the full name of the month corresponding to a number (1-12)
  15. DerekAOE

    Can't create MDE file in Access 2002 or 2000

    It may be that you have to fully qualify the Isloaded function. i.e. Application.CurrentProject.AllForms("frmCity").IsLoaded then...
  16. DerekAOE


    In the Change event of the group's frame, add : Msgbox MyFrame.Value This should give you the number corresponding to the Option you selected whenever you click an option button.
  17. DerekAOE

    Can't create MDE file in Access 2002 or 2000

    Chances are there are bugs in the code somewhere. Access won't make an MDE unless it can successfully compile the code, so open the VBA window and select Debug - Compile MyProject. If this works OK (or the Compile Option is greyed out) the MDE creation should work OK.
  18. DerekAOE

    NOT queries not working

    I have had similar problems, and found that Access doesn't like passing Nulls to functions that require a string. You may need to either filter out Null fields in your query (so you never pass a Null value to the function), or deal with them in the function (If not IsNull(YourStringVariable)...
  19. DerekAOE

    Spurious occurrence of 'You cannot carry out that action at this time'

    I have an Access 2000 DB which appears to work fine, but if left for a while without doing anything the message 'You cannot carry out this action at this time' appears when you click on anything or try to change data. You cannot even close the form. The only way out seems to be quitting via Task...

Part and Inventory Search
